Search results: 200 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
III 4432.1 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L ΙΓ = year 13 AD 109/10 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed L ΙΓ sphinx with crown of disc, horns and feathers, with crocodile emerging from chest, walking, right, on serpent See Vogt, pp. 83-84: ‘ein Mischgottheit … die aus Königssphinx, Suchos und Uräus zusammengestetzt ist; die Schlange, auf der das Tier steht, ist vielleicht aus der griechischen Darstellung von Hygieia übernommen.’ A. Geissen, ‘La politique monétaire des Antonins’, in Duyrat, F., and Picard, O. (eds), L’exception égyptienne? Production et échanges monétaires en Égypte hellénistique et romaine, Actes du Colloque à Alexandria 13-15 Avril 2002, Études alexandrines 10 (2005), pp. 315-6: ‘un Sphinx doté d’une tête de Pharaon, coiffé de cornes de belier et d’uraei, d’un disque et de plumes; de la poitrine émerge une tête de crocodile; la queue a la forme d’un uraeus; le Spinx écrase un serpent.’. He identifies the image as one of the god Toutou. The figure recurs later and under Hadrian (5910). 3 Yale 2001.87.3927 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 4570 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IΔ = year 14 AD 110/11 Æ (12 mm) Trajan laureate head of Trajan (?), right L ΙΔ caduceus 3 added 15.11.17 2 Yale 2001.87.3928 13 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 4770 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (12 mm) Trajan laureate head of Trajan (?), right L ΙϚ caduceus between 2 ears of corn 7 15.11.17; 8 30.6.18; 9-10 7.8.18 6 Yale 2005.6.275 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 4772 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (12 mm) Trajan laureate head of Trajan (?), right L ΙϚ hem-hem crown 9 added 3.10.17 8 Yale 2005.6.283 (?) 1 classified as a coin of Hadrian, but, for what it is worth the portrait looks more like Trajan no no no [show] [edit]
III 4774 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (12 mm) Trajan laureate head of Trajan, right L ΙϚ jug 8 0n 7.8.18; ? removed 6 Yale 2005.6.276 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 4818 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IZ = year 17 AD 113/14 Æ (12 mm) Trajan laureate head of Trajan (?), right L ΙΖ elephant (?) standing, right All these coins seem to depict the same animal, variously described as an elephant (BMC 493), a hippopotamus (K655 = Emmett 708 = KG 27.576, P1205), a gazelle (D1208 = Emmett 704) or a rhinoceros (BMC 500 = Emmett 719 = KG 27.575, P1206, NY 1944.100.56327); an elephant seems the most likely. 11 on 27.2.18; 13 on 23.8.18 10 Yale 2005.6.277 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5051 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L B = year 2 AD 117/18 Tetradrachm Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ (sic) laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder L Β eagle standing, right 6 Yale 2001.87.3634 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5156 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L Γ = year 3 AD 118/19 Tetradrachm Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder; to right, star L Γ draped bust of Nilus, right, crowned with taenia and lotus-buds, cornucopia at shoulder 6 Yale 2001.87.5126 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5313 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L Ϛ = year 6 AD 121/2 Tetradrachm Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ - ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder; to r crescent L Ϛ Demeter standing facing, head left, holding ears of corn and torch 2 Yale 2001.87.4226 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5499 Egypt Egypt Alexandria ƐΤ ƐΝΑΤ, ΕΤ Θ or L ΕΝ = year 9 AD 124/5 Tetradrachm Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ - ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear ΕΤ ΕΝΑΤ bust of Harpocrates, right, raising finger to mouth; at shoulder, caduceus 5 Yale 2001.87.4226 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5556 Egypt Egypt Alexandria ƐΤ ƐΝΑΤ, ΕΤ Θ or L ΕΝ = year 9 AD 124/5 Æ (12 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian (?), right L ΕΝ ibis standing, right 6 Yale 2001.87.5155 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5605 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L ΔΕ(ΚΑΤΟΥ) or L I = year 10 AD 125/6 Æ (27 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ - ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear L ΔΕΚΑΤΟΥ Isis Pharia advancing, right, holding sistrum and sail 3 Yale 2001.87.5128 27 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5694 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L ΕΝΔΕΚΑΤΟΥ or L ΙΑ = year 11 AD 126/7 Æ (12 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian right, drapery on left shoulder L ΙΑ Canopus, left 4 Yale 2005.6.282 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5734 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L ΙΓ = year 13 AD 128/9 Æ (12 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian (?), right L ΙΓ Pan standing, left Probably also DS7761-7762. 8 Yale 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5832 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IZ = year 17 AD 132/3 Æ (33 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear L ΙΖ Emperor (Hadrian), laureate-headed, wearing toga capite velato, standing facing, head left, holding patera over altar and sceptre 8 Yale 2001.87.3932 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5838 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IZ = year 17 AD 132/3 Æ (33 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear L ΙΖ Isis Pharia advancing, right, holding sistrum and sail; to right, Pharos 26 Yale 2001.87.3946 21.18 32.5 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5853 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IZ = year 17 AD 132/3 Æ (27 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear L ΙΖ Pharos with statue 22 Yale 2001.87.3947 13.28 28.5 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5912 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IH = year 18 AD 133/4 Æ (33 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear L ΙΗ sphinx with crown of disc, horns and feathers, with crocodile emerging from chest, walking, left, on serpent; above, griffin The sphinx is sometimes without a beard (as on /17). F. Vink points out that such beardless sphinxes are documented in antiquity: see O.E. Kaper, The Egyptian god Tutu: A Study of the Sphinx-god andMaster of Demons with a Corpus of Monuments (Leuven, 2003), pp. 219-20. 