Search results: 1,971 entries found.

I 1537
Leaded bronze (23 mm) 9.88 g.
TI CAESAR AVG F AVGVSTVS; bare head of Tiberius, right
ZfN 1926, 132–3, no. 18, Sutherland 74, no. 3, APT 34 37
I 1540
Leaded bronze (25 mm) 10.78 g.
TI CAESAR AVG F AVGVSTVS; bare head of Tiberius, right
L RVSTICELIVS CORDVS IIVIR QVINQ D D; inscription in six lines in oak wreath
ZfN 1926, 134, no. 21; Sutherland 74, no. 7, APT 37 9
I 1541
Leaded bronze (25 mm) 11.68 g.
TI C(A)ESAR AVG F AVGVSTVS; bare head of Tiberius, right
L RVSTICELIVS CORDVS IIVIR QVINQ D D; inscription in fives lines in oak wreath
ZfN 1926, 134, nos 22–3; Sutherland 75, nos 8–9 12
I 1631
Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm) 6.53 g.
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΥ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΟΣ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; bare head of Tiberius, right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ; Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right
I 1632
Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Leaded bronze (21 mm) 7.86 g.
ΤΙ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Tiberius, right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ; Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right
AMNG 73, BMC 80 22
I 1632A
Tiberius Tiberius (Augustus)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm) 8.70 g.
ΤΙ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; bare head of Tiberius, right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ; Artemis Tauropolos on bull, left
II 343C
Vespasian Titus (Augustus)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (23 mm) 9.10 g.
[ ] CAESAR AVG F COS [ ]; bare head of Titus, left
COL AVG IVL PHILIPP; three bases; on middle one, statue of Augustus in military dress crowned by statue of Divus Julius wearing toga
II 343D
Vespasian Titus (Augustus)
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (23 mm) 10.18 g. AD 75
T CAESAR VESPASIANVS IMP COS IIII; bare head of Titus, left
COL AVG IVL PHILIPP; three bases; on middle one, statue of Augustus in military dress crowned by statue of Divus Julius wearing toga
II 316A
Cassandrea  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (20 mm) 6.45 g.
T CAES(AR) IMP DOMIT(IAN) CAES; bare head of Titus, right, facing bare head of Domitian, left
COL IVL AVG CASSANDR; bearded head of Jupiter Ammon, left
II 343A
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (26 mm) 7.56 g.
IMP CAE VESPASIANVS AVG COS III; bare head of Vespasian, left
COL AVG IVL PHILIPP; three bases; on middle one, statue of Augustus in military dress crowned by statue of Divus Julius wearing toga
II 343B
Philippi  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (27 mm) 7.86 g.
IMP CAES VESPASIANVS AVG COS VI; bare head of Vespasian, left
COL AVG IVL PHILIPP; three bases; on middle one, statue of Augustus in military dress crowned by statue of Divus Julius wearing toga
IV.1 4241 (temporary)
Commodus Commodus (Augustus)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ 7.31 g.
]Ϲ ΚΟΜ[Ο]ΔΟϹ; bare(?)-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
ΑΜΦΙ[ΠΟ]ΛΕΙΤΩΝ; turreted Tyche seated, left, holding patera
IV.1 9400 (temporary)
Uncertain Uncertain
Pella  Macedonia Macedonia
IMP CAE[; bare(?)-headed bust of uncertain Antonine emperor wearing cuirasss and paludamentum, right
COL IVL AVG [; nude Pan seated on rock, left, raising right arm to head, resting left arm on syrinx
VI 58 (temporary)
Dium  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (24 mm) 9.69 g.
M AVREL ALEXAND CAESAR; bare-headed and draped bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear
COL IVL DIENSIS, D D (retrograde); Asclepius standing facing, head right, resting on serpent-staff
Kremydi-Sicilianou 222, 22-23 4
IV.1 4271 (temporary)
Koinon of Macedonia  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ 13.46 g.
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ; bare-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
ΚοΙΝοΝ ΜΑΚΕΔοΝΩΝ (facing outward); thunderbolt with two wings
IV.1 6614 (temporary)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ 5.22 g. c. 147–161
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤωИΕΙИΟϹ; bare-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤωΝ; turreted Artemis Tauropolos standing, left, holding long torch, resting arm on shield
IV.1 4262 (temporary)
Koinon of Macedonia  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ 13.57 g.
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ; bare-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing paludamentum, right
ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ (facing inward); thunderbolt with four wings
AMNG 259(1) 4
IV.1 4253 (temporary)
Cassandrea  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ (21 mm) 5.52 g.
M AVR COMMOD CAE[ (?) (A shaped as Λ); bare-headed bust of Commodus (short beard?) wearing paludamentum, right
COL IVL AVG CASS (A shaped as Λ); Nymph Nysa standing, left, with bunch of grapes(?) in raised right hand, and infant Bacchus/Dionysus and cornucopia in left hand
AMNG 12 1
IV.1 4243 (temporary)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ 9.00 g. Reign of Marcus Aurelius or Commodus (175–182)
ΑΥΤΟ Λ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful - lightly bearded) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ; turreted Tyche seated, left, holding patera
BMC 115 4
IV.1 6634 (temporary)
Amphipolis  Macedonia Macedonia
Æ 10.32 g. Reign of Marcus Aurelius or Commodus (175–192)
]Ϲ ΚοΜοΔοϹ; bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful - lightly bearded) wearing cuirass(?) and paludamentum, right
ΑΜΦΙΠ[ΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ?]; turreted Tyche seated, left, holding patera