No image
bare head of Augustus, left
ΜΔ ΒΤ; male head, right;
N.A. Frolova, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii I (Moscow, 1979), pp. 139–47, MacDonald 260 0
No image
bare head of Augustus, left
ΜΔ ΓΤ; male head, right;
No image
bare head of Augustus, left
ΜΔ ΔΤ; male head, right;
N.A. Frolova, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii I (Moscow, 1979), pp. 139–47, MacDonald 262 0
bare head of Augustus, left
ΚΝΕ ΕΤ; male head, right;
N.A. Frolova, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii I (Moscow, 1979), pp. 139–47, MacDonald 263 1
bare head of Augustus, left
ΚΝΕ ϚΤ; male head, right;
N.A. Frolova, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii I (Moscow, 1979), pp. 139–47, MacDonald 264 1
bare head of Augustus, left
ΠΑΡ ΖΤ; male head, right;
N.A. Frolova, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii I (Moscow, 1979), pp. 139–47, MacDonald 265 1
No image
bare head of Augustus, left
ΠΑΡ ΙΤ; male head, right;
N.A. Frolova, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii I (Moscow, 1979), pp. 139–47, MacDonald 266 0
No image
bare head of Augustus, left
ΜΔ ΙΤ; male head, right;
MacDonald 267 0
Æ (16 mm) 7.12 g.
AVGVSTVS; bare head of Augustus, right
OB CIVIS SERVATOS; shield and wreath
ΑΥΓοΥϹΤοϹ ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΙΚΟΠοΛΕωϹ; Nike advancing, right, holding wreath and palm-branch
Oikonomidou, Augustus 51–2, BMC 7 3
ΑΥΓοΥϹΤοϹ ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Asclepius standing, left, holding serpent-staff
Oikonomidou, Augustus 49, Cop 59 6
ΑΥΓοΥϹΤοϹ ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ; Athena standing, left, holding patera, resting arm on shield; behind shield, upright spear
Oikonomidou, Augustus 50 3
ΑΥΓοΥϹΤοϹ ΚΤΙϹΤΗϹ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΝΙΚοΠΟΛΕωϹ; Homonoia standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding patera and cornucopia
Oikonomidou, Augustus 54, BMC 8 2
Ο ΔΗΜΟϹ ΑΞΙΟΧΟΝ; bare head of Axiochos, right
ΜΙΛΗΤΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ; helmeted bust of Athena, wearing aegis, right
GRMK 48, FITA 391 7
DIVOS IVLIVS; bare head of Caesar, right
GENIVM; Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
DIVO IVLIO; bare head of Caesar, right
D D; wolf and twins, right
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 5.83 g. Caligula (?)
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Caligula (?), left
ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΩΝ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΣ ΚΩΚΟΥ; Apollo standing, left, with raven and laurel
Robert H 11
Æ (16 mm) 3.38 g. Caligula (?)
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; bare head of Caligula (?), right
ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΑΤΩΝ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟϹ ΚΩΚΟΥ; Zeus seated, left, with Nike and sceptre
Robert I 8
COMMOD[; bare head of Commodus (youthful), right
C [L] I C[O]R; detail of fountain of Peirene: statue of Scylla with fish-tail and two dog-foreparts kneeling on base, facing, head, left, raising right arm to throw stone, extending left arm; to right, small basin
ΔΗΜΟϹ ΙΕΡΑΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; bare head of Demos, right
Μ ΑΝ ΚΑΛΙΚΛΗϹ ΚΑΛΟΥ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ, ΙΡΗΝΗ; Eirene seated left, holding corn ears in right hand and sceptre in left