16 Yale 2001.87.3941 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 5935 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IH = year 18 AD 133/4 Æ (23 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ - ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right, seen from rear L ΙΗ draped bust of Isis, crowned with taenia, disc and horns, right 4 Yale 2005.6.279 23 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 6062 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L ƐΝΝƐΑΚ·Δ or L ΙΘ = year 19 AD 134/5 Æ (33 mm) Antinous ΑΝΤΙΝΟΟΥ ΗΡΩΟϹ bare-headed and draped bust of Antinous wearing hemhem crown, right L ΙΘ Antinous riding on horse, right, holding caduceus Blum p. 54 nos. 4-10: V 24523; B, A 2402; A 2403a; A 2403; B; L; Mu; Cop 399-400; D2080; A 2409; V 24527. For an Antinous fake made from a Nilus reverse see V39346 (23.49 g; 11h). The following are also probably false: A Dem 2403; 2404 (head l.); 2410 (head l.) 36 added 22.5.16; 37 on 6.5.18 35 Yale 2001.87.3950 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6568 Uncertain Uncertain Uncertain Bronze coinage Æ (30 mm) Hadrian HADRIANVS AVGVSTVS laureate bust of Hadrian, right ADVENTVS AVGVSTI, COS III P P (in ex.) Hadrian, in military dress, with cloak floating behind, on horse prancing left, raising his right hand and holding spear in left BMC 1433 6567 and 6568 which form one group, as die identities prove, look like small medallions, of the size of dupondii. They lack the SC formula and their metallic content (at least for the L specimen which has been analysed) is not orichalcum, but high tin bronze (Sn 17.7%; Pb 9.8%: unpublished analysis by Q. Wang, British Museum). This suggests that they were not struck in Rome but elsewhere. It is then difficult to resist the idea that they were struck in the East and that the Adventus reverse design links them with Hadrian’s journeys. The obverse style seems to link them to the Ephesian cistophori (compare with RPC 1328-1349) and Ephesian bronzes (see Bellesia, loc. cit., p. 13). Anomalous denarii of Hadrian, which diverge stylistically from both the mint of Rome and Antioch, are also of a similar style as some of the cistophori of Hadrian . See also General Introduction, chapter 4. 4 Yale ILE 2013.17.108 ex CNG MBS 43, 24 Sept. 1997, lot 1979 11.7 31 1 4940 no aegis. Moved from 6567/2 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 34 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Æ (24 mm) Faustina I ΘΕΑ ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ draped bust of the deified Faustina I, right ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ turreted female figure (Aktia) seated, left, holding cantharaus(?) and long sceptre Oikonomidou 33 !revtyp: I am not sure whether it is a cantharus 4 Yale ex PRF 7.7 23 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 36 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ Τ ΑΙΛ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤωΝ[ bare head of Antoninus Pius, right ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ Nike advancing, right, holding wreath and palm-branch Oikonomidou 8$ !date: obvtyp resembles had; !simtyps: 1) laureate head, 2) with legsvars, 3) with palu; $CHECK: ref duplication 1 Yale ex PRF, ex private coll. Hollschek Oikonomidou 8, pl. 20 8.76 23 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 40 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Æ Antoninus Pius ΚΑΙϹ[ΑΡ ΑΝ]ΤωΝΙΝοϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΝΙΚοΠοΛΕω[Ϲ] Nike driving galloping biga, left Oikonomidou, Antoninus Pius — !simtyp with laur bust+cuir+palu 1 Yale ex PRF 6.4 21 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 61 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis c. 147–161 Æ Marcus Aurelius [ ] bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), right Α (with curved crossbar) in wreath Oikonomidou 10 !attr: mar-cae(147), mar or ver; Oi says mar(?) 1 Yale ex PRF, ex private coll. Hollschek Oikonomidou 10, pl. 22 3.62 19 8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 74 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis 161–176 Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΚΤΙΑ in wreath Oikonomidou 14–16, Cop 70 !Fittschen7; !obvleg: Oi + Schlos with P'AVCTeINA, but perhaps INA only; !addref9: Mi S III, 182, no. 183; 5 Yale ex PRF, ex private coll. Hollschek 2.42 8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 77 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors 177–180 Æ Commodus Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟΔ(?) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΝΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ Tyche standing, left, holding rudder and cornucopia Oikonomidou 11–13, BMC 28,Rec ('Nicomedia') 150, BMC ('Nicomedia') 32 !obvleg: OI wants KOMO[DOC], but KOMOD more likely; !attr2: Schlosser as 'Pius'; !addspec: Mi S III, 188$ 7 Yale ex PRF, ex private coll. Hollschek Oikonomidou 12 pl. 24 5.15 22 8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 78 Epirus Epirus Nicopolis Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors 177–180 Æ Commodus Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟ(Δ) (Αs may be shaped as Λs) laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right Ν(Ε)ΙΚΟΠΟΛΕωϹ Nike advancing, left, holding wreath and palm-branch Oikonomidou 1–8 and 10, BMC 27, Cop 71–2 !spec: cop 73 under $w$!obvleg: OI wants KOMO[DOC], but both KOMO and KOMOD exist, unclear whether there are further variations 9 Yale ex PRF, ex private coll. Hollschek 6.81 21 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 185 Achaea Attica Athens Agora Period VB c. 120's – 140's (or 150's) Æ head of Athena with traces of drapery, right ΑΘΗ (in field) Themistokles standing on galley, left, wearing military dress, holding wreath and trophy; galley with helmsman; on ram, serpent; on prow, owl Kroll, Agora 182(1), Svoronos, Athens 97.1 !deno: drachm (Agora); !simtyps 1) revlegvar, 2) with bust+cuir+laurel, 3) Themistok, r. 2 Yale ex PRF 9.2 25 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 446 Achaea Corinthia Corinth Æ Antoninus Pius ANTONINVS AVG PIVS bare head of Antoninus Pius (assimilated to portrait of Hadrian?), right C L I COR Neptune/Poseidon seated, left, holding dolphin and trident BCD Corinth 671, Cop 309 corr. $CHECK/DO !dies: at .least 2 diff obv. dies: some, eg. 8 looks like Hadrian;!simtyp, larger; !obtyp1-2: bare difficult to see, Cop wrongly 'laureate', but 3 clear; !revdies: 2 diff from 3, 1 too worn to tell 11 Yale ex PRF 6.8 20 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1130 Macedonia Macedonia Dium Æ Antoninus Pius IMP CAES ANTONINO P(I, IU, IO or P) laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right COL IVL AVG DIENSIS D D (Ds often inverted) Minerva/Athena standing, left, holding patera (over owl) and spear (; to right at her feet, serpent) Kremydi-Sicilianou 1–21 !revtyp: 3: perhaps Zeus, see whether such a type exists 10 Yale ex PRF Kremydi-Sicilianou pl. 6.7 4.66 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1182 Macedonia Macedonia Pella Æ Commodus COMMO ANT AVG laureate head of Commodus, right