Search results: 638 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 535
Gallia Narbonensis Matavonium laureate head of Apollo, right MATA capricorn holding globe with cornucopia on back, right; rudder below
I 673
Sicily Melita veiled female head (Astarte?) with stephane, right MELITAS tripod
I 674
Sicily Melita veiled female head (Astarte?) with stephane, left MELITAS tripod
I 2253
Asia Parium C G P I female head wearing stephane, right MVC PIC IIII I D D D praefericulum
I 2254AA
Asia Parium C G P I plough; beneath, ear of corn MVC PIC IIII I D D D in three lines
I 661
Sicily Henna L MVNATIVS M CESTIVS veiled head of Ceres with corn ears, left; behind, torch MVN HENNAE Pluto and Proserpina in quadriga, right
I 511
Gallia Lugdunensis Lugdunum COPIA FELIX turret head of the city goddess with cornucopia MVNATIA a galloping bull, left, checked by Hercules; in the field, right, a club
I 519
Gallia Narbonensis Nemausus helmeted and draped bust, right NEM COL inscription in wreath
I 520
Gallia Narbonensis Nemausus S helmeted and draped bust, right NEM COL Hygieia/Valetudo/Salus standing, left, left arm on a column, holding patera over two serpents
I 521
Gallia Narbonensis Nemausus Q helmeted and draped bust, right NEM COL inverted urn between two palms
I 1378AA
Achaea Buthrotum two fishes NEPOS ET SILVIVS PRAE I D in three lines
I 1124
Achaea Corinth Mark Antony CORINT bare head of Antony, left P AEBVTIO C PINNIO IIVIR prow, left
I 1125
Achaea Corinth CORINT head of Neptune, right P AEBVTIO C PINNIO IIVIR chimera, left
I 1126
Achaea Corinth CORINT head of Neptune, right P AEBVTIO C PINNIO IIVIR in a wreath of pine
I 111
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right, trident behind P FALCIDI IIIIVIR winged thunderbolt between two lines
I 112
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right, trident behind P FALCIDIVS IIIIVIR (EX S C) F C club, bow and quiver
I 907
Cyrenaica and Crete Unlocated mint of Crete P LEPIDIVS PRO Q, ΛΙ-ΒΥΗ (in field) bust of Libya, right P LEPIDIVS P F PRO Q (with variants), ΚΡΗΤΑ (under bust or in field) bust of Artemis with bow and quiver
I 264
Tarraconensis Lepida-Celsa COL VIC IVL LEP helmeted head of Mars (?), right P SALPA M FVLVI PR IIVIR butting (or running) bull, right
I 2155
Bithynia-Pontus Uncertain mint of Pontus/Paphlagonia PROPR head of Tyche, right P SVLPICIVS Q F RVFVS owl with outstretched wings standing on crab
I 1117
Achaea Corinth CORINTHVM Bellerophon, wearing petasus and chlamys, striding right and seizing Pegasus, right, by the bridle, before a porch P TADI CHILO C IVLI NICEP IIVIR Neptune naked, seated right, on rock and resting on long trident