Search results: 586 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
IV.1 10972 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMODVS ANTO AVG (S reversed) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass, right COL A A PATR three military standards; middle one surmounted by eagle on thunderbolt
IV.1 5237 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMODVS ANTo AVG (S reversed) laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right COL A A PATR Aesculapius/Asclepius standing, facing, head, right, holding serpent-staff
IV.1 7670 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMODVS ANTO [AVG] (D inverted, S reversed) laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right COL A A PATR Jupiter/Zeus seated, left, holding Victoria/Nike and long sceptre
IV.1 8160 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMODVS [ANTO] AVG (D inverted, S reversed) laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right COL A [A] PATR nude Mercury/Hermes standing, facing, head, left, holding holding purse(?) over ram, caduceus and chlamys
IV.1 10969 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMOD[ radiate head of Commodus (youthful), right CoL A A PAT[R] uncertain turreted figure (Tyche? Genius?) standing, left, holding patera over altar and cornucopia
IV.1 5244 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMOD[VS ANTO AVG?] laureate head of Commodus, right C[OL A A] PATR nude male young helmeted figure standing on column, left, holding sword(?) and spear; column in circular enclosure (or fountain?)
IV.1 10968 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMOD[VS] ANTO AVG laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right COL A A PATR Cupid (Eros/Amor) and Psyche embracing
IV.1 9879 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COMMOD[VS] ANTO [AVG] (D inverted, S reversed) laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right COL [A?] A PATR Aeneas advancing, right, head, left, leading Ascanius and carrying Anchises
IV.1 10631 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COM[MODVS ANT]O AVG laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard?) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right COL A A PATR turreted and draped bust of Fortuna/Tyche, right
IV.1 11695 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IMP COM[M]O[D]VS AN[TO AVG?] laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right COL A [A PATR] nude male young helmeted figure standing on column, left, holding sword(?) and spear; column in circular enclosure (or fountain?)
I 1268
Achaea Patras Nero IMP NERO CAESAR radiate head of Nero, left ADVENTVS AVGVSTI, C P galley, left
I 1275
Achaea Patras Nero IMP NERO CAESAR laureate head of Nero, left APOLLO AVGVST, C P Apollo standing, right, playing lyre
I 1275AA
Achaea Patras Nero IMP NERO CAESAR radiate head of Nero, left [APOL]LO AVGVST, C P Apollo standing, right, playing lyre
I 1277
Achaea Patras Nero IMP NERO CAESAR radiate head of Nero, left DIANA LAPHR Diana standing, right, with bow
I 1282
Achaea Patras Galba IMPERATOR GALBA bare head of Galba, left COL A A PATR(AI), X, XII aquila between two standards
IV.1 5242 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Commodus IM[P COMMODO] ANTO [AVG?] radiate head of Commodus (youthful), right COL A A PATR Aesculapius/Asclepius standing, facing, head, right, holding serpent-staff
IV.1 9645 (temporary)
Achaea Patras Lucius Verus IM[P C]AES L AVREL [VERVS] AVG laureate head of Lucius Verus, right COL A A PATRA nude Neptune/Poseidon standing with foot on rock, left, holding dolphin and trident
II 219
Achaea Patras INDVLGENTIAE AVG MONETA INPETRATA bust of Indulgentia to right, draped, veiled and with stephane CAESARI AVGVSTO COL A A P slow quadriga to right driven by triumphator with sceptre in left hand
III 293
Achaea Patras Aelius L AELIO CA-ESAR TR P COS II bare head of Hadrian, right COL A A PATRENS Juno (?) seated left on throne with high back, her arms stretched right and left, holding pomegranate (?) in right and Victory (?) in left
III 294
Achaea Patras Aelius L AELIO CA-ESAR TR P COS II bare head of Hadrian, right C A A PATRENSIS aquila on thunderbolt between two standards