C IVL AVG PELL in laurel wreath with small eagle(?) between wreath ends AMNG 31 2 Yale ex PRF 6.2 22 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 1199 Macedonia Macedonia Thessalonica 'Pseudo-autonomous' c. 161–180 Æ ΘΕϹϹΑΛΟΝ(Ε)ΙΚΕΩΝ turreted and draped bust of Tyche wearing stephane, right ΚΑΒΕΙΡΟϹ Kabeiros standing, left, holding rhyton and hammer Touratsoglou, Pseudoautonomen VI F, 1–13 (Marcus Aurelius), BMC 48, Cop 383 !simtyps 1) earlier period, 2) with Tyche, l. 8 Yale ex PRF 8.57 20 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1274 Macedonia Macedonia Koinon of Macedonia Æ Marcus Aurelius ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝοϹ radiate head of Marcus Aurelius, right ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝωΝ (facing inward) thunderbolt with four wings AMNG 277a, Cop 1344 !simtyps; !die-axis impossible to define: 6.00 or 12.00; !letfor: o or O debatable; !spec 6 = Mi III, 10, no. 64; 10 Yale ex PRF 13.2 26 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1319 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝοϹ (third Ν may be shaped as И) radiate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ turreted Tyche seated, left, holding poppies, ears of corn, raising left arm !simtyps; !revtyp1-2: Tyche with arm in the air as with sceptre, but not there 2 Yale ex PRF 6.9 25 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1323 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis c. 139–147 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded) wearing paludamentum, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΙΤΩΝ (unusual Ω form) turreted Artemis Tauropolos standing, left, holding long torch, resting arm on shield !simtyps 2 Yale ex PRF 4.4 19 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 1326 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis c. 147–161 Æ Antoninus Pius (ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ) ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ (Αs may be shaped as Λs) laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤωΝ (Α may be shaped as Λ) turreted Tyche seated, left, holding patera AMNG 81, Cop 104 !simtyps with laur+traces, bare+palu and radiate; !revleg: check A-form Images of 11-16 in a single file. 8 Yale ex PRF 8.1 22 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 1357 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis 161–176 Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΜΦΙΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ turreted Artemis Tauropolos standing, left, holding long torch and branch(?) !Fittschen7; !simtyp with Fittschen1?; !obvleg1: looks more like CeBACH or CeBAC{TH}; !revtyp2: branch not very clear 2 Yale ex PRF 4.8 18 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 1367 Macedonia Macedonia Amphipolis Æ Commodus Κ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΜΟΔΟϹ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΑΜΦΙΠοΛΙΤωΝ Artemis Tauropolos on bull, right, drawing arrow from quiver at shoulder, holding bow BMC 120 4 Yale ex PRF 4.6 19 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 2048 Thrace Thrace Philippopolis Reign of Marcus Aurelius or Commodus 178–182 Æ Crispina ΚΡΙϹΠΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Crispina, right ΦΙΛΙΠΠοΠοΛΙΤΩΝ Homonoia standing, left, holding patera over altar and cornucopia Mouchmov, Philip. 256 $CHECK/DO !revleg: EITWN var might also exist;!Fittschen1; !simtyp: 20mm; !obvleg: Mou with typo 'KROCPEINA'; !revleg: Mou wants LEITWN, but 2 with ITWN 2 Yale ex PRF 9.1 24 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 2075 Thrace Thrace Topirus c. 154/5 Gaius Iulius Commodus Orfitianus Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ Κ Τ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝοϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΕΠΙ ΙΟΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟΥ ΤΟΠ(Ε)ΙΡ(Ε)ΙΤΩΝ nude Heracles seated on rock covered with lion skin, left, resting right arm on club, resting left arm on rock BMC 4 !simtyps: 1) mag, 2) head, 3) Hera's club; !revtyp: needed to be divided between r. hand on club and hand in the air; both types exist 10 Yale ex PRF 7.4 23 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 2142 Thrace Thrace Coela Æ Commodus [IMP?] CAI(sic) AV CoMMo (?) laureate head of Commodus with traces of drapery(?), right AI(L) MVNI COILA(sic) prow, right, above, cornucopia and two ears of corn; before, dolphin !simtyps; !Spec3 perhaps type of its own 3 Yale ex PRF 3.1 19 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 2245 Thrace Thrace Hadrianopolis 161–176 Æ (22 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤ(ΩΝ) female figure standing, left, holding patera (over altar) and long sceptre Jurukova 63–67, 71, and 76–81, Cop 558 !Fittschen1o2; or 5? !revleg: Cop wrongly ..LITWN 4 Yale ex PRF 4.8 22 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 2328 Thrace Thrace Hadrianopolis c. 191–192 Æ (18 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Κ Λ ΑΥ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ bare-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΑΔΡΙΑΝΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ bunch of grapes Jurukova — !spec: Franke says "unpubliziert", i.e. not in Jurokova but cf. 165 1 Yale ex PRF 2.7 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 2668 Moesia Inferior Moesia Dionysopolis Marcus and Verus, co-emperors c. 163–169, perhaps later Æ (15 mm) Lucilla ΛοΥΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ veiled and draped bust of Lucilla, right ΔΙοΝΥϹοΠοΛΕΙΤΩΝ thymiaterium (or torch?) AMNG 373, Jekov 7, Tachev Lucilla 1-10 2 Yale 2004.6.944 (ex PRF) 2.58 16 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 2741 Moesia Inferior Moesia Tomis Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ bare head of Antoninus Pius, right ΤΟΜΙΤωΝ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΙϹ Zeus(?) standing, left, holding patera(?) and long sceptre AMNG 2609 !simtyps; !revtyp: is patera visible?; !revleg: spec2 with W and clearly LIC 2 Yale ex PRF 4.1 20 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 2846 Moesia Inferior Moesia Tomis The Antonines Æ head of Heracles (bearded), right ΤοΜΙΤΩΝ Hermes standing, left, holding purse(?), caduceus and chlamys AMNG 2545 !simtyps !dat: AMNG, p. 613, says the type is similar to later Tmolos coins 2 Yale ex PRF 2 14 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 2951 Northern Black Sea Bosporus Kingdom of the Bosporus 193–210 Æ Sauromates II ΒΑϹΙΛΕωϹ ϹΑΥΡοΜΑΤοΥ (facing outward, Αs with curved crossbar) draped bust of King Sauromates II wearing diadem, right Β (in l. field) turreted Aphrodite seated, left, holding apple (and long transverse sceptre); to left, laureate head of Septimius Severus, right; to right or left, star Frolova, p. 195, pl. XLII.23, 25–31 and pl. XLIII.1–15, Cop 67 !era: