RPC VII.2, 2748


Image of specimen #1


Coin type
Volume VII.2
Number 2748
Province Galatia
Region Pisidia
City Antioch
Reign Gordian III
Person (obv.) Gordian III (Augustus)
Person (rev.) Gordian III (Augustus)
Obverse inscription IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AV
Edition Imp(erator) Caes(ar) M(arcus) Ant(onius) Gordianus Au(gustus)
Translation Emperor Caesar Marcus Antonius Gordian Augustus
Obverse design radiate, draped and cuirassed bust of Gordian III, right, seen from rear
Reverse inscription CAES ANTIOCH CL, S R
Edition Caes(area) Antioch(ia) co(lonia) S(ocia) R(omanorum)
Translation Colony of Caesarea Antioch, ally of the Romans
Reverse design Gordian III, laureate, in military dress, standing right, holding spear pointing forward and globe
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 28 mm
Average weight 10.82 g
Axis 6, 12
Reference Krzyżanowska ΙΙ/8
Specimens 5 (3 in the core collections)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
1 1     ✸ P: 170 SNG 1249 = Wa 3602
2 2     Cop SNG 73
3 3     NY: 1970.142.654
4 4     Warsaw
5 5     B. Michaux coll.