Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ϹΙΚΥ/ΟϹ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΣΩ/ΚΡΑ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΦΙ/ΛΟ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΧΑΡΙ / ΘΕΟ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΑΛΕ / ΝΙΚ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΔΙΟ-ΧΑΡ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΑΣΚ / ΔΙΟ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), (ΠΑ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ (on r.), ΗΡ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ (on r.), ΠΡΩ/ΤΟ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ (on r.), ϹΙΚ/ϹΟϹ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
ΑΡϹ/ΑΚΟ/Υ (in field, l.); Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΤΕΝ/ΟΝ/ΤΟϹ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
ΤΕΝ/ΟΝ/ΤΟϹ (in field, l.); Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΑΡϹ/ΑΚΟ/Υ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre
ΟΡΤΥ/ΓΟΘΗ/ΡΑ (in field, l.); Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡΣΕΩΝ (on r.), ΜΑΞΙ / ΝΙΚΟ/ΛΑ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre, eagle under throne
ΟΡΤΥΓΟΘΗΡΑ; Tyche seated, right, holding corn-ears and with river god Kydnos beneath
ΤΑΡϹΕΩΝ, ΜΑΞΙΜΟΥ / ΝΙΚΟ/ΛΑΟΥ (in field, l.); Zeus seated, left, holding Nike with wreath and sceptre, eagle under throne
ΔΟ[ΜΕΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ]; laureate head of Domitian, right
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑΝΩΝ ΕΤΟΥϹ ΞΑ; Nike advancing, left, with wreath and palm
Karbach 49 2
ΔΟΜΕΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Domitian, right
ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑΝΩΝ ΕΤΟ[ΥϹ] ΞΑ; bust of Dionysus with thyrsus, right
BMC 7, Karbach 48 1
ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Domitian, right
[ ]; bust of Dionysus with thyrsus, right; in field, star
Karbach 47 5
Æ (26 mm) 11.66 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right
ΜΑΛΛΩΤΩΝ, ΙΟΥ / ΑΓΑ (in r. field); Roma (?), turreted and veiled, seated, left, on shield, holding Nike
Levante 1270 3
Æ (21 mm) 6.96 g.
ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right
ΜΑΛΛΩΤΩΝ, ΙΟΥ / ΑΓΑ (in l. field); Tyche seated, right; at her feet, two river gods
Levante 1271 6