Search results: 179 entries found.

Vol. Province City Person Inscription Design Inscription Design
I 4529
Syria Berytus Cleopatra VII L Β ΘΑ diademed bust of Cleopatra, right ΒΗ ΔΙΟ facing Baal of Berytus in quadriga of hippocamps
I 4530
Syria Berytus Cleopatra VII L Ν diademed bust of Cleopatra, right ΒΗ L Ϛ L ΑΚ Baal of Berytus in quadriga of hippocamps
I 4531
Syria Berytus head of Baal of Berytus with trident, right ΒΗΡΥΤΙ, L ΓΝ (in field) Baal of Berytus in quadriga of hippocamps
I 4532
Syria Berytus veiled head of Tyche, right ΒΗΡΥΤΙΩΝ, L ΓΝ Nike with wreath and palm on prow; in right field, aphlaston
I 4532AA
Syria Berytus veiled head of Tyche, right ΒΗ[ΡΥ]ΤΙ L Γ[Ν] dolphin and trident; on either side, pileus
I 4533
Syria Berytus head of Tyche, right L ΓΝ dolphin and trident; on either side, pileus
I 4534
Syria Berytus Augustus CAISAR bare head of Augustus, right COL IVL inscription in wreath
I 4535
Syria Berytus Augustus IMP CAESAR AVGVSTV(S) bare head of Augustus, right P QVINCT(I)L(L)(L)VS V(V)RVS two aquilae between two standards
I 4536
Syria Berytus Augustus CAESAR laureate head of Augustus, right dolphin and trident in wreath
I 4537
Syria Berytus Augustus CAESAR laureate head of Augustus, left dolphin and trident in wreath
I 4538
Syria Berytus eagle on fulmen, left AVG
I 4539
Syria Berytus lituus AVG
I 4540
Syria Berytus Augustus IMP CAESAR AVGVSTVS bare head of Augustus, right COL IVL veiled figure ploughing, left, with two oxen
I 4541
Syria Berytus Augustus IMP AVG bare head of Augustus, right PERMISSV SILANI two aquilae
I 4542
Syria Berytus eagle on fulmen, left SILANVS P, AVG
I 4543
Syria Berytus Tiberius TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT VII bare head of Tiberius, right COL IVL veiled figure ploughing right with two oxen
I 4544
Syria Berytus Tiberius TI CAESAR AVGVST F IMPERAT VII bare head of Tiberius, right PERM SIL two aquilae
I 4545
Syria Berytus Claudius TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM IMP bare head of Claudius, right COL IVL (AVG) veiled figure ploughing, right, with two oxen
I 4546
Syria Berytus Claudius TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM IMP bare head of Claudius, left COL IVL AVG veiled figure ploughing, right, with two oxen
I 4547
Syria Berytus Claudius TI CLAVD CAESAR laureate head of Claudius, left V VIII two aquilae