none; !deno: double denarius (Frol); !simtyps with add. figures: 1) Eros, 2) Nike; !obvleg: V/Y debatable 37 Yale ex PRF, reverse with sceptre and BM as reverse legend 8.9 26 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 3043 Northern Black Sea Sarmatia Tyra c. 147–161 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΒΗΡΙϹϹΙΜΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), right ΤΥΡΑΝΩΝ Athena standing, left, holding patera, resting arm on shield, behind shield, upright spear Tyra 53 and 53a !types: 1-27 = Tyra 53 with TY RA NWN, 28 = Tyra 53a with TYR A NWN; !revtyp: Athena facing, head, l. / Athena, l. is matter of interpretation 37 Yale ex PRF 2.9 19 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3244 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea Æ Antoninus Pius Υ]Τ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝοϹ (Αs shaped as Λs) laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΝΕΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ (Α shaped as Λ) nude Dionysus (youthful) standing, facing, head left, holding cantharus and long filleted thyrsus !simtyp larger 1 Yale ex PRF 4.6 19 7 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3362 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea Æ Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝοϹ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ Hygieia standing, right, feeding serpent from patera !simtyps 2 Yale ex PRF 7.1 24 1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 3394 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea Æ (18 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝ[ bare head of Marcus Aurelius, right ΝΙΚΑΙΕωΝ infant Dionysus seated in cradle, left, extending both arms; over shoulder, transverse thyrsus !simtyp with revlegvar and cradle, r. 1 Yale ex PRF 4 18 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3400 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea Æ (18 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝ bare head of Marcus Aurelius, right ΝΙΚΑΙΕΙϹ ΡΩΜΑΙ ΝΙΚΗΝ trophy !simtyp with revleg var 1 Yale ex PRF 3.8 18 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3553 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea Æ Commodus Α Κ Μ ΑΥ Κο ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝ[? laureate head of Commodus, right ΙΕΡΟϹ ΑΓωΝ ΝΙΚΑΙΕωΝ nude Athlete standing, facing, head, right, placing crown on his head, holding palm-branch !simtyps, smaller 1 Yale ex PRF 12.7 27 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3660 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicaea c. 191–192 Æ Commodus ΑΥ Λ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Commodus, right ΟΜΗΡΟϹ ΝΙΚΑΙΕΩΝ (Α shaped as Λ) diademed and draped bust of Homer, right !simtyps with obvleg vars 1 Yale ex PRF 4.1 18 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3708 Bithynia-Pontus Thrace Byzantium c. 175 Memmios Markos Æ ΒΥΖΑΣ (Σ shaped as Ζ) head of Byzas (bearded) wearing helmet, right Ε ΜΑΡΚοΥ Β ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΩΝ galley with sail, left; on stern, two standards Schönert-Geiss, Byzantion 2046 !simtyps 5 Yale ex PRF 8.1 24 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3734 Bithynia-Pontus Thrace Byzantium Marcus Aurelius and Commodus, co-emperors 178–180 Aelius Pontikos Æ Commodus ; Crispina ΒΡ ΚΡΙϹΠΙΝΑ ϹΕΒ ΑΥΤ Κ Λ ΑΥΡΗ ΚοΜΟΔΟϹ to left, draped bust of Crispina, right; to right, laureate-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, left ΕΠ(Ι) (ΑΙ) ΠΟΝΤΙΚΟΥ Η(Ρ) ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΩΝ Corinthian helmet, right Schönert-Geiss, Byzantion 1448–53, BMC 67–8, Cop 510 !Fittschen: 1o2; !deno: "6er"; !addspec2: Mi I, 379, no. 108, Mi II, 253, no. 296 9 Yale ex PRF 16.4 29 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 3823 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicomedia Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΝΤΩΝ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ϹΕΒ bare-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing paludamentum, right ΔΗΜΗΤ ΝΕΙΚΟ veiled Demeter standing, left, holding two ears of corn and long torch Rec 50(1), BMC 12–13 !simtyps, esp. with same obvleg but head only 14 Yale ex PRF Lanz 92 (04/06/1999), 637, pl. 25 3.09 18 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 3839 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicomedia c. 147–161 Æ Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (short beard) wearing paludamentum, right ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ ΝΙΚΟΜΗΔΕΙΑϹ eagle standing, left, spreading wings, fighting serpent erect before it Rec 78 !simtyps; !revleg: o/O debatable 4 Yale ex PRF 10.3 24 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 3961 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Nicomedia c. 184–190 Æ (27 mm) Commodus Α Κ Μ ΑΥ ΚΟ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝ laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right ΜΗΤ(ΡΟ) ΝΕΩ(ΚΟ(Ρ)) ΝΙΚΟΜΗ(Δ) temple with eight columns Rec 161 and 164 corr, BMC 33 !simtyps; !obvleg: Rec wants AY K but Y is band of laurel; !spec: 4-5: in Rec 162 as 'radiate' and completely wrong legs !spec5: Rec 164 with wrong legs; 3 Yale 116322, ex PRF 8.94 27 2 1 GIC — (uncertain) no no no [show] [edit]
IV.1 4114 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Tium Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙοϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded) wearing paludamentum, right ΤΙΑΝΩΝ Isis standing, left, wearing lotus, holding sistrum and long sceptre Rec 66, BMC 9, Cop 614 !obvtyp: BMC wrongly head; !dies: at least 2 obv. and 1 rev. die; same pair of dies: 2-3; obvdie of 2-3 very similar to $w$5565/1 6 Yale ex PRF 3.9 19 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.1 4157 Bithynia-Pontus Bithynia Tium Æ Marcus Aurelius [Α]ΥΤ [Μ Α?] ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝ[? laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΤΙΑΝΩΝ Zeus Syrgastes standing, facing, holding patera over eagle and long sceptre !obvleg: need to find the obv. die 1 Yale ex PRF 21.4 34 7 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 93 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Mysia Cyzicus Marcus and Verus, co-emperors 161–169, mostly c.AD 161–165 but some later Æ (27 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ (Ζ reversed) Demeter advancing, right, holding torch in each hand !Fittschen5; !simtyps 1 Yale ex PRF 10.9 27 12 1 8268 6319 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 93 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Mysia Cyzicus Marcus and Verus, co-emperors 161–169, mostly c.AD 161–165 but some later Æ (27 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ (Ζ reversed) Demeter advancing, right, holding torch in each hand !Fittschen5; !simtyps 2 Yale ex PRF 9.9 26 12 1 8268 6319 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 138 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Mysia Cyzicus Second half of reign of Marcus Aurelius: »Kyzikos« c. 169–175, perhaps until AD 180 Æ (23 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ Κ Μ Α ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with long curls), right ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝΕΟΚΟΡΩΝ lighted torch on altar, entwined by serpent !simtyps 3 Yale ex PRF 7.3 24 9 1 8590 6348 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 188 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Mysia Cyzicus 'Pseudo-autonomous': Second half of reign of Marcus Aurelius (»Kyzikos«) c. 169–175, perhaps until AD 180 Æ (27 mm) ΚΥΖΙΚΟϹ diademed head of hero Kyzikos (youthful), right ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝΩΝ ΝΕΟΚΟΡ(ΩΝ) Demeter standing, facing, head, left, holding ears of corn and long torch H. von Fritze, Nomisma 10 (1917), V 7c var. 1 Yale ex PRF 13.8 30 6 1 7983 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 394 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Mysia Cyzicus c. 184–190 Æ (27 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΚΥΖΙΚΗΝ(ΩΝ) ΝΕΟΚΟΡΩΝ Homonoia standing, left, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia !simtyps with 1) older com without altar, 2) younger com & figure without cornucopia; !revleg2: perhaps add obvleg beginning var 4 Yale ex PRF 9.2 27 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 604 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Ilium Marcus and Verus, co-emperors: Issue 3 (ΑVΓ) c. 161–162 Æ (26 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ ΑΥΓ ϹΕΒΑϹ (?) draped bust of Faustina II, right ΕΚΤΩΡ ΙΛΙΕΩΝ helmeted Hector advancing, left, holding fire brand and shield Bellinger T 164 !Fittschen2? 1 Yale Bellinger T 164, pl. 8 (rev.), worn, 24 1 $$CHECK after image OBV LEG AND FITTSCHEN AND MOVE IF NECESSARY no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 624 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Ilium Marcus and Verus, co-emperors: Issue 4 (ΑΡΜΕΝΙΑΚΟϹ) c. 164–166 Æ (26 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΔΙΑ ΙΔΑΙοΝ ΙΛΙΕΙϹ Zeus Idaios seated, right, holding long sceptre and cult statue of Athena of Ilium Bellinger T 168, von Fritze, Ilion 65, Cop 398 !Fittschen3 12 Yale ex PRF 8.9 25 5 1 8012 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 667 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Ilium 'Pseudo-autonomous': The Antonines c. 138–192 Æ (16 mm) ΙΛΙΕΩΝ bust of Athena wearing aegis, right ΕΚΤΩΡ helmeted and nude Hector standing, facing, head, left, holding spear (chlamys) and sword Bellinger T 206–7, von Fritze, Ilion 33–4, BMC 23, Cop 374 and 376 !revtyp: all T BMC 207 with chlamys on rev!; !date: von vF als coma datiert. 16 perhaps new obv. leg. variation. 1 Yale Bellinger T 206, pl. 9 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 751 Asia (conventus of Cyzicus) Troas Alexandria »Kyzikos«: 3.3 bust and COMMOD AVG c. 180–183 Æ (24 mm) Commodus IMP CAI(sic) M AVR COMMOD AVG laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short - medium length beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear COL AVG TROAD nude Hercules/Heracles (bearded) standing, right, resting right hand on hip, left arm wrapped in lion skin, resting on club which stands on rock(?) Bellinger A 199 3 Yale ex PRF 5.9 25 7 1 21330 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 918 Asia (conventus of Adramyteum) Mysia Miletopolis Marcus and Verus, co-emperors: without personal name but (probably) part of the issue of Titus Flavius Crispus, strategos c. 166–169 Æ (18 mm) Lucilla ΛΟΥΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Lucilla, right ΜΕΙΛΗΤΟΠοΛΕΙΤΩΝ Asclepius standing, facing, head, left, holding serpent-staff Schwertheim 39, KM 29, no. 4 !Fittschen1; Tip: Schwertheim 38: Lucilla/Tyche: eutychos; Mi Suppl. V, 383, no. 626. 6 Yale 2001.87.11612 3.29 18 6 1 8151 6084 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1069 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lesbus Mytilene Reign of Marcus Aurelius or Commodus c. 178–182 Aulus Fulvius Dionysios Æ (35 mm) Crispina [ΚΡΙϹΠΕΙΝΑ] ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Crispina, right ΕΠΙ Ϲ[ ] ΦΟΥ [ to left, emperor (Marcus Aurelius or Commodus) standing, left, raising right arm; to right, turreted Tyche of Mytilene standing, left, crowning emperor, holding Dionysiac herm !simtyp without magname 3 Yale ex PRF, reverse legend obscure, cast in V 23.7 36 6 1 8142 6624 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1086 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lesbus Mytilene 'Pseudo-autonomous': The Antonines c. 138–192 Hieroitas Æ (22 mm) ΝΑΥϹΙΚΑΑΝ ΗΡΩΙΔΑ draped bust of Nausikaa, right ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΙΕΡοΙΤΑ ΜΥΤΙΛ(Η) Sappho seated, right, playing lyre BMC 167, L. Forrer, RBN 57 (1901), 420, no. 3, L. Bürchner, ZfN 9 (1882), p. 132 !revleg: o or O debatable; rev. leg. var seems to exist; !addspecs: Schefold, Bildnisse, pp. 172f., no. 12 (rev.) and pp. 219, but no reference; and one is L. Bürchner, ZfN 9 (1882), p. 132, pl. IV.31 (obv.), 8 (rev.) 8 Yale ex PRF 5.6 21 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1091 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lesbus Mytilene 'Pseudo-autonomous': The Antonines c. 138–192 Æ (14 mm) bust of Athena wearing aegis, right, (carrying spear over shoulder) ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΑΙΩΝ Telesphorus standing, facing Tip: Mi III, 44, no. 89 7 Yale ex PRF 1.7 15 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1111 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Mysia Perperene 138–161 Æ (16 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΙ ΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟ bare head of Antoninus Pius, right ΠΕΡΠΕΡΗΝΙΩΝ Telesphorus standing, facing, holding bunch of grapes Barth-Stauber = Stauber 38–9, BMC 7, Cop 525 !obvleg: Bart/Stauber want TRAI instead of TI AI; B/S 38: PERPE PHINWN; B/S 39: PERPERH NIWN: 10 Yale ex PRF 2.24 16 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1183 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Mysia Pergamum Marcus and Verus, co-emperors c. 161–165 Aulus Tullius Cratippus Æ (42 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑ[ϹΤΗ] draped bust of Faustina II, right; seen from front ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ Α ΤΥΛ ΚΡΑΤΙΠΠΟΥ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗ ΔΙϹ ΝΕΟΚΟ[? nude Heracles advancing, right, carrying the Erymanthian boar over shoulder; to left, Eurystheus hiding in storage jar Weisser 892 !Fittschen5o7 1 Yale ex PRF Weisser 892, pl. 14 34.7 41 6 1 6002 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 1252 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Mysia Pergamum Issue 2 c. 180–182 Publius Aelius Pius Æ (42 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡ Π ΑΙ ΠΙΟΥ ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΠΕΡΓΑΜΗΝΩΝ ΕΦΕϹΙΩΝ to left, turreted Tyche of Pergamum standing, right, holding long transverse sceptre; to right, youthful hero of Ephesus (Androklos or Ephesos?) standing, left, holding long sceptre; both clasping hands Weisser 1247, Franke & Nollé 1561–2, Kampmann 105, no. 27 Weisser quoted wrongly Private coll. Fontana (= C. Fontana, RIN 1975, 142, no. 11, pl. II in that context, but is - as Fontana said - a coin of Caraclla. 