bare head of Hermes, right; to right, caduceus
ϹΑΓΑΛΑϹ; lion jumping, left
KM 392, no. 2 2
bare head of Hermes, right; to right, caduceus
ϹΑΓΑΛΑϹ; Nike advancing, right, holding wreath and palm-branch
BMC 8 3
ΚοΝΑΝΕ; hump-backed bull jumping, right
vA Pisid. II, 767–9 3
ΚοΝΑΝΕΩΝ; bull walking, right
vA Pisid. II, 770–4, BMC 1, Cop 126, GM 694, no. 486 5
ΚοΝΑΝΕΩΝ; eagle standing on bone, facing, head, right, spreading wings
vA Pisid. II, — 2
radiate-headed and draped bust of Helios, right
ΠΡΟϹΤΑΝΝΕΩΝ; cult statue of veiled goddess (Artemis?) standing, facing, extending arms
vA Pisid. II, 1761–2, KM 390, no. 5 3
diademed head of Zeus, right
ΙϹΙΝΔΕΩΝ; helmeted horseman galloping right, brandishing spear pointed downwards; beneath, serpent
vA Pisidien 1, 745 7
laureate head of Zeus, right
ΙϹΙΝΔΕΩΝ; Hermes seated left, on cippus inscribed Δ, holding purse and caduceus
vA Pisid. I, 753-7 6
laureate head of Zeus, right
ΙϹΙΝΔΕΩΝ; Hermes seated left, on cippus, holding purse and caduceus
vA, Pisid. I, 746–52 9
laureate head of Zeus, right
ΙϹΙΝΔΕΩΝ Δ; horseman galloping right, brandishing spear pointed downwards; beneath, serpent
vA Pisid. I, 762-9 3
Æ (21 mm) 5.27 g.
laureate head of Zeus, right
ΙϹΙΝΔΕΩΝ; Athena standing facing, head left, holding patera and spear
vA Pisid. I, 758–61 5
Æ (19 mm) 5.65 g.
laureate head of Zeus, right
ΙϹΙΝΔΕΩΝ; Aphrodite standing facing, head right; at feet, dolphin
vA Pisidien I, 770–3 6
head of Heracles, right, lion skin around neck, club on shoulder
ΤΕΡΜΗϹ(Ϲ)ΕΩΝ; Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff
head of Heracles, right, lion skin around neck, club on shoulder
ΤΕΡΜΗ(ϹΕΩΝ); Nike standing left, holding wreath and palm
(IMP) (L) (C)(AE)(S)(A)(R) (SEP)(T)(I) SEV (AVG); laureate head of Septimius Severus, left
ANTIOCH COLONIAE (or COLONIAI); Mên standing facing, head right, holding sceptre and Nike; foot on bucranium; to left, cock
Krzyżanowska 145 I.1 to VII.7 and var. 18
No image
Æ (34 mm)
?; draped bust of Julia Domna, right
IVLI AVG MAT CASTR C CR, COL CR; Julia Domna standing facing, holding two children; to left and right, two Erotes with torch
vA Pisid. II, 1191 1
No image
?; Caracalla
DIANAE CREM; Diana standing facing, head left, holding patera and sceptre; behind, stag
vA Pisid, II, 1233 1
Æ (13 mm) 2.39 g.
ADR AVG; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right
COL CRE; Marsyas standing left, holding wineskin over shoulder
vA Pisid. II, 1060–6 7
Æ (19 mm) 4.84 g.
ADRIANVS AVGVSTVS; laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right
GENIO COL CRE; Genius of the colony standing facing, head left, wearing kalathos and long chiton, holding patera in his right hand, left on his hIp; in right field, vexillum
vA Pisid. II, 1057–9 8
Æ (17 mm) 2.17 g.
ANNIA FAVSTINA AVG; draped bust of Annia Faustina, right
ANTIOCH COLONI; eagle facing, head left, spreading wings