Search results: 530 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 111
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right, trident behind P FALCIDI IIIIVIR winged thunderbolt between two lines
I 112
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right, trident behind P FALCIDIVS IIIIVIR (EX S C) F C club, bow and quiver
I 116
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right, trident behind IIIIVIR EX D D Cupid riding dolphin, right
I 117
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right, trident behind IIIIVIR EX D D Cupid riding dolphin, left
I 118
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right, trident behind D D Cupid riding dolphin, right
I 119
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA dolphin, left, with trident IIIIVIR D D rudder
I 120
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right D D fisherman seated on rock, left
I 121
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right D D fisherman seated on rock, right
I 122
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right D D Neptune standing, left, holding dolphin and trident
I 122AA
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA head of Fortuna, right D D Apollo seated right, on rock, head left, holding lyre resting on his lap
I 113
Baetica Carteia CARTEIA EX D D head of Fortuna, right C MAIVS C F POLLIO IIIIVIR winged caduceus
I 477AA
Tarraconensis Consabrum Augustus CERES FRVGIFERA veiled head of Ceres, left CONSABR magistrate ploughing, left, with two oxen
I 169
Tarraconensis Carthago Nova CN ATELLIVS PONTI II V Q(V) apex, securis, aspergillum, and simpulum IVBA REX IVBAE F II V Q(V) crown of Isis
I 199CC
Tarraconensis Saguntum CN BAEBI (GLAB) L CALPVRN AED C(OL) (S) head of Roma in winged helmet, right SAGV prow, right; Victory above; in front, winged caduceus
I 251
Tarraconensis Emporiae CN C GR L C F(A) Q head of Athena, right EMPOR(IT) pegasus, right; above, wreath
I 250
Tarraconensis Emporiae CN C P C M A Q head of Athena, right EMPORIT pegasus, right; above, wreath
I 483
Uncertain Uncertain of Spain Gnaeus Statius Libo CN STATI LIBO PRAEF bare head of Gnaeus Statius Libo, right SACERDOS patera and praefericulum
I 269
Tarraconensis Lepida-Celsa Augustus COL V I CELSA IIVIR bare head of Augustus, right L POMPE BVCCO L CORNE FRONT(O) bull, right
I 263
Tarraconensis Lepida-Celsa COL VIC IVL LEP female head (of Venus?), right L NEP L SVRA PR IIVIR bull, right
I 264
Tarraconensis Lepida-Celsa COL VIC IVL LEP helmeted head of Mars (?), right P SALPA M FVLVI PR IIVIR butting (or running) bull, right