RPC VII.1, 149.2


Image of specimen #3


Coin type
Volume VII.1
Number 149.2
Province Asia
Subprovince Conventus of Pergamum
Region Mysia
City Germe
Reign Gordian III
Person (obv.) Tranquillina (Augusta)
Magistrate Aelius Aristonikos (strategos)
Obverse inscription ΦΟΥΡ ΤΡΑΝΚΥΛΛΙΝΑ ϹΑΒ
Edition Φουρ(ία) Τρανκυλλῖνα Σαβ(ινία)
Translation Furia Tranquillina Augusta
Obverse design diademed and draped bust of Tranquillina, right
Edition ἐπὶ Αἰλ(ίου) Ἀριστονείκου Γερμη(νῶν)
Translation under Aelius Aristonikos, of the Germenians
Reverse design Apollo seated left on rock, holding branch and resting on tripod
Metal copper-based alloy
Average diameter 29 mm
Average weight 10.62 g
Reference Ehling —
Specimens 1 (0 in the core collections)
Note Under no. 149/3 in CS
Addition Additional coin-type (post publication)

Specimens of this coin type

Number Number Museum Bibliography
3 3     ✸ Peus 366, 25 Oct. 2000, lot 577 (M. Burstein)