Æ (14 mm) 2.53 g. before 27 BC?
V V; bare head, right
OSCA; Pegasus, right
Vives 136–2, Hill 27–2, GMI 610 10
Æ (23 mm) 7.51 g.
[ ]; bare head, right
[ ]; bull butting, left
Æ (17 mm) 4.87 g.
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; bare head, right
ΚΗωΝ; Apollo standing right playing lyre
bare head, right
ΤΑΝΑ; Apollo standing, facing, with laurel branch and bow
bare head, right
ΤΑΝΑ; Hermes Kriophoros carrying ram
bare head, right
ΤΑΝΑ; male figure standing, holding spear and sword on shield
Æ (17 mm) 5.23 g.
ΣΕΒΑ[; bare head, right
ithyphallic herm, right; uncertain object/letter/monogram in lower right field
AMC 1192 corr. 3
Q; bare head, right
FETIA; two (?togate) figures, sacrificing a pig
GRMK 281 20
Leaded bronze (15 mm) 2.09 g.
ΝΕΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ; bare head, right
ΚΥΖΙ; capricorn, right, with head turned back; all in wreath
FITA 358 12
Leaded bronze (13 mm) 1.81 g. Augustus?
bare head, right
ΔΑ[Ρ]; horseman trotting, right
BMC 25 1
Æ (13 mm) 1.76 g. Augustus?
bare head, right
ΔΑΡ; horseman galloping, right
Æ (14 mm) 2.75 g. Augustus?
bare head, right
ΔΑΡΔΑ(ΝΕ); female figure advancing, right, holding spear (?) on shoulder
Leaded bronze (14 mm) 2.33 g. Augustus?
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; bare head, right
ΔΑΡΔΑΝΕ; helmeted (?) figure advancing, right, holding ?
NC 1929, 17, no. 20 corr. 4
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; bare head, right
ϹΚΗΨΙΩΝ; facing head of Dionysus
Æ (16 mm) 3.53 g. Augustus?
ΣΕΒΑΣ-ΤΟΣ; bare head, right
ΑΛΑΒΑΝ-ΔΕΩΝ; female head, right (of Livia?)
Æ (13 mm) 2.79 g.
Σ[ ]; bare head, right
ΓΟΡΤ[ ]; Artemis drawing bow, right, star in field, left
Æ (12 mm) 2.04 g.
bare head, right
VICTORIA; palm branch and club
FITA 54 1
Æ (11 mm) 2.42 g.
CAESAR; bare head, right
star and crescent
Æ (14 mm) 3.99 g.
bare head, right
ϹΚ[--]/ΠΙωΝ; legend in two lines
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; bare head, right
ΕΥΡΩΜΕΩΝ; stag, right
RPC I, p. 461. Intro. 2 1