Search results: 318 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
II 4
Crete Koinon of Crete Vespasian ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΟΥΕΣΠΑΣΙΑΝΟΣ ΣΕ (laureate) head of Vespasian, right ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ ΣΙΛΩΝΟΣ Zeus seated, left, holding thunderbolt and sceptre
I 976
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Agrippa C I N C EX D D bare head of Agrippa (?), right; labyrinth, right M AIMI(LI) T FVFIVS (or FVFIO) IIVI(R)(I) bare head of Augustus, right
I 982aa
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus TI CAESARE IIV ITER D D bare head of Augustus (?), left M AEMIL PRAE LABEO IIVIR bare head of Tiberius (?), right
I 982bb
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus TI CAESARE IIV ITER D D bare head of Augustus (?), left M AEMIL PRAE LABEO IIVIR bare head of Tiberius (?), left
I 981
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus TI CAESARE IIV bare head of Augustus (?), right M AEMIL PRAE LABEONE II, Δ Δ (in field) bare head of Tiberius (?), right
I 986
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus MAXIMO IIVIR DIVOS AVG bare head of Augustus, left FVSCO IIVIR IVLIA AVGVS, D D (in field) Livia seated, right
I 977
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus C I N CN bare head of Augustus, right C PETRONIO M ANTONIO(S) IIVIR EX D D labyrinth
I 978
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus AVGVSTVS (or AVGVSTO) C N I CNOS EX D D bare head of Augustus, right AESCHINO CAES L ITER PLOTIO PLEB IIVIR, RO-MA Roma wearing tunic, standing, left, holding small Victoria and transverse sceptre
I 979
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus AVGVSTVS P P C C I N C bare head of Augustus, right [ ], C L (in field) legend blundered, bare head of Gaius (looking to the right) and Lucius (looking to the left) face to face
I 980
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Augustus AVGVS bare head of Augustus, right C IVE TI TARIO IIVIR D D in three lines in wreath
I 1010
Cyrenaica and Crete Cydonia Augustus ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΑΥΓΥΣΤΟΣ bare head of Augustus, right ΚΥΔΩΝΙΑΤΑΝ infant Miletus to left suckled by a bitch to right
I 1020
Cyrenaica and Crete Lappa Augustus ΘΕΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ bare head of Augustus, right ΛΑΠΠΑΙΩΝ Apollo, facing, holding plectrum and lyre
I 991
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Caligula C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS bare head of Caligula, right GER CAESAR DOSSENNO PVLCHRO IIVI(R) bare head of Germanicus, right
I 994
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Caligula C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS bare head of Caligula, right GER CAESAR PVLCHRO III VARIO IIVIR bare head of Germanicus, right
I 999
Cyrenaica and Crete Cnossus Caligula C CAESAR GERMANICVS AVG bare head of Caligula, right GERMANICVS CAESAR bare head of Germanicus, right
I 963
Cyrenaica and Crete Gortyn Caligula ΓΑΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΑΡΧ ΜΕΓ ΔΗΜ ΕΞΟΥ ΥΠΑ bare head of Caligula, right, with drapery at back of neck; transverse sceptre statue of Divus Augustus, in a toga, holding patera and sceptre, placed on a waggon drawn by four elephants, each with its mohout-rider, left; in the field, seven stars
I 964
Cyrenaica and Crete Gortyn Caligula Γ(ΑΙΟΣ) ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡ(Μ) ΑΡΧ ΜΕΓ ΔΗΜ ΕΞΟΥ ΥΠΑ bare head of Caligula, right, with drapery at back of neck; transverse sceptre statue of Divus Augustus, in a toga, seated on a curule chair, holding patera and sceptre, left; Feet rest on stool; in the field, seven stars
I 965
Cyrenaica and Crete Gortyn Caligula Γ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡ(Μ) ΑΡΧ ΜΕΓ ΔΗΜ ΕΞΟΥ ΥΠΑ bare head of Caligula, right, with drapery at back of neck; transverse sceptre radiate head of Divus Augustus, left; in the field, seven stars
I 966
Cyrenaica and Crete Unlocated mint of Crete Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕ ΓΕΡΜ ΑΡΧ ΜΕΓ ΔΗΜ ΕΞΟΥ ΥΠ(Α) bare head of Claudius, left statue of Divus Augustus, in a toga, holding patera and sceptre, placed on a waggon drawn by four elephants, each with its mohout-rider, left; in the field, seven stars
I 968
Cyrenaica and Crete Unlocated mint of Crete Claudius ΤΙ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕ ΓΕΡΜ ΑΡΧ ΜΕΓ ΔΗΜ ΕΞΟΥ ΥΠ(Α) bare head of Claudius, left statue of Divus Augustus, in a toga, seated on a curule chair, holding patera and sceptre, left; Feet rest on stool; in the field, seven stars