2 Yale ex PRF 32.7 42 6 1 8645 6539 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 1331 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Mysia Germe Commodus as co-emperor of Marcus or sole ruler: Issue 2a (without personal name but associated with the coins of Hermolaos, archon for the second time) c. 179–180 Æ (25 mm) Crispina ΚΡΙϹΠΕΙΝΑ ΑΥΓΟΥϹΤΑ draped bust of Crispina, right ΓΕΡΜΗΝΩΝ Zeus seated, left, holding patera and long sceptre Ehling 138 !Fittschen1; !simtyp with CEBACT; !attr: Germe likely but not certain 2 Yale ex PRF 9.3 23 6 1 8203 6203 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1426 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Nacrasa c. 139–144 Demetrios Æ (16 mm) ΕΠΙ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ head of Heracles (bearded), right ΝΑΚΡΑϹΕΩΝ serpent coiled around omphalos, head, left Cop 296, LS 105, no. 3 6 Yale ex PRF 1.7 15 6 1 8750 7099 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 1427 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Nacrasa Marcus Aurelius as Caesar c. 147–161 Æ (20 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), right ΝΑΚΡΑϹΕΩΝ cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags BMC 20–1, Cop 301 From the same pair of dies: 1-5; legs: o/O and Y/V dabatable. 10 Yale ex PRF 5.9 21 6 1 8238 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1450 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Nacrasa Marcus and Verus, co-emperors: Faustina II, without personal name but probably part of the issues of strategoi Aelius Philippos or Pardalas, son of Menophilos c. 164–166 Æ (17 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΝΑΚΡΑϹΕΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia BMC 25, Cop 302 !Fittschen7; !obvleg: E/e debatable; 12 Yale ex PRF 2.6 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1456 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Thyatira Marcus and Verus, co-emperors c. 164–165 Æ (37 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝΤΩΝΕ[Ι ΑΡ] bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with short curls) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from centre [Θ]ΥΑΤΕΙΡΗΝΩΝ trophy; between two captives, left one seated, right one standing, left Hochard 2403 !era: Armeniakos; 1 Yale 2009.110.46 Freeman & Sear Mail Bid Sale 7 (22/02/2002), 258 = GRPCL Thyateira 200 = Hochard 2403a, pl. 141 22.45 36 1 1 8791 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 1574 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Hierocaesarea Marcus and Verus, co-emperors: Single issue? c. 163–165 (?) Æ (37 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (long beard with short curls) with traces of drapery, right ΙΕΡΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕΩΝ Perseus advancing, right, wearing military dress, holding harpa and Medusa-head Hochard 635 !Legs: o/O debatable 2 Yale 2004.6.288, ex PRF Frank Sternberg 24 (19/11/1990), 347 = GRPCL Hierocaesarea 89 = Hochard 635a, pl. 32, obverse lightly double struck 24.1 35 6 1 8372 7113 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 1583 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Hierocaesarea c. 169–175 (?) Menodoros II Æ (26 mm) ΘΕΑ ΡΩΜΗ helmeted bust of Roma wearing cuirass and mantle, right; to right, sword in sheath (?) ΕΠΙ ϹΤΡΑ ΜΗΝΟΔΩΡΟΥ Β ΙΕΡΟΚΑΙϹΑΡΕ Homonoia standing, facing, head, left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lighted altar and cornucopia Hochard 676 NEW: stylistic similarity with Mostene: 1 Yale 2008.83.68 CNG Electronic Auction 110 (16/03/2005), 114 = GRPCL Hierocaesarea 55 = Hochard 676a, pl. 34 11.94 28 1 18176 no no yes|460|114|52abbd8a57e6ac7a71ecbe7fedbeb2fd [show] [edit]
IV.2 1621 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Lydia Apollonis 'Pseudo-autonomous' c. 180–192 Æ (18 mm) bust of Athena wearing aegis, right; to left, spear ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝΙΔΕΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Hochard 42, BMC 12–13 !obvtyp: BMC without spear 4 Yale 2004.6.724 Hochard 42a, pl. 3 2.64 18 6 1 8663 7086 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1648 Asia (conventus of Pergamum) Aeolis Elaea Marcus and Verus, co-emperors c. 163–166 Æ (15 mm) Lucius Verus ΟΥΗΡ(ΟϹ) ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Lucius Verus, right ΕΛΑΙΤΩΝ kalathos containing poppy and four ears of corn !simtyp; !obvtyp: clearly bearded, probably not mar-cae, Franke also thinks ver 1 Yale ex PRF 2.3 14 6 1 8471 6657 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1829 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Lydia Magnesia ad Sipylum c. 144–161 Æ (16 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (lightly bearded - short beard) wearing paludamentum, right, seen from centre ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ ϹΙΠΥΛΟΥ Plutos standing, left, holding fruit in folds of chiton Hochard 1076, BMC 59, Cop 262 also Duess 17337 14 Yale 2004.6.276, ex PRF Hochard 1076f, pl. 55 2.85 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1860 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Lydia Hyrcanis 'Pseudo-autonomous': Second half of second century AD c. 150–200 Æ (19 mm) ΥΡΚΑΝΩΝ turreted and draped bust of the Tyche, right ΜΑΚΕΔοΝ(Ω) Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Hochard 1015-16, BMC 3 !revleg: E/e debatable; !simtyp from thia: here crown, nearly pointing upward: on simtyp from thia crown, l.: e.g. P 549 and C Leake 7806 Suppl., p. 59.7 7 Yale 2004.6.2873, ex PRF, with traces of gold cover? Hochard 1015c, pl. 52 4.4 18 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1893 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Smyrna c. 147–161 Theudianos Æ (19 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΘΕΥΔΙΑΝΟϹ ΑΝΕΘΗΚΕ griffin standing, right, placing left forepaw on wheel Klose L, Serie A, 5–10, BMC 349 !Fittschen1or2 20 Yale 5.57 12 1 8167 6787 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1922 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Smyrna 'Pseudo-autonomous': without personal name but associated through shared dies with coins of the sophist Claudius Proklos, strategos c. 161–166 Æ (19 mm) ΖΕΥϹ ΑΚΡΑΙΟϹ (Ζ may be reversed) head of Zeus Akraios, right ϹΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ griffin standing, right, placing left