Search results: 3,902 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
Thrace Bizya draped bust of Poseidon (?), right ΒΙΖΥΗΝΩΝ Artemis advancing right, drawing arrow from quiver with her right hand and holding bow in her left hand
III 738
Thrace Bizya Head of Demeter (?), right, wearing wreath ΒΙΖΥΗΝΩΝ basket with poppy between two ears of corn
III 956
Northern Black Sea Chersonesus bust of Chersonas, left ΡΝΗ Maiden standing, right with bow and spear; in left field, monogram
III 1529
Asia Cyzicus Bust of Kore Soteira right, wearing corn-wreath; all within wreath of corn ΚΥ/ΖΙ in an oak-wreath (or laurel-wreath)
III 1530
Asia Cyzicus Βust of Kore Soteira right, wearing corn-wreath; All within wreath of corn Κ-Υ/Ζ-Ι Telesphorus standing facing
III 1531
Asia Cyzicus bust of Kore Soteira right, wearing corn-wreath; All within wreath of corn ΚΥΖΙ bull, right
III 1532
Asia Cyzicus Βust of Kore Soteira right, wearing corn-wreath; all within wreath of corn ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ Triton, right holding rudder and tuna fish
III 2027
Asia Hypaepa laureate bust of young Heracles, right, lion skin around neck ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ ΕΠΙ ΑΘΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ bow in case and club
III 2424AA
Asia Maeonia Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right ΕΠΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΑΝΟΥ ΜΑΙΟΝΩΝ two draped figures clasping hands: female figure at left (Demeter?), clad with long chiton, holding grain (?) in left; male figure (Emperor?) veiled and togate, resting with left on sceptre
III 2427AA
Asia Maeonia laureate and draped bust of Heracles, right ΕΠΙ ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΟΥ ΜΑΙΟΝΩΝ club and bow in quiver
III 2478
Asia Traianopolis bust of Athena with crested Corinthian helmet and aegis, right ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ Nike walking left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm on her left shoulder
III 2479
Asia Traianopolis bust of Athena with crested Corinthian helmet and aegis, right ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ cult statue of Artemis Ephesia with supports
III 2480
Asia Traianopolis bust of Heracles, right lion skin around neck ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ Nike standing right, holding wreath in her right hand, palm on her left shoulder
III 2510AA
Asia Aezani bare-headed draped bust of Hermes, right, caduceus behind neck ΑΙΖΑΝΕΙΤΩΝ bucranium surmounted by crescent above which are two stars, one above the other
III 2510BB
Asia Aezani bare-headed draped bust of Hermes, right, caduceus behind neck ΑΙΖΑΝΕΙΤΩΝ eagle standing facing, wreath in beak, with outstretched wings
III 2556AA
Asia Iulia Gordus draped bust of Artemis, right, with bow over shoulder ΙΟΥΛΙΕωΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΕωΝ amphora
III 2576
Asia Dionysopolis head of Silenus crowned with ivy-leaves and berries right ΔΙΟΝΥϹΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ cista mystica with half-open lid, from which serpent issues left; behind cista, thyrsus slanting left
III 2709
Lycia-Pamphylia Sillyum Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right ϹΙΛΛΥΕωΝ Apollo standing right with lyre
III 3147AA
Galatia-Cappadocia Caesarea Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right ΕΤ Ε club in wreath
III 3157
Galatia-Cappadocia Caesarea Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right ΚΑΙϹΑ-ΡΕωΝ club