Search results: 31 entries found.

IV.1 3756 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
Æ 7.96 g. King Eupator (154–173/4)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ; to left, draped bust of male figure (Antonine emperor?), right; to right, draped bust of Eupator, left
ΜΗ; male figure (Eupator?) on horseback, right, raising right hand
Frolova, p. 166, pl. XXVIII.25–6, 28 (in text as '29') 3
IV.1 3759 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
Æ 8.74 g. King Eupator (154–173/4)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ; to left, draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right; to right, turreted and draped bust of Tyche, left
ΜΗ; Nike advancing, left, wearing wreath and palm-branch
Frolova, p. 167, pl. XXIX.5 3
IV.1 9124 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
Æ 12.13 g. King Eupator (154–173/4)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ (facing outward); to left, draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right; to right, turreted and draped bust of Tyche, left
ΜΗ; in centre, round shield with upright spear; to left, head of horse, left(?) and axe, to right, helmet, left and sword in sheath
Frolova — 2
IV.1 3758 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
Æ 7.26 g. King Eupator (154–173/4)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ (facing outward); to left, draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right; to right, turreted and draped bust of Tyche, left
ΜΗ; in laurel wreath
Frolova, p. 167, pl. XXIX.1–4 15
IV.1 3757 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
Æ 7.13 g. King Eupator (154–173/4)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ (facing outward); to left, draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right; to right, turreted and draped bust of Tyche, left
ΜΗ; male figure (Eupator?) on horseback, right, raising right hand
Frolova, p. 167, pl. XXVIII.27, 29, Cop 63 4
IV.1 3976 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
Æ 8.68 g. King Eupator (154–173/4)
ΚΑΠΕ; temple (of Jupiter/Zeus on the Capitoline Hill in Rome) with five(!) columns
ΝΟ ΒΑ ΕΥ ΚΔ; in oak wreath
Frolova —, Zograph II, p. 418, pl. XLVIII.4, Cop 62, BMC 9 11
IV.1 3743 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
AV 7.74 g. Year ΞΥ (460) (163/4)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ (facing outward); draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right; (to right, club)
ΞΥ; to left, bare head of Marcus Aurelius, right, to right, bare-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, left; (between, dot or spear)
Frolova, p. 162, pl. XXVI.25, 27–8, 30–3, 36 and pl. XXVII.2, 4, 6, BMC 6 12
IV.1 3744 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
AV 7.66 g. Year ΞΥ (460) (163/4)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ (Αs with curved crossbar); draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right; (to right, club)
ΞΥ; to left, bare-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right; to right, bare head of Marcus Aurelius, left; (between, dot or spear)
Frolova, pp. 161–2, pl. XXVI.23–4, 26, 29, 34–5, 37 and pl. XXVII.1, 3, 5 17
IV.1 3737 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
AV 7.76 g. Year ϚΝΥ (456) (159/60)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ; draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right; (to right, club)
ϚΝΥ; laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right; (to right, club)
Frolova, pp. 158–9, pl. XXV.4–11 11
IV.1 3753 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
AV 7.71 g. Year ϚΞΥ (466) (169/70)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ; draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right
ϚΞΥ; laureate head of Lucius Verus, right; to right, spear
Frolova, p. 165, pl. XXVIII.6–7 2
IV.1 3752 (temporary)
Eupator Eupator (king)
AV 7.75 g. Year ϚΞΥ (466) (169/70)
ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ΕΥΠΑΤΟΡΟϹ; draped bust of Eupator wearing diadem, right
ϚΞΥ; laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass, right; (to right, star or spear)
Frolova, p. 165, pl. XXVIII.5 and 8 (in text '7') 2