forepaw on wheel Klose VI, Serie C, 60–3, BMC 179–180 and 182–3, Cop 1283–4 and 1296 16 Yale ex PRF 3.34 6 1 8218 6848 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1940 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Smyrna Commodus as Caesar and Lucilla Augusta 175–177 Publius Aelius Arizelos Æ (35 mm) Commodus Λ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ϹΤΡ ΠΟ ΑΙΛ ΑΡΙΖΗΛΟΥ ϹΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ two Nemeses standing in biga drawn by griffins, left, each plucking chiton, left one holding bridle, right one holding cubit rule Klose LIII, Serie A, 3, BMC 359 10 Yale 11.48 6 1 8235 6812 pierced twice no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 1969 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Smyrna c. 184–190 Aelius Herakleides Æ (26 mm) ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ draped bust of the Senate (youthful), right ϹΤΡ ΗΡΑΚΛΕΙΔΟΥ ϹΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ Athena standing, left, holding patera and spear; beside, shield Klose XV, Serie A, 4–5, BMC 222, Cop 1303 9 Yale 9.66 6 1 7870 6904 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2008 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Smyrna 'Pseudo-autonomous' c. 175–200 Æ (16 mm) ΜΕΛΗϹ river-god Meles reclining, left, holding reed, resting on water-urn ϹΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ Nike advancing, right, holding wreath and palm-branch Klose X, Serie A, 2–3, BMC 216–19, Cop 1301–2 29 Yale ex PRF 2.59 6 1 8593 6886 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2056 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Teos Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius c. 152–176 Verecundus Æ (17 mm) ϹΤΡΑ ΒΕΡΗΚΟΥΝΔΟΥ Liknophoros standing, facing ΤΗΙΩΝ cantharus MG 297, no. 133a 3 Yale ex PRF 4.3 17 12 1 22005 22006 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2063 Asia (conventus of Smyrna) Ionia Teos soon after October 180 Kriton, son of Asklepides Æ (19 mm) ΡΩΜΗ laureate-headed and draped bust of Roma, right ϹΤΡ ΚΡΙΤΩΝΟϹ ΤΗΙΩΝ cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags Cop 1499, GM 652, no. 367 !Obvleg: normal would be add. 'T'eA' but missing 3 Yale ex PRF 5.1 19 6 1 22010 22011 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2122 Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Lydia Hypaepa 175–177 Lucius Pom(peius?) Iulianus Æ (31 mm) Commodus Λ ΑΥΡ ΚοΜοΔοϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΕΠΙ Λ Π(οΜ) ΙοΥΛΙΑΝοΥ ϹΤΡΑΤΗΓ(οΥ) ΥΠΑΙΠΗΝΩΝ temple with four columns enclosing statue of Artemis Anaïtis standing, facing, wearing kalathos, extending hands Hochard 768–9 corr., Altınoluk 65$ !Simtyp with round pediment; !obvleg: Gorny wrongly 'M' instead of 'L'. 2 Yale 2004.6.259, ex PRF 17.62 31 6 1 23588 23589 GIC 233 (Artemis Anaïtis, standing facing) no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2173 Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Lydia Nicaea Cilbianorum Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius as Caesar 139–161 Æ (24 mm) Antoninus Pius ; Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ[ to left, laureate(?) head of Antoninus Pius, right; to right, bare head of Marcus Aurelius(?), left ΚΙΛΒΙΑΝΩΝ ΠΕΡΙ ΝΕΙΚΕΩΝ Eirene standing, facing, head, left, holding olive-branch(?), resting arm on column Hochard 222(1) corr. !revtyp: could be Apollo but Eirene more iikely as on pre-Antonine coins; !Simtyps of Dionysus and Mar&Com 1 Yale 2004.6.2885, ex PRF Hochard 222a, pl. 12, emperors on obverse as 'Marcus Aurelius and Commodus' 7.55 23 7 1 22896 22897 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2180 Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Lydia Nicaea Cilbianorum 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius 138–161 Claudius Meliton Æ (24 mm) ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ draped bust of the Senate (youthful), right ΕΠΙ ΚΛ ΜΕΛΙΤΩΝ(Ο)Ϲ ΚΙΛΒΙ(ΩΝ) (ΤΩΝ) ΠΕΡΙ Ν(Ε)(ΙΚ(Ε(Α))) cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags Hochard 292-4, KM 175, no. 1 4 Yale 2004.6.2882, ex PRF Schulten 24 (19/04/1989), 128 = MünzZentrum 67 (07/11/1989), 1500 = GRPCL Nikaia-Kilbiani 5 = Hochard 292d, pl. 16, reverse legend with ΜƐΛΙΤΩΝϹ(sic) 5.58 24 1 1 22883 22886 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2181 Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Lydia Nicaea Cilbianorum 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius 138–161 Claudius Meliton Æ (20 mm) ΚΙΛΒ(Ι) ΠΕΡΙ ΝΙΚΕΑ radiate-headed and draped bust of Helios, right ΕΠΙ ΚΛ(ΑΥΔΙοΥ) ΜΕΛΙΤΩΝΟϹ cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags Hochard 297–8, F. Imhoof-Blumer, NZ 20 (1888), 7, no 4 corr., LS 57, no. 7 2 Yale 2004.6.2883, ex PRF 5.72 23.5 11 1 22876 22877 GIC 276 (female advancing l.) no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2279 Asia (conventus of Ephesus) Ionia Ephesus Marcus Aurelius as Caesar and Faustina II c. 158–161 Æ (21 mm) Marcus Aurelius ; Faustina II οΥΗΡοϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ [Φ]ΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕ to left, bare head of Marcus Aurelius (medium length beard), right; to right, draped bust of Faustina II, left ΔΗΜ[ΟϹ] ΕΦΕϹΙΩΝ to left, Demos standing, left, wearing toga, holding patera, to right, Nike standing on base, left, crowning Demos Karwiese 342 corr., O. Waser, RSN 7 (1898), pp. 320–1, Martin, Demos 27, no. 1 !Fittschen1; !obvdie3 is different from obvdie thesis-ID 1666/1; !Waser obv. wrongly with AYRHLIOC statt OVHROC; !rev: Karwiese restores {DHMOC] but says emperor sacrificing 4 Yale ex PRF 4.8 19 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2611 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Samos Issue 2: with long beard and Μ(άρκος) c. 184–190 Æ (18 mm) Commodus Μ ΑΥ(Ρ) ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate head of Commodus (long beard), right ϹΑΜΙΩΝ cult statue of Samian Hera standing, facing, wearing kalathos, holding patera in each hand, having fillets; between two peacocks BMC 243-5, Cop 1737 !simtyps 18 Yale ex PRF 3 18 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2611 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Samos Issue 2: with long beard and Μ(άρκος) c. 184–190 Æ (18 mm) Commodus Μ ΑΥ(Ρ) ΚΟΜΟΔΟ(Ϲ) laureate head of Commodus (long beard), right ϹΑΜΙΩΝ cult statue of Samian Hera standing, facing, wearing kalathos, holding patera in each hand, having fillets; between two peacocks BMC 243-5, Cop 1737 !simtyps 19 Yale ex PRF 2.5 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2617 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Samos Issue 4: with long beard and Λ(ούκιος) c. 191–192 Æ (30 mm) Commodus ΑΥ Λ ΑΥΡ ΑΝ ΚΟΜΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear ϹΑΜΙΩΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Cop 1736 6 Yale ex PRF 15.4 32 6 1 22063 22065 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2642 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Magnesia ad Maeandrum c. 147–161 Diophantos Æ (31 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΙΛΙΟϹ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΒΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (short beard) wearing paludamentum, right, seen from centre ΓΡΑΜ ΔΙΟΦΑΝΤΟΥ ΜΑΓΝΗΤΩΝ cult statue of turreted Artemis Leukophryene standing, facing, having supports, being crowned by two flying Nikai; between two standing eagles with spreading wings Schultz 113, GM 643, no. 311 !Deno Schultz: 5; Schultz will Marcus as youthful (139-44); rev. I-B will GRA.M.; Schultz GRAM 9 Yale ex PRF 14.3 29 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2686 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus c. 147–161 Æ (37 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΤΙ ΑΙ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΜΕΙΛΗϹΙΩΝ ϹΜΥΡΝΑΙΩΝ turreted Amazons of Miletus (on left) and Smyrna (on right), standing, facing each other, clasping hands, each holding double axe Roch XVIII.3, Franke & Nollé 1284-1284A !Simtyp; !Deno: 8 (Roch) 1 Yale 2004.6.209, ex PRF 27.44 38 6 1 22331 22332 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 2693 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus Marcus and Verus, co-emperors: Issue A 161–169 Æ (32 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ (Φ shaped as ·I·) draped bust of Faustina II, right Μ(Ε)ΙΛΗϹΙΩΝ ΕΦΕϹΙΩΝ οΜοΝοΙΑ to left, cult statue of nude Apollo Didymeus standing, facing, holding stag and bow; to right, cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags Roch XXII.4, Temporini 353, no. III.1, Franke & Nollé 1298–1300 !Fittschen5; !Deno: 7 (Roch); !revleg: Temporini ohne Ep'eCIWN; !Obvdie1: Roch thinks is different from rest, F-N think it is the same 3 Yale 2004.6.210, ex PRF Heidelberger Münzhandlung Herbert Grün 17 (21/05/1996), 222 = G. Hirsch 192 (27/11/1996), 555 = Franke & Nollé 1300, pl. 61 (rev.), rev. legend with ΜƐΙΛΗϹΙΩΝ 19.75 33 6 1 22350 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2694 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus Marcus and Verus, co-emperors: Issue B 161–169 Publius Aelius Themistokles, son of Protoleon Æ (37 mm) Marcus Aurelius ; Lucius Verus Μ ΑΥΡ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ Λ ΑΥΡ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ laureate-headed busts of Marcus Aurelius (on left, with long beard) and Lucius Verus (on right), facing each other, both wearing cuirass ΕΠΙ ΑΙΛ ΘΕΜΙϹΤΟΚΛΕΟΥϹ ΑϹΙΑΡΧΟΥ ΜΙΛΗϹ(Ι)ΩΝ(sic) temple with four columns enclosing statue of nude Apollo Didymeus standing on short base, left, holding stag and bow Roch XXI.2, Temporini 354, no. III.4, C. Fontana, RIN 77 (1975), 140, no. 5 !Deno: 8 (Roch) 4 Yale 2009.110.49 C. Fontana, RIN 77 (1975), 140, no. 5, pl. I.5 = C. Fontana, RIN 90 (1988), 82, no. 13, pl. 3 = Lanz 92 (04/06/1999), 684, pl. 28 = Freeman & Sear Mail Bid Sale 6 (06/10/2000), 521 = Triton 8 (11/01/2005), 764, rev. legend with ΜΙΛΗϹΩΝ(sic) 28.86 39 5 1 7950 6028 no no yes|99|764|6d0e09161739f2c178809625bd9c51b1 [show] [edit]
IV.2 2701 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus Reign of Marcus Aurelius: Faustina II with hairstyle Fittschen 7 c. 161–176 Æ (15 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΜΙΛΗϹΙΩΝ Artemis (Pythie) standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding patera, bow and arrow; to left at her feet, stag standing, left Roch XX.2, Temporini 352, no. I.1, Cop 1019 !Fittschen7; !Simtyp with Fittschen1o5; !Deno: 2 (Roch); Tip: Mi Suppl. VI, 277, no. 1271 15 Yale 2001.87.11776 15 1 22340 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2702 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus Reign of Marcus Aurelius: Faustina II with hairstyle Fittschen 7 c. 161–176 Æ (15 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΜΙΛΗϹΙΩΝ cult statue of nude Apollo Didymeus standing, right, holding stag and bow Roch XX.1, Temporini 352, no. I.4, BMC 159 !Fittschen7; !Simtyp with Fittschen1o5; !Deno: 2 (Roch) 4 Yale 2004.6.2746, ex PRF 1.71 15.5 7 1 22340 22341 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2704 Asia (conventus of Miletus) Ionia Miletus 175–176 Aelianus Asclepiades Polites Æ (37 mm) Commodus Λ ΑΥΡ ΚοΜοΔοϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing paludamentum, right, seen from rear ΕΠΙ ΑΙΛΙ ΠΟΛΕΙΤΟΥ ΜΙΛΗϹΙΩΝ nude Apollo (Delphinios) seated on rock, left, head, right, placing right hand on top of his head, holding bow in left hand, resting with left arm on omphalos around which serpent coils Roch XXIII.1, GM 647, no. 338 !Deno: 8 (Roch); !obvleg: C McClean wrongly MAYR instead of L; !revleg. Weber wrongly AIN instead of AILI;Tip I-B: Mi Suppl VII, 277, no. 1273; Tip: J. Hirsch XXI (1908), coll. Consul Weber, 2910 (not illustrated) 2 Yale 2013.17.237 Peus 366 (29/10/2000), coll. Marcel Burstein, 646, pl. 33 23.09 37 1 22360 22361 no no no|28|646|3125b62f0e477cfdfbc779a31de3beb6 [show] [edit]
IV.2 2744 Asia (conventus of Philadelphia) Lydia Philadelphia c. 177–179 Publius Caecilius Kleon Æ (33 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝοϹ (Ω shaped as closed ∩) laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (thin face with very long beard) wearing cuirass with traces of drapery, right, seen from front [ΕΠΙ] Π ΚΑΙΚΙ Κ[ΛΕ]ΩΝοϹ ΑΡΧο Α ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ (Φs shaped as ·|·, Ωs as closed ∩) temple with two columns and rounded pediment enclosing statue of Artemis of Ephesus, standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports Hochard 1481 !revleg: special W-from 1 Yale 2004.6.378, ex PRF Lanz 97 (22/05/2000), 647 = GRPCL Philadelphia 280 = Hochard 1481a, pl. 78 22.72 34 6 1 23450 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 2751 Asia (conventus of Philadelphia) Lydia Philadelphia Group 1: ΚΟΜΟΔΟⳞ c. 184–190 Orestinos Æ (19 mm) ΕΠΙ ΟΡΕϹΤΕΙΝοΥ draped bust of Sarapis wearing kalathos, left ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕΩΝ (Φs shaped as ·Ι·) Isis standing, facing, head, left, wearing lotus, holding sistrum and situla Hochard 1606, GM 720, no. 604 6 Yale 2004.6.2925, ex PRF Gorny 58 (09/04/1992), 419 = Hochard 1606a, pl. 86 5.24 21 6 1 23457 23458 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2768 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Tmolus 'Pseudo-autonomous' with ethnic 'Tmolus': Late reign of Hadrian to 1st half of reign of Pius c. 136–146 Æ (15 mm) head of Dionysus (youthful) wearing ivy wreath, right; to right, thyrsus ΤΜΩΛΙΤΩΝ bunch of grapes Foss, Tmolus 181, type E, Hochard 2750 !later: is 1 from the same pair of dies as 4-5? 2 Yale 2004.6.2988 1.28 15 12 1 22509 22510 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2788 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Sardis 175–177 Gaius Asinius Frugi Æ (31 mm) Commodus Λ ΑΥΡ ΚοΜοