CAI(sic) COMM A; bare head of Commodus (long beard), right
COL AVG TRoA; tripod
Bellinger A 231 8
CAI(sic) COMM A; bare head of Commodus (long beard), right
COL AVG TRοA; tripod; to left, raven standing, left, head, right
Bellinger A 232(A) 2
CAI(sic) CoMM AV; bare-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear
CoL AV TRoA; horse grazing, right
CAI(sic) CoMM AV; bare-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear
COL AVG TRοA; tripod; to left, raven standing, left, head, right
Bellinger A 232(B) 3
No image
Æ (21 mm) 5.12 g.
CO / AV; turreted and draped bust of Tyche with vexillum, right
COL AVG / TRO; she-wolf and twins right
Bellinger A495 2
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed AV CO
COL AVG TROAD; cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on short column, right, with quiver on shoulder, holding patera and bow; at right, tripod
Bellinger A470 6
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AVG, TROAD; tripod; at right, Apollo, naked to the waist, seated left, holding arrows; at left, priest Krinis, seated right; between them, facing bearded herdsman Orodes, head right, with pedum; at feet, forepart of hound; at right, eagle(?)
Bellinger A481 3
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed AV CO
COL ALEX AVG; cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on short column, right, with quiver on shoulder, holding patera and bow; at right, tripod
SNG Mu 50 2
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AVG TRO; eagle flying, right, holding bucranium in claws
Bellinger A490 3
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AV ALE TRO; eagle facing, spreading wings, head right, holding bucranium in claw
Bellinger A492 2
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AL, TROAD; drunken Hercules stumbling right, being held up by satyr standing behind him; to either side, satyr standing in support
Bellinger A485 2
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AVG, TROAD; horse grazing, right
Bellinger A486 4
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AVG TROAD; cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on short column, right, with quiver on shoulder, holding patera and bow; at right, tripod
Bellinger A470 4
Æ (21 mm) 4.94 g.
CO ALEX TR; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, inscribed (?) vexillum
COL AVG, TROA; she-wolf right, suckling the twins
Bellinger A495 1
Æ (21 mm) 5.13 g.
CO ALEX TR / CO/ AVG; turreted and draped bust of Tyche with vexillum, right
COL AVG TRO; drunken Hercules between two satyrs; third satyr behind
Bellinger A485 1
CO ALEX TR(O); draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed AV CO
COL AVG, TRO(A); horse grazing, right
Bellinger A486 7
CO ALEX TR(O); draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AVG, TROA; she-wolf right, suckling the twins
Bellinger A495 9
Æ (21 mm) 7.89 g.
CO ALEX TR, AV CO (on standard); draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, inscribed vexillum
COL AVG TROAD; cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on short column, right, having quiver at shoulder, holding patera over lighted tripod and bow
CO ALEX TRO; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AVG, TR(O); to left, cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing on short column, right, with quiver on shoulder, holding patera and bow; to right, Alexander riding horse, left, wearing military dress, raising arm
Bellinger A475 12
CO ALEX TRO; draped bust of Tyche, right; behind her, vexillum inscribed CO AV
COL AVG, TROA; in centre; herdsman (Ordes) advancing left, raising arm, carrying pedum; to left, cult statue of Apollo Smintheus standing base, right, with quiver on shoulder, holding bow and patera; to right, bull(?) jumping, right, head, left