Search results: 530 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 103
Baetica Iulia Traducta Lucius L CAES bare head of Lucius, right IVL TRAD ear of barley
I 104
Baetica Iulia Traducta Lucius L CAES bare head of Lucius, left IVL TRAD ear of barley
I 105
Baetica Iulia Traducta Lucius L CAES bare head of Lucius, right IVL TRA bunch of grapes
I 324
Tarraconensis Caesaraugusta Augustus L CAESAR AVGV F bare head of Augustus, right MN KAN IT L TITIO IIVIR inscription within wreath
I 153
Tarraconensis Carthago Nova L IVNIVS jug L ACILIVS patera and lituus
I 152
Tarraconensis Carthago Nova L IVNIVS II VIR QVIN(Q) AVG(VR) eagle standing on thunderbolt, right; in front, lituus L ACILIVS II VIR QVIN(Q) AVG(VR) patera, jug, and lituus
I 246
Tarraconensis Emporiae L M RVF P C Q head of Athena, right EMPOR(IT) pegasus, right; above, wreath
I 256
Tarraconensis Emporiae M A B M F (M) Q head of Athena, right EMPO(RI) pegasus, right; above, wreath
I 381
Tarraconensis Caesaraugusta Agrippa M AGRIPPA L F COS III head of Agrippa, left, wearing rostral crown C C A SCRIPIONE ET MONTANO IIVIR priest ploughing with yoke of oxen, right
I 386
Tarraconensis Caesaraugusta Agrippa M AGRIPPA L F COS III head of Agrippa, left, wearing rostral crown C C A TIVLLO ET MONTANO IIVIR priest ploughing with yoke of oxen, right
I 199BB
Tarraconensis Saguntum M FABI AED - M AEMILI head of Roma in winged helmet, right SAGV prow, right; Victory above; in front, caduceus
I 247
Tarraconensis Emporiae M O (H) L A (F) Q head of Athena, right EMPOR pegasus, right; above, wreath
I 53AA
Lusitania Baesuri M AN (or AV?) ANT ET CONL two lines above, fish BAESVRI two corn ears
I 487
Uncertain Gnaeus and Sextus Pompey's bronze mint(s) MAGNVS, PIVS IMP F laureate head of Janus; in centre, altar EPPIVS, LEG prow, right
I 451CC
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus MV CAL IVL bare head of Augustus, right C BALBO L PORCIO bull, right
I 437
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus MVN CAL IIVIR bare head of Augustus, right MN MEMMI(VS) L IVNI(VS) bull, right
I 440
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus MVN CAL(AG) IMP AVGVS(TV)(S) bare head of Augustus, right C MAR M VAL PR IIVIR bull, right
I 436
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus MVN CAL IIVIR bare head of Augustus, right Q AEM C POST M(I)L bull, right
I 438
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus MVN CAL IIVIR bare head of Augustus, right Q ANTONI L FABI bull, right
I 451BB
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus MVN CAL IIVIR bare head of Augustus, right L POMPE BVCCO L CORNE FRONT(O) bull, right