Search results: 3,334 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
IV.1 7459 (temporary)
Thrace Philippopolis Marcus Aurelius (Μ) ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust(?) of Marcus Aurelius wearing paludamentum, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ nude male figure (Apollo or Bonus Eventus?) standing, left, holding patera (or branch) (over altar) and bow(?); at shoulder, chlamys
Thrace Coela Aelius AELIVS CAESAR (?) bare head of Aelius, right [ ]ANO prow to right; above, two objects (?)
VI 1123 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Elagabalus ANTOI NAI SA (sic) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus (?), right, seen from rear [ ] CII CINVPLA Diana/Artemis advancing, right, drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, holding bow
VI 1119 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Elagabalus ANTONINVS AV(G) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear AELI MVN(I) COEL(A) prow decorated with dolphin, right; above, cornucopia
VI 1121 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Elagabalus ANTONINVS AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear AEL MVNICIP COEL prow decorated with dolphin, right; above, cornucopia
VI 1120 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Elagabalus ANTONINVS PIVS A laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear AEL MVNI COELA prow decorated with dolphin, right; above, cornucopia
VI 1122 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Elagabalus ANTONINVS PIVS A(V) laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear AEL MVNI COEL(A) prow decorated with globes, right; above, cornucopia
IV.1 9608 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Antoninus Pius ANTO[NI]NVS A laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing paludamentum, right AEL MVNICIPI C[ statue of nude Marsyas standing on base, left, raising arm, holding wineskin over shoulder
IV.1 9611 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Commodus AV COMMODo(sic) AN[ laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right AEL MVNVCI(sic) CVELA(sic) prow, right, above, cornucopia; before, dolphin
IV.1 3523 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Commodus AV COMMODV (V shaped as U) laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right AEL MVNICIP (V shaped as U) Genius standing, facing, head, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia
IV.1 10950 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Commodus AVREL COMMOD CAE[ ] bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful - short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΔIANAE ΔVFEN AEL MVNICIPII COELAN (?) Artemis standing, left, holding patera and long torch; at shoulder, quiver
IV.1 10949 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Commodus AVREL COMMODOS CAES AVG F GERM F (final R shaped like lamda) bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right GENIVS AEL MVNICIPII COECANI (sic) Genius standing, facing, head, left, holding statue (Fortuna/Tyche or Palladium?) and cornucopia, to left, ear of corn
IV.1 7649 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Marcus Aurelius AV[REL?] [ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), right MV[NI]CI CO[ Diana/Artemis standing, right, drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, holding bow
VI 1135 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Maximus C IVL VE MAXIMV bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear AEL MVNICIPI COELA galley prow decorated with globes, left; above, cornucopia
VI 1136 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Maximus C IVL VE MAXIMV bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear AEL MVNICIP CVELA (sic) galley prow decorated with globes, right; above, cornucopia
VI 30608 (temporary)
Thrace Coela Maximus C IVL VE MAXIMV bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear AEL MVNICIP CVELA (sic) galley prow right; above, cornucopia
VI 826 (temporary)
Thrace Deultum Maximus C IVL VER MAXIMVS C(A)ES bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from rear COL FL PAC DEVLT Homonoia/Concordia standing facing, head left, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia
VI 817 (temporary)
Thrace Deultum Maximus C IVL VER MAXIMVS CAES bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from front COL FL PAC DEVLT Apollo standing facing, head left, holding branch and resting arm on lyre set on column; to left, altar
VI 30484 (temporary)
Thrace Deultum Maximus C IVL VER MAXIMVS CAES bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from front COL FL PAC DEVLT Artemis running right, drawing arrow from quiver with her left and holding bow in her left; behind, dog running right
VI 820 (temporary)
Thrace Deultum Maximus C IVL VER MAXIMVS CAES bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximus, right, seen from front COL FL PAC DEVLT Asclepius standing facing, head left, holding serpent staff