bare head of Tiberius, right
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΥ, L Ε; hippopotamus, right
No image
bare head of Tiberius, right
ΤΙΒΕ, L Ε; crocodile, right
head of Livia
L Ε; two ears of corn and two poppies
bare head of Tiberius, right
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΥ, L Ϛ; hippopotamus, right
No image
head of Livia (?)
L Ϛ; peacock, right
radiate bust of Caligula (?)
L Β; crescent
Savio, no. 2 10
laureate head of Caligula (?), right
Ε; crescent
Savio, no. 3 2
head of Zeus Ammon, right
L Β; bird, right
Savio, no. 6 4
Uraeus serpent, left
L Β; agathadaemon serpent, right
Savio, no. 7 5
ibis, right or left
L ΚΑ; crocodile, right or left
Savio, no. 7 11
bird (ibis?), palm (?) in front
L Β; Apis bull, right
Savio, nos 9–9a 32
laureate head of Claudius, right
L Δ; capricorn
laureate head of Claudius, right
L Δ; eagle head
laureate head of Claudius, right
L Δ; ibis
laureate head of Claudius, right
L Ι; capricorn, right
Æ (10 mm) 1.34 g.
head of Zeus, right
Ι; wreath
laureate head of Nero, right
L Η; trophy and captive kneeling in front
laureate head of Nero, right
L Η; trophy
No image
laureate head of Nero, right
L Ι; eagle
No image
laureate head of Nero, right
L ΙΑ; hawk