Search results: 617 entries found.

I 2362
Augustus Kephalion (grammateus)
Pergamum  Mysia Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Sardis
Brass (20 mm) 5.11 g. Augustus, Gaius and Lucius Caesars (c. AD 1 (?))
ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ; Demos of Pergamum crowning Demos of Sardis with a wreath
ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΝ, ΚΕΦΑΛΙΩΝ ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΕΥΩΝ; temple with two columns enclosing statue of Augustus, resting on spear with his right hand
BMC 360, AMC 1222 31
I 2528D
Augustus Augustus Sakodas
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Sardis
Æ (18 mm) 5.01 g.
[ ] ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head of Tiberius (?), right
[ ]Ν ΚΑΙ ΣΑΡ[ΔΙΑΝΩΝ Σ]ΑΚΟΔΔΑΣ; figure wearing tunic and cloak clasping hands with togate figure
I 2538E
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Sardis
Æ (18 mm) 4.26 g.
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ; laureate head, right
[ ]ΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΣΑΚΑΝΤΗΣ, ϹΤΡΑ; two figures clasping hands; between, monogram
I 2538F
Hypaepa  Lydia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Sardis
Æ (18 mm) 4.10 g.
ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΝ [ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΝ]; laureate head, right
ΥΠΑ[ ]; figure in tunic standing right, clasping hands with draped figure standing left
I 2912
Laodicea ad Lycum  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Smyrna
Leaded bronze (25 mm) 8.15 g. AD 50/4
ΔΗΜΟΣ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ; laureate head of the Demos of Laodicea facing laureate head of the Demos of Smyrna
ΕΠΙ ΙΕΡΕΩΣ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΟΥ ΠΟ ΥΙΟΥ ΖΗΝΩΝΟΣ; Zeus Laodiceus standing, left, with eagle and staff
BMC 263, Cop 613, Martin, Demos Laodikeia 4 13
I 2928
Laodicea ad Lycum  Phrygia Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Smyrna
Leaded bronze (24 mm) 11.67 g.
ΝΕΡΩΝ ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΣ; laureate head of Nero, right
ΑΝΤΩ ΖΗΝΩΝΟΣ ΖΗΝΩΝ ΥΙΟΣ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ ΖΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ ΟΜΗΡΟΣ; facing Demoi of Laodicea and Smyrna, clasping hands and holding sceptres
BMC 265, Cop 614, Martin, Demos Laodikeia 5 23
I 2988
Augustus Augustus Mousaios
Sardis  Lydia Asia (conventus of Sardis) Pergamum
Æ (19 mm) 6.76 g. Sardis and Pergamum
ΣΕΒΑΣΤΟΥ; bare head of Augustus, right
ΣΑΡΔΙΑΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ ΜΟΥΣΑΙΟΣ; the Demoi of Pergamum and Sardis, each holding a sceptre, clasping hands
BMC 213, Cop 54 14
II 920
Pergamum  Mysia Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Ephesus
Æ (30 mm) 16.48 g.
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with aegis
ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΚΛ ΚΕΦΑΛΙΩΝΟϹ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝ, ΕΦΕ; draped figure of Artemis (of Ephesus) standing, right, with stag behind, clasping hands with bearded male standing figure (Zeus; of Pergamum?), holding transverse sceptre
Franke & Nollé 1509–10 4
II 1079
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (30 mm) 19.79 g. AD 92/3 or 93/4
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ ΡΟΥϹΩΝΟϹ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; cult statue of Artemis (with supports) between two Nemeses
BMC Ephesus 405; Stumpf 414; Franke & Nollé 149–55, 162–6, 179; Pera, Homonoia p. 31, no. 1 16
II 1080
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (30 mm) 17.58 g. AD 92/3 or 93/4
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with drapery and aegis on left shoulder
ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥΠΑΤΟΥ ΡΟΥϹΩΝΟϹ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; two Amazons, holding double axes, clasping hands
BMC Ephesus 408; Stumpf 415; Franke & Nollé 145–8, 156–61, 167–8, 170, 178; Pera, Homonoia p. 31, no. 2 13
No image
II 1081
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (25 mm) 8.90 g. AD 92/3 or 93/4
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right
[ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ] ΑΝΘΥ ΡΟΥϹΩΝΟϹ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; two Nemeses standing, right, facing cult statue of Artemis
Franke & Nollé 175–7 3
No image
II 1082
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (25 mm) 9.17 g. AD 92/3 or 93/4
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right
[ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ] ΑΝΘΥ ΡΟΥϹΩΝΟϹ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; cult statue of Artemis
Franke & Nollé 173–4 2
II 1083
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (20 mm) 7.00 g. AD 92/3 or 93/4
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ; draped bust of Domitia, right
ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ ΑΝΘΥ ΡΟΥϹΩΝΟϹ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; cult statue of Artemis
No image
II 1084
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (20 mm) 5.67 g. AD 92/3 or 93/4
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ; draped bust of Domitia, right
ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ ΕΠΙ ΡΟΥϹΩΝΟϹ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; cult statue of Artemis
Franke & Nollé 212 corr. 1
II 1085
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (30 mm) 17.24 g. Between AD 91 and 95
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with drapery and aegis on left shoulder
(ΕΠΙ) ΑΝΘΥ ΚΑΙϹΕΝΝΙΟΥ ΠΑΙΤΟΥ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕϹΙ; cult statue of Artemis (with supports) between two Nemeses; above, ΖΜΥΡ; below, ƐΦƐϹΙ
BMC 407; Stumpf 416–17; Franke & Nollé 180, 186–7; Pera, Homonoia p. 32, no. 3 5
II 1086
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (30 mm) 18.01 g. Between AD 91 and 95
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with drapery and aegis on left shoulder
ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥ ΚΑΙϹΕΝΝΙΟΥ ΠΑΙΤΟΥ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; two Nemeses standing, right, facing cult statue of Artemis; above, ΖΜΥΡ; below, ƐΦƐ
Stumpf 418; Franke & Nollé 181, 189–90 4
II 1087
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (30 mm) 17.86 g. Between AD 91 and 95
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with drapery and aegis on left shoulder
ΕΠΙ ΑΝΘΥ ΚΑΙϹΕΝΝΙΟΥ ΠΑΙΤΟΥ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; two Amazons, holding double axes, clasping hands; to left, ΖΜΥΡ; to right, ƐΦƐ
Stumpf 419; Franke & Nollé 182–5; Pera, Homonoia p. 32, no. 4. 5
II 1088
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (25 mm) 9.46 g. Between AD 91 and 95
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right
ΑΝΘΥ ΚΑΙϹΕΝΝ ΠΑΙΤΟΥ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; two Amazons, holding double axes, clasping hands; to left, ΖΜΥΡ; to right, ƐΦƐ
Franke & Nollé 191 3
II 1089
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (25 mm) 9.35 g. Between AD 91 and 95
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with drapery on right shoulder
(ΕΠΙ) ΑΝΘΥ ΚΑΙϹΕΝ ΠΑΙΤΟΥ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; cult statue of Artemis (with supports); to left, ΖΜΥΡ; to right, ƐΦƐ
Stumpf 421; Franke & Nollé 194–200, 211 9
II 1090
Ephesus  Ionia Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Smyrna
Æ (25 mm) 8.87 g. Between AD 91 and 95
ΔΟΜΙΤΙΑΝΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟϹ ΓΕΡΜΑΝΙΚΟϹ; laureate head of Domitian, right, with drapery on left shoulder
ΑΝΘΥ ΚΑΙϹΕΝ ΠΑΙΤΟΥ ΟΜΟΝΟΙΑ, ΖΜΥΡ, ΕΦΕ; two Nemeses standing facing each other, holding bridle and yard
BMC 409; Stumpf 420; Franke & Nollé 192–3, 201–10; Pera, Homonoia p. 32, no. 5. 16