Search results: 3,783 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
VIII — (unassigned; ID 20910)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Philip II M IVL SEV PHILIPPVM CAE AVG laureate head of Philip II, right APOL PROPVL COL CRE Apollo Propylaeus advancing right, wearing chlamys and holding bow
X — (unassigned; ID 63441)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Aurelian IMP CS L DOM AVRELIANO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Aurelian, right, seen from rear APOLLINI COL CREMNE Apollo Propylaeus advancing right drawing bow
X — (unassigned; ID 63419)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Valerian IMP CAES P LICINI VALERIANO P F AOG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Valerian, right, seen from rear APOLLINI PROPVL COL CREM Apollo Propylaeus advancing right drawing bow
IV.3 7795 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Commodus IMP CAESARI COMMODO bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right APOLLINI PROPVLAEO COL CREM nude Apollo Propylaeus advancing, right, holding strung bow
VI 5935 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Elagabalus ; Severus Alexander IMP C M AVR ANT[...] laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Elagabalus, right, seen from rear AVG COL CREM three military standards, the central one surmounted by an eagle and the other by a wreath
VII.2 2442
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Gordian III IMP CAESARI M ANTONIO GORDIANO P F AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear AVG EEILCL CREMNENSIVM, COL Γ AΓ (sic) Sarapis seated left, extending arm over Cerberus, and holding sceptre
IV.3 7677 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Olbasa Antoninus Pius IMPE ANTONINVS laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right AVGVSTVS OLBASENORVM bare head of Augustus, right
IV.3 7683 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Olbasa Antoninus Pius IMP ANTONINVS AVG[? laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right AVRELIVS CAESAR COL AVG OLBASEN bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded), right
VI 5929 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Maximinus IMP CAES IVL VER MAXIMINO AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear C IVL VER MAXIMVS CAES COL IVL AVG F CREM Maximus driving a quadriga, right, holding reins and saluting
IV.3 7784 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Marcus Aurelius IMP CAES M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG P P laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right CL(sic) IV AVG CRE nude Hercules/Heracles (bearded) standing, facing, head, right, right hand behind back, left arm resting on club covered with lion skin
VII.2 2392
Lycia-Pamphylia Comama Gordian III IMP GORDIAN laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear COL wreath
VI 5960 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Olbasa Severus Alexander IMP CAE M AVR SEV ALEXANDRVS AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Severus Alexander, right, seen from rear COL (IVL) A(VG) OLBASE(NE) Dionysus standing, left, holding cantharus over panther, and long thyrsus
IV.3 7324 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Comama Antoninus Pius IMP CAESAR ANTONINVM(sic) laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right COL AOG(sic) COMAMA veiled goddess standing, facing, wearing kalathos, exending left hand
VI 5939 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Comama Maximinus IMP CAE C IVL VER MAXIMINO AV laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear COL AV COMAMECN (sic, MECN retrograde) aquila between two military standards, topped by wreaths
VI 5938 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Comama Maximinus IMP CAE C IVL VER MAXIMINO AVG laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Maximinus, right, seen from rear COL AVG COMAMECN (sic) Zeus seated on throne, left, holding Nike and long sceptre
IV.3 7323 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Comama Antoninus Pius IMP CAESAR ANTONINVM(sic) laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right COL AVG COMAMENORVM three military standards; middle one surmounted by eagle, standing, right, spearing wings; each outer one surmounted by hand pointing upwards
IV.3 7325 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Comama Marcus Aurelius IMP [ ]S ANT[ONINVS?] laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right CoL AVG CoMAMENoRV[M?] veiled goddess standing, facing, wearing kalathos, exending left hand
X — (unassigned; ID 63433)
Lycia-Pamphylia Cremna Aurelian IMP CS L DOM AVRELIANO laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Aurelian, right, seen from rear COL AVG FEL, CREMN, DON / SACR / CERT temple with two columns on podium of two steps
IV.3 7687 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Olbasa Marcus Aurelius AVREL CAESAR bare head of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - short beard), right COL AVG OLB in laurel wreath
IV.3 7682 (temporary)
Lycia-Pamphylia Olbasa Antoninus Pius IMP ANT AVG laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right COL AVG OLB bust of Minerva/Athena wearing aegis, right