Search results: 5,737 entries found.

IV.2 11257 (temporary)
Parium  Mysia Asia (conventus of Cyzicus)
Æ (32 mm) 16.63 g. Group 4 (c. 166–180)
IMP CAES M AVR[E] [; bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with long curls?) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear
C G I H P[AR?]; Ceres/Demeter standing, right, holding long torch with both hands; coiling around bottom of torch, serpent
IV.2 11256 (temporary)
Parium  Mysia Asia (conventus of Cyzicus)
Æ (32 mm) 18.79 g. Group 4 (c. 166–180)
IMP CAES M AV[IRE(sic)] A[NTONINVS AYG]; bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with long curls?) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear
C G I H P[AR?]; Parios(?) advancing, right, attacking boar with spear; above boar, tree
IV.2 17293 (temporary)
Parium  Mysia Asia (conventus of Cyzicus)
Æ (19 mm) 4.28 g. Group 3 (c. 161–165 or later)
IMP CAES AVR ANTONIN AVG; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with short curls?) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear
C G I H [PAR?]; Ceres/Demeter advancing, right, holding torch in each hand
IV.2 11255 (temporary)
Parium  Mysia Asia (conventus of Cyzicus)
Æ (32 mm) 18.59 g. Group 3 (c. 161–165 or later)
[IMP CAES M AVRE] ANΤ[ONIN][VS AVG?]; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with short curls?) with traces of drapery, right
C G [I H] PAR; to left, statue of Ceres/Demeter advancing, right, holding torch in each hand, on tall column; to right, Genius standing, left, holding Victoria/Nike(?) over altar and cornucopia
IV.1 4728 (temporary)
Apamea  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 5.25 g.
[ ] [AVRELI?] ANT[O]NIN A[; laureate-headed bust(?) of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right
C I C A D D; fish with open mouth (dried tunny?), right
Rec 54 1
IV.1 4727 (temporary)
Apamea  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 4.36 g.
IMP CAE ANT[O]NI; bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C I C A D D; she-wolf standing, right, head, left, feeding twins
Rec 53, Cop 334 4
IV.1 4725 (temporary)
Apamea  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 4.71 g.
IMP CAE ANTΩNI(sic); bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C I C A D D; galley with rowers, right
Rec 50, BMC 25 3
IV.1 17501 (temporary)
Apamea  Bithynia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 3.80 g.
IMP CAE ANTΩNI(sic); bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C I C A D D; serpent erect, right
Rec — 1
IV.1 4944 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 161–176
FAVSTIN AVG (Vs shaped as U); draped bust of Faustina II, right
C I F CINOPE(sic) ANN CCVII (V shaped as U); Genius standing, right, resting arm on column, holding cornucopia
Rec 119, GM 596, no. 113 1
IV.1 10479 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 3.53 g.
ANTONINO(sic); bare head of Marcus Aurelius, right
C I F S; fish with open mouth (dried tunny?), right
IV.1 4938 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 3.64 g.
ANTONINO(sic); bare head of Marcus Aurelius, right
C I F S; winged caduceus
Rec 114a corr. 2
IV.1 9579 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 3.47 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (161–169)
VE[ (V shaped as U); bare head of Lucius Verus, right
C I F S; winged caduceus
No image
IV.1 4939 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
L AVREL VELVS(sic) CΔΕSAR (sic) (?); laureate-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C I F SINOPE; shrine(?) with two columns enclosing statue of Nemesis standing, left, plucking chiton, holding cubit rule; at her feet, wheel
Rec 114b corr. 1
IV.1 4942 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 14.29 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (161–169)
IMP AVREL AN VERo AVG (Vs shaped as U); head of Marcus Aurelius (on right) and draped bust of Lucius Verus (on left), facing each other
C I F SINOPE AN(N) CCVII (V shaped as U); draped bust of Sarapis wearing kalathos, right
Rec 117 2
IV.1 4941 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 13.72 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (c. 161–162)
IMP AVREL ANTONINO AVG (Vs shaped as U); laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C I F SINOPE ANN CCVII (V shaped as U); draped busts of Sarapis and Isis jugate, right
Rec 116 corr. 1
IV.1 4940 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 14.23 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (c. 161–162)
IMP AVREL ANTONINO AVG (Vs shaped as U); laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
C I F SINOPE ANN CCVII (V shaped as U); draped bust of Sarapis wearing kalathos, right
Rec 115 corr. 4
IV.1 4945 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 7.44 g. 161–176
FAVSTINAE AVG (Vs shaped as U); draped bust of Faustina II, right
C I F SINOPE ANN CCVII (V shaped as U); Genius standing, right, resting arm on column, holding cornucopia
Rec 120 1
IV.1 4946 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 6.80 g. 161–176
FAVSTIN(AE) AVG (Vs shaped as U); draped bust of Faustina II, right
C I F SINoPE ANN CCVII (Vs shaped as U); turreted female figure standing, left, holding short staff
Rec 121 and 121a 5
IV.1 4943 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 7.16 g. 161–176
[ ]; draped bust of Faustina II, right
C I F SIN[ ] CCIIII; herm (bearded) standing, facing, holding laurel-branch and caduceus
Rec 118 1
IV.1 17250 (temporary)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ 12.57 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (161–169)
IMP [AVREL AN VERo A]VG (Vs shaped as U); head of Marcus Aurelius (on right) and draped bust of Lucius Verus (on left), facing each other
C I F S[INOPE ANN CCVII?] (V shaped as U); male figure (empror) on horseback, right, holding spear horizontally
Rec — 1