Bronze (20 mm) 7.41 g. AD 68–9
SENATV P Q R; veiled and diademed bust, right
L CAN(I) AGRIPPAE IIVI(R) COR; Victory holding wreath and palm, left
Amandry XXIV 20, 27, 32, 39, 43, 46, 53 pp. 232–4 28
Bronze (20 mm) 7.08 g. AD 68–9
SVL GAL(VAE) CAE (or CAE) AVG (or AVG) IMP; bare head of Galba, right
L CAN(I) AGRIPPAE IIVI(R) COR; Victory holding wreath and palm, left
Amandry XXIV 18, 21–4, 28, 33–4, 37, 40–1, 47–9, 54–6, pp. 232–4 44
Bronze (20 mm) 6.67 g. AD 68–9
NEPTVNO AVG; head of Neptune, right, bound with taenia; trident behind neck
L CAN(I) AGRIPPAE IIVI(R) COR; Victory holding wreath and palm, left
Amandry XXIV 29, pp. 233 1
Bronze (20 mm) 7.74 g. AD 68–9
ROMAE ET IMPERIO; turreted head of Tyche/Roma, right
L CAN(I) AGRIPPAE IIVI(R) COR; Victory holding wreath and palm, left
Amandry XXIV 19, 25–6, 30–1, 35–6, 38, 42, 44–5, 50–2, 57 pp. 232–4 30
Æ (21 mm) 7.33 g. AD 21–2
P CANINIO AGRIPPA IIVIR QVINQ; bare head of Drusus Minor (?), right
L CASTRICIO REGVLO IIVIR QVINQ COR; Livia veiled, seated, right, holding patera and sceptre
BMC 523–4, Amandry XV I, pp. 165–7 19
Bronze (23 mm) 9.86 g. 44 or 43 BC
LAVS IVLI CORINT; laureate head of Caesar, right
L CERTO AEFICIO C IVLI(O) IIVIR; Bellerophon wearing petasus, mounted on Pegasus flying, right, and striking downwards with spear
BMC 485–9, Amandry I, pp. 120–2 94
Bronze (20 mm) 6.75 g. AD 32–3 (?)
L ARRIO PEREGRINO IIVIR; radiate head of Augustus, left
L FVRIO LABEONE (or LABEONE or LABEO) IIVIR, GENT IVLI, COR (in exergue); temple with six columns
BMC 520, Amandry XVI 1, 7, 13–14, 17, 19, pp. 169–73 40
Bronze (20 mm) 7.11 g. AD 32–3 (?)
L ARRIO PEREGRINO IIVIR; laureate head of Tiberius, left
L FVRIO LABEONE (or LABEONE or LABEO) IIVIR, GENT IVLI, COR (in exergue); temple with six columns
BMC 519, Amandry XVI 2, 3, 4, 8–9, pp. 169–73 26
Bronze (20 mm) 7.45 g. AD 32–3 (?)
L ARRIO PEREGRINO IIVIR; bust of Livia/Salus, right
L FVRIO LABEONE (or LABEONE or LABEO) IIVIR, GENT IVLI, COR (in exergue); temple with six columns
BMC 514, Amandry XVI 5, 10, 15, pp. 169–73 22
Bronze (20 mm) 9.03 g. AD 32–3 (?)
L ARRIO PEREGRINO IIVIR; bust of Livia/Salus, left
L FVRIO LABEONE (or LABEONE or LABEO) IIVIR, GENT IVLI, COR (in exergue); temple with six columns
Amandry XVI 6, 11, pp. 172–3 12
Bronze (20 mm) 8.69 g. AD 32–3 (?)
L ARRIO PEREGRINO IIVIR; bust of Livia/Pietas, right
L FVRIO LABEONE (or LABEONE or LABEO) IIVIR, GENT IVLI, COR (in exergue); temple with six columns
Amandry XVI 16, 18, 20–1, p. 173 6
Bronze (20 mm) 7.40 g. AD 32–3 (?)
L ARRIO PEREGRINO IIVIR; bust of Livia/Pietas, left
L FVRIO LABEONE (or LABEONE or LABEO) IIVIR, GENT IVLI, COR (in exergue); temple with six columns
Amandry XVI 12, p. 173 2
IMP CAES TR HADR AVG P P; laureate and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, with paludamentum, seen from front
L IVL COR (sic); turreted head of Tyche, right
NCP 20/17 and pl. E, LXXXV 1
Æ (21 mm) 7.88 g. AD 50/51
TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR; laureate head of Claudius, left
L PAC(O)(NIO) FLAM (or FLAM) CN PVBL(I)(CIO), NE BR (in exergue); Nero and Britannicus, standing face to face
BMC 542, Amandry XIX 2, 3, 5, 7–8, 11–12, pp. 196–7 21
Æ (21 mm) 7.43 g. AD 50/51
IVL AGRIP(PINA) AVG CAESARIS; bust of Agrippina Minor, left
L PAC(O)(NIO) FLAM (or FLAM) CN PVBL(I)(CIO), NE BR (in exergue); Nero and Britannicus, standing face to face
Amandry XIX 1, 4, 6, 13, 14, 16–17, 19, 20 pp. 196–8 20
Æ (21 mm) 7.29 g. AD 50/51
AGRIPPINA CAESARIS; bust of Agrippina Minor, right
L PAC(O)(NIO) FLAM (or FLAM) CN PVBL(I)(CIO), NE BR (in exergue); Nero and Britannicus, standing face to face
Amandry XIX 9–10 and 15, 18, pp. 197–8 10
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 7.15 g. AD 66–7
NERO CAE(SAR) AVG (or AVG) IMP; radiate head of Nero, right or left
L R(V)(T) PISONE IIV(I)(R) QV(I) COR ADVE (or ADVE) AVG (or AVG) (in field); galley, left
BMC 567, Amandry XXII 13, 5, 9, 12–15, 18, 21, 24–5, 28, pp.217–19 34
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 6.98 g. AD 66–7
NERO CAE(S)(A)(R) AVG (GERM) IMP; laureate head of Nero, right
L R(V)(T) PISONE IIV(I)(R) QV(I) COR, ADVE (or ADVE) AVG (or AVG) (in field); galley, left
BMC 571, Amandry XXII, 1–2, 4, 6–8, 10–11, 16–17, 19–20, 22–3, 26–7, pp.215–19 33
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 6.48 g. AD 66–7
NERO CAE(SAR) AVG (or AVG) IMP; radiate head of Nero, right or left
L RVTI PISONE IIVI(R) Q(VIN) (COR) (in field) ADLO AVG; emperor, his right hand raised, holding scroll, standing left, on suggestum
BMC 568, Amandry XXII 30–1, 33, 38–9, 43–4, 47, 50, pp.219–21 26
Leaded bronze (20 mm) 6.90 g. AD 66–7
NERO CAE(S)(A)(R) AVG (GERM) IMP; laureate head of Nero, right or left
L RVTI PISONE IIVI(R) Q(VIN) (COR), (in field) ADLO AVG; emperor, his right hand raised, holding scroll, standing left, on suggestum
BMC 569–70, Amandry XXII 29, 32, 34–7, 40–2, 45–6, 48–9, 51, pp.219–21 34