Search results: 57,987 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
X — (unassigned; ID 76582)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωΝϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt
X — (unassigned; ID 76580)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt
X — (unassigned; ID 76583)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωΝϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β, Δ Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt
X — (unassigned; ID 76581)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β, Δ Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt
X — (unassigned; ID 76601)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt; to right, palm
X — (unassigned; ID 76596)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β, Δ Elpis advancing left, holding flower and raising skirt; to right, star
X — (unassigned; ID 76605)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β, Δ Nike advancing right, holding wreath and palm
X — (unassigned; ID 76628)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β Sarapis standing left, head right, holding sceptre and his drapery
X — (unassigned; ID 76897)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωΝϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β, Α Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
X — (unassigned; ID 76618)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β, Α Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia
X — (unassigned; ID 76624)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β, Α Tyche standing left, holding rudder and cornucopia; to right, palm
X — (unassigned; ID 88015)
Egypt Alexandria Constantius ΦΛΑ ΚωΝϹΤΑΝΤΙΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantius, right, seen from front L Β Zeus standing left, holding patera and sceptre; at feet left, eagle
X — (unassigned; ID 76615)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from front L Β, Β Alexandria standing left, raising right arm and holding sceptre
X — (unassigned; ID 76651)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from front L Β eagle standing left between two standards, head right, spreading wings
X — (unassigned; ID 76642)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from front L Β eagle standing left, head right, holding wreath in beak
X — (unassigned; ID 76645)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from front L Β eagle standing left, head right, holding wreath in beak
X — (unassigned; ID 76639)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from front L Β eagle standing right; behind, palm
X — (unassigned; ID 76573)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from front L Β Eirene standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre
X — (unassigned; ID 76574)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from front L Β, Β Eirene standing left, holding olive branch and sceptre
X — (unassigned; ID 89011)
Egypt Alexandria Galerius ΓΑΛ ΜΑΞΙΜΙΑΝΟϹ Κ laureate and cuirassed bust of Galerius, right, seen from rear L Β Elpis (?) standing left, raising flower and holding cornucopia