Search results: 583 entries found.

IV.1 5242 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 9.82 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
IM[P COMMODO] ANTO [AVG?]; radiate head of Commodus (youthful), right
COL A A PATR; Aesculapius/Asclepius standing, facing, head, right, holding serpent-staff
IV.1 8156 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 10.99 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
[IMP COM]MODO ANTo [AVG] (?); laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A [PATR?]; Diana/Artemis Laphria standing, right, having quiver at shoulder, holding bow over altar; to left, dog standing, left
IV.1 8157 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 10.32 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
[IMP COM]MODO ANTo [AVG] (?); laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass(?) and paludamentum(?), right
CoL A A [PATR?]; male figure (Genius of Patras?) standing, facing, head, right, holding long sceptre
IV.1 10969 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 11.82 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
IMP COMMOD[; radiate head of Commodus (youthful), right
CoL A A PAT[R]; uncertain turreted figure (Tyche? Genius?) standing, left, holding patera over altar and cornucopia
IV.1 7672 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 10.23 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
[IMP COMMO]DO [ANTO AVG] (?); laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A [PATR]; nude Mars/Ares standing, facing, head, right, wearing helmet, holding spear
Cop 194 1
IV.1 5241 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 9.04 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
IMP COMMODO ANTO A[VG]; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A PATR; three military standards; middle one surmounted by eagle on thunderbolt
IV.1 10976 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 5.57 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
[ ]; laureate head of Commodus (youthful), right
COL A A PATREN[ ]; nude Hermes standing, left, extending arm over ram(?), holding caduceus and chlamys; to right, uncertain object
IV.1 10630 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 5.66 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
AV COM ANTO[; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful - short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A PATR; turreted Concordia/Homonoia standing, left, holding patera and cornucopia
IV.1 5243 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 5.47 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
IMP COMMODO ANTO [AVG F?]; laureate head of Commodus (youthful), right
CoL A A PATR; temple with two columns enclosing statue of Minerva/Athena standing, left, holding patera over owl and spear; leaning against spear, shield
Cop 200 2
IV.1 7676 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 4.86 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
IMP COMMODO ANTO AVG F; laureate head of Commodus (youthful), right
COL A A PATR; temple with two columns enclosing statue of nude Mercury/Hermes seated on rock, left, wearing petasus, holding purse over ram and caduceus
Cop 199 2
IV.1 4195 (temporary)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 6.43 g. Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors (177–180)
IMP COMMODO ANTO AV GE (first M shaped as Λ.Λ); laureate head of Commodus (youthful), right
COL A A PATR; turreted Concordia/Homonoia standing, facing, head, left, holding patera over altar and cornucopia
IV.1 7668 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 13.00 g.
IMP COMMODVS ANTO AVG; laureate head of Commodus, right
COL A A PATR; Roma seated, left, holding long standard; leaning against her, shield surmounted by helmet; to right, youthful male figure (Genius of Patras) advancing, left, holding short sceptre, crowning Roma
Cop 189 2
IV.1 10968 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 9.49 g.
IMP COMMOD[VS] ANTO AVG; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A PATR; Cupid (Eros/Amor) and Psyche embracing
IV.1 9649 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 7.98 g.
[IMP?] [COMM]OD[VS ANTO AVG?]; laureate head(?) of Commodus, right
COL A A PTAR(sic); Jupiter/Zeus seated, left, holding Victoria/Nike and long sceptre
IV.1 10971 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 8.53 g.
[IMP?] COMMODVS ANTON[; laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
[CO]L A A PATR; nude Hercules/Heracles standing, facing, head, right, holding club with both hands; left arm covered with lion skin
IV.1 10970 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 11.34 g.
[IMP CO]MMODVS ANTO AV[G]; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A PATR; nude male figure (Genius of Patras) standing, facing, head, left, holding patera over altar, resting left arm on conical box which stands on base
IV.1 8162 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 10.45 g.
IMP COMMODVS ANTO AVG; laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A PATR; Roma seated, left, holding long standard; leaning against her, shield surmounted by helmet; to right, youthful male figure (Genius of Patras) advancing, left, holding short sceptre, crowning Roma
IV.1 8400 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 10.57 g.
] AVR COMMODO ANTO AVG [E?]; laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COL A A PATR; turreted and draped bust of Fortuna/Tyche, left; to right, cornucopia
IV.1 4620 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 6.36 g.
AV COM ANTO AVG; laureate head of Commodus, right
COL A A PTAR(sic); three military standards; middle one surmounted by eagle on thunderbolt
BMC 40 5
IV.1 5239 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Patras  Peloponnesus Achaea
Æ 5.65 g.
AV COM ANT[O] AVG; laureate head of Commodus, right
COL A A PATR; Diana/Artemis Laphria standing, right, having quiver at shoulder, holding bow over altar, to left, dog(?)