Search results: 530 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 411
Tarraconensis Turiaso Augustus IMP AVGVSTVS PATER PATRIAE laureate head of Augustus, right MVN TVRIASO L MARIO L NOVIO, IIVIR oak wreath
I 314
Tarraconensis Caesaraugusta Augustus IMP AVGVSTVS XIV laureate head of Augustus, left, simpulum and lituus to left CAESARAVGVS(TA) M PORCI CN FAD IIVIR priest ploughing, right
I 210
Tarraconensis Tarraco Augustus IMP CAES AVG TR POT PON MAX P P laureate head of Augustus, right C V T C L CAES AVG F facing heads of Gaius and Lucius
I 215
Tarraconensis Tarraco Augustus IMP CAES AVG TR POT PON MAX P P laureate head of Augustus, right TI CAESAR C V T bare head of Tiberius, right
I 447
Tarraconensis Calagurris Augustus IMP CAESAR AVGVSTVS P P laureate head of Augustus, right M CAL I C SEMP BARBA III Q BAEB FLAVO IIVIR bull, right
I 259
Tarraconensis Ilerda IMP CAESAR DIVI F bare head, right MVN ILERDA she-wolf, right
I 278
Tarraconensis Lepida-Celsa Augustus IMP CAESAR DIVI F AVGVSTVS COS XII laureate head of Augustus, right C V I CEL CN DOMIT(IO) C POMPEI(O) IIVIR bull, right
I 193
Tarraconensis Ilici Augustus IMP CAESARI DIVI F AVGVSTO laureate head of Augustus, right C I IL A Q PAPIR CAR Q TERE MONT IIVIR Q, IVNONI (on architrave) temple with four columns
I 64
Baetica Italica Tiberius IMP TI CAESAR AVGVSTVS PON MAX bare head of Tiberius, right [M]VNIC ITALIC PERM DI[VI] AVG, PROVIDENTIAE AVGVSTI altar inscribed
I 481
Tarraconensis Ebusus INS AVG 𐤀𐤉𐤁𐤔𐤌 Bes standing, holding hammer and serpent INS AVG 𐤀𐤉𐤁𐤔𐤌 Bes standing, holding hammer and serpent
I 55
Baetica Irippo Augustus IRIPPO beardless male head (of Augustus?), right; type and legend in wreath female figure seated left, holding cornucopia and pine cone; all in wreath
I 56
Baetica Irippo Augustus IRIPPO beardless male head (of Augustus?), left; type and legend in wreath female figure seated left, holding cornucopia and pine cone; all in wreath
I 57
Baetica Irippo Augustus IRIPPO beardless male head (of Augustus?), right; type and legend in wreath nude male figure standing, holding grapes
I 484
Uncertain Uncertain of Spain IVL rectangular board, fasces on the side altar (?) with three crossed parallel lines coming from opposite corners, perhaps a letter R right, and with a vertical line from the top of altar
I 199AA
Tarraconensis Saguntum L AEM [-] BAE AED COL female helmeted head, right SAGV prow, right; in front, caduceus
I 155
Tarraconensis Carthago Nova L APPVLEI RVF QVINQ aquila between two signa C MAECI QVIN(I)Q(V) galley, right, with sceptre tied with fillet on prow
I 162
Tarraconensis Carthago Nova Augustus L BEN PRAE IMP CAES QVIN bare head of Augustus?, right HIBERO PRAEF trophy
I 163
Tarraconensis Carthago Nova Augustus L BEN PRAE IMP CAES QVIN bare head of Augustus?, right Q VARIO PRAEF trophy
I 165
Tarraconensis Carthago Nova L BENNIO PRAEF palm branch HIBERO PRAEF simpulum
I 240
Tarraconensis Emporiae L C C R Q head of Athena, right EMPORI(T) pegasus, right; above, wreath