Search results: 690 entries found.

I 2091
Leaded bronze (26 mm) 10.61 g. First group (c. 54/5)
ΝΕ[; laureate head of Nero, right
ΕΠ[ ]ΟΥ ΛΑΚ[ ]ΤΟΥ Η[ (?); standing figure (?Heracles), right
I 2092A
Æ (22 mm) 4.37 g. First group (c. 54/5)
ΝΕ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΩ ΚΑΙΣΑΡΙ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΩ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΕΠΙ ΛΑΚΩΝΟΣ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ ΗΡΑΚΛΕ[ΩΤΑΝ]; Artemis running right with torch
Rec — 3
I 2104
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Æ (30 mm) 17.11 g.
[ΝΕ]ΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟΣ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙΣΑΡ; Nero on horseback, right, followed by a soldier on horseback
I 2136A
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Leaded bronze (25 mm) 10.35 g. Year 103 (57/8)
NERO CLAVD CAESA[R AV]G GERM; laureate head of Nero, right
TI C[LAVDIVS] CAE[SAR] [ ] AN CIII; radiate head of Divus Claudius, left
Rec — 1
I 2137
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (21 mm) 6.11 g. Year 103 (57/8)
NERO CLAVD CAES AVG AN(NI) CIII; laureate head of Nero, right
OCTAVIAE AVG C I F; bust of Claudia Octavia, right
Rec 96 = 96a = ?97a 8
I 2138
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Æ (27 mm) 8.48 g. Year 104 (58/9)
NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM; laureate head of Nero, right
C I F AN CIIII; capricorn with globe, right; above, star
Rec 99 3
I 2139
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Copper (21 mm) 4.29 g. Year 104 (58/9)
NERO CLAVDI CAES AVG ANN(I) CIIII; laureate head of Nero, right
OCTAVIAE AVG C I F; bust of Claudia Octavia, left
Rec 97 4
I 2139A
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Copper (21 mm) 5.30 g. Year 104 (58/9)
NERO CLAVDI CAES AVG ANN(I) CIIII; laureate head of Nero, right
OCTAVIAE AVG C I F; bust of Claudia Octavia, right
Rec — 1
I 2140
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Sinope  Paphlagonia Bithynia-Pontus
Copper (17 mm) 3.10 g. Undated (57/60?)
N C C AVG; laureate head of Nero, right
C I F (retrograde); two colonists ploughing, left
Rec 98 3
I 2265
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Parium  Mysia Asia (conventus of Adramyteum)
Æ (20 mm) 8.12 g.
NERO CLA CAES; laureate head of Nero, right
AVGVSTVS; capricorn with cornucopia, right
I 2349
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Brass (23 mm) 8.77 g. AD 54/9
ΝΕΡΩΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΘΕΑ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ, ΜΥΤΙ; draped bust of Agrippina, right
BMC 194 3
I 2383
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Thyatira  Lydia Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Æ (17 mm) 4.47 g. Second issue (c. AD 62)
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΛΑΥΔΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗΝ ΘΥΑΤΙΡΗΝΟΙ; draped bust of Poppaea, right
BMC 65 14
I 2407
Nero Nero (Augustus) Menandros
Elaea  Aeolis Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Brass (19 mm) 3.88 g. c. AD 63/8
ΝΕΡΩΝΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΕΠΙ ΜΕΝΑΝΔΡΟΥ; poppy between two ears of corn
ZfN 1897, 281, no. 4 4
I 2408
Nero Nero (Augustus) Epagathos
Elaea  Aeolis Asia (conventus of Pergamum)
Brass (19 mm) 4.01 g. c. AD 63/8
ΝΕΡΩΝΑ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΕΠΙ ΕΠΑΓΑΘΟΥ ΕΛΑΙΤΩΝ; poppy between two ears of corn
ZfN 1897, 281, no. 5 3
I 2433
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Cyme  Aeolis Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 5.64 g. c. AD 54/9
ΘΕΟΝ ΝΕΡΩΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΚΥΜΗ ΑΙΟΛΙϹ; Cyme standing facing, head left, holding globe and trident
BMC 128, Cop 139 17
I 2434
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Cyme  Aeolis Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Æ (17 mm) 3.75 g. c. AD 54/9
ΘΕΟΝ ΝΕΡΩΝΑ ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΘΕΑΝ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΙΝΑΝ; veiled bust of Agrippina II, right
BMC 130, Cop 143 14
I 2435
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Cyme  Aeolis Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Leaded bronze (19 mm) 4.47 g. c. AD 63/8
ΝΕΡΩΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΚΥΜΑΙΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΩΝ; unbridled horse trotting, right
BMC 126, Cop 141 25
I 2443
Phocaea  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Æ (15 mm) 3.03 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΦΩ, ΔΗΜΟϹΘΕΝΗϹ ΗΓΙΟΥ; forepart of griffin, right
Cop 1062 6
I 2443A
Phocaea  Ionia Asia (conventus of Smyrna)
Æ (19 mm) 5.76 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝ ϹΕΒΑϹϹΤΟϹ (sic); laureate head of Nero, right
ΦΩ, ΔΗΜΟϹΘΕΝΗϹ ΦΙΛΟΠΑΤΡΙϹ; Athena standing with patera and spear and shield
I 2458
Nero Nero (Augustus)
Æ (16 mm) 3.55 g. AD 62
ΝΕΡΩΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΠΟΠΠΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗΝ ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ; draped bust of Agrippina II, right