Search results: 1,409 entries found.

IV.3 10677 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 2.09 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIOCHA(sic); head of Mên wearing Phrygian cap, right, on crescent
COL ANTIo[C]H; cock walking, right
Krzyżanowska — 1
IV.3 7345 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.38 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIO; bust of Hercules/Heracles (bearded) wearing lion skin around neck, right
COLO; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of Marcus Aurelius as Caesar), right; to left, caduceus
Krzyżanowska 140, II.2 1
IV.3 7346 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.57 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIOCH (?); bust of Hercules/Heracles (bearded) wearing lion skin around neck, left
COLO[NI?]; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of Marcus Aurelius as Caesar), right; to left, caduceus
Krzyżanowska 140, III.3, KM 358, no. 8 2
IV.3 7350 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.28 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIOCH; draped bust of Mercury/Hermes (head assimilated to portrait of Marcus Aurelius as Caesar), left; to right, caduceus
COLONI; cock walking, right
Krzyżanowska 140–1, VII.7–9, BMC 1 11
IV.3 7352 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.42 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIOCHA(I) ; head of Mên wearing Phrygian cap, right, on crescent
COLO(NIA) ; cock walking, right
Krzyżanowska 141, IX.11 4
IV.3 7348 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.13 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIOCH (?); draped bust of Mercury, right; to left, caduceus
COLONIAE; winged caduceus
Krzyżanowska 140, V.5, KM 357, no. 7 1
IV.3 25148 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.32 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIOCHIA; head of Mên wearing Phrygian cap, right, on crescent
ANTIOCH; bull walking, right
Krzyżanowska — 2
IV.3 25373 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 1.38 g. 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius
ANTIOCH (?); draped bust of Mercury, left.; to right, caduceus
COLONIAE; winged caduceus
Krzyżanowska — 1
IV.3 3971 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 3.44 g. c. 147–161
AVRELIVS CAESAR; bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (short beard) wearing paludamentum, right
COLONIAE ANTIOCHAE; she-wolf standing, right, head, left, feeding twins
Krzyżanowska — 1
IV.3 7340 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 4.39 g. c. 147–161
AVRELIVS CAESAR; bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), right
COLONIAE ANTIOCH(E)AE; she-wolf standing, right, head, left, feeding twins
Krzyżanowska 139–40, I.7, II.9–11 and IV.15, BMC 8 8
IV.3 7359 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.17 g.
[ANTONINVS AVGVS]; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COLONIAE ANTIo; eagle standing on uncertain object(?), facing, head, left, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak
Krzyżanowska 142, X.25, BMC 19 corr. 2
IV.3 7358 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 6.10 g.
ANTONINVS AVGVS (S reversed); laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
COLONI(A) ANTIOCHIAE; eagle standing, left, head, right, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak
Krzyżanowska 142, X.23–4 3
IV.3 7356 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.62 g.
ANTONINVS AVGV; laureate head of Marcus Aurelius, right
COLO ANTIO(C); head of Mên wearing Phrygian cap, left; on crescent
Krzyżanowska 141, V.16, VI.17, VII.18 and VIII.19 10
IV.3 7357 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 6.35 g.
ANTONINVS AVGV[STVS]; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right
COLO ANTIO(C); head of Mên wearing Phrygian cap, left; on crescent
Krzyżanowska 141–2, IX.20–2, BMC 10 3
IV.3 7360 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 3.45 g.
ANTONINVS AVGVS ; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
[ ]; Mên standing with foot on bucranium, facing, head, right, wearing Phrygian cap, holding long sceptre and Victoria/Nike; behind his shoulders, crescent
Krzyżanowska 142, X.26 1
IV.3 10413 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 2.66 g.
[LIEPCE?] COM CAES; bare-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
ANTIOCH COLON; eagle standing, facing, head, left, spreading wings
Krzyżanowska 143, IV.5 4
IV.3 3563 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 6.16 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (161–169)
CAISA(sic) L AVRELIVS; bare-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
[ ]; emperor galloping, right, wearing military dress, holding spear horizontally
Krzyżanowska — 5
IV.3 7364 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.17 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (161–169)
CAISA(R) (sic) L AVRELIVS; bare-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right
GENIO COLONIAE ANTIOCH; Genius standing, facing, head, left, emptying cornucopia over altar, holding long sceptre
Krzyżanowska 142, III.5 4
IV.3 7362 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 6.48 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (161–169)
CAISAR(sic) L AVRELIVS; laureate head of Lucius Verus with traces of drapery, left
GENIO COLONIAE ANTIOCH; Genius standing, facing, head, left, emptying cornucopia over altar, holding long sceptre
Krzyżanowska 142, I.2, BMC 11 2
IV.3 7363 (temporary)
Antioch  Pisidia Galatia
Æ 5.33 g. Marcus and Verus, co-emperors (161–169)
CAISAR(sic) L AVRELIVS; laureate-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, left
GENO(sic) COLON(IE(sic)) ANTIOCH; Genius standing, facing, head, left, emptying cornucopia over altar, holding long sceptre
Krzyżanowska 142, II.3–4 corr., BMC 12–13 3