Search results: 638 entries found.

I 1284
Dyme  Peloponnesus Achaea
Bronze (19 mm) 4.40 g. 40 BC
C ARRI A F C IVL TANG C I D; helmeted head of Pallas/Athena, right
IIVIR QVINQ EX D D; fasces and sella curulis
FITA 264 (2), Amandry, RN 1981, 51, II 5
I 1286
Dyme  Peloponnesus Achaea
Bronze (21 mm) 5.68 g. Octavian (31–27 BC)
C IVLI CALAMO L AEMIL LA[ ]; bare head of Octavian, right
IIVIR[ ]DIMEN[ ]; diademed head of Caesar, right
Amandry, RN 1983, 55–6 2
I 147
Carthago Nova  Hispania Tarraconensis
Æ (20 mm) 4.90 g. about the middle and second half of the first century BC
C CAEDI T POPILI; dolphin, right
IIVIR QVIN; palm branch, left
Vives 130–2, Beltrán 2, NAH 910 61
I 530
Cabellio  Gaul Gallia Narbonensis
Æ (13 mm) 1.20 g.
COL CABE; turreted head of Tyche, right; below, three dots
BN 2550–62 27
I 1119
Corinth  Corinthia Achaea
Æ (19 mm) 4.17 g. 42 or 41 BC
CORINT, Q (in field r.); Victory advancing, right, holding palm in left hand
INST L CAS IIVIR; chimera, left
BMC 526–8, Amandry IIIb, pp. 126–7 51
I 858
Tingi  Africa Mauretania
Æ (19 mm) 38–33 BC
ear of corn
Maz 621, Amandry Ib, Alexandropoulos 163 2
I 5407
Uncertain  Uncertain Uncertain
Æ (25 mm) 13.82 g.
CAESAR IMP DICT COS; diademed head of Caesar, right
IVL [GEM] M [F]E[R]IDIVS IIVIR EX D D; Athena (?) holding Victory, left
I 153
Carthago Nova  Hispania Tarraconensis
Æ (15 mm) 3.40 g. about the middle and second half of the first century BC
L ACILIVS; patera and lituus
Vives 130–8, Beltrán 11, NAH 917 4
I 152
Carthago Nova  Hispania Tarraconensis
Æ (21 mm) 5.57 g. about the middle and second half of the first century BC
L IVNIVS II VIR QVIN(Q) AVG(VR); eagle standing on thunderbolt, right; in front, lituus
L ACILIVS II VIR QVIN(Q) AVG(VR); patera, jug, and lituus
Vives 130–7, Beltrán 10, GMI 164, NAH 916 60
I 154
Carthago Nova  Hispania Tarraconensis
Æ (20 mm) 6.12 g. about the middle and second half of the first century BC
Vives 130–9, Beltrán 12, NAH 918 9
I 114
Carteia  Hispania Baetica
Copper + lead (20 mm) 5.63 g. 30 BC?
EX D D; head of Victory, right
Vives 128–3, Chaves 999–1021 25
I 115
Carteia  Hispania Baetica
Æ (20 mm) 6.03 g. 30 BC?
EX D D; head of Apollo, right
Vives 128–4, Chaves 1022–45 26
I 1458
Bronze (15 mm) 2.90 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; janiform head probably featuring Antony and Octavian
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG; stern of prow, three dots in field
RSN 1986, 83, F 2
I 1453
Leaded bronze (36 mm) 23.12 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; bare head of Antony, left, facing right; and bust of Octavia, right, facing left
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, HS (at l.) Δ (below); a quadriga of hippocamps to right, surmounted by two drivers (Antony and Octavia?); square objects (astragalus?)
RSN 1986, 80–1, A 13
I 1459
Leaded bronze (30 mm) 11.78 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', light series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; bare head of Antony, left, facing right; and bust of Octavia, right, facing left
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, HS (at l.) Δ (below); a quadriga of hippocamps to right, surmounted by two drivers (Antony and Octavia?); square objects (astragalus?)
RSN 1986, 83–4, A 17
I 1456
Æ (23 mm) 10.80 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; jugate heads of Antony and Octavia, right
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Α (below); one ship under sail to right, head of Medusa (?)
RSN 1986, 82–3, D 19
I 1455
Leaded bronze (29 mm) 13.33 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; bare head of Antony, left, facing right; and bust of Octavia, right, facing left
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Β (below); two ships under sail, right; above, two caps of Dioscuri
RSN 1986, 82, C 15
I 1460
Leaded bronze (22 mm) 7.51 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', light series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; bare head of Antony, left, facing right; and bust of Octavia, right, facing left
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Β (below); two ships under sail, right; above, two caps of Dioscuri
RSN 1986, 84, B 12
I 1461
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 5.05 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', light series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; jugate heads of Antony and Octavia, right
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Β (below); one ship under sail to right, head of Medusa (?)
RSN 1986, 84, C 8
I 1454
Æ (33 mm) 17.02 g. Mark Antony's 'fleet coinage', heavy series
M ANT IMP TER COS DES ITER ET TER IIIVIR R P C; busts of Antony and Octavian at left, facing right; bust of Octavia, right, facing left
L ATRATINVS AVGVR COS DESIG, Γ (below); three ships under sail, right; triskeles
RSN 1986, 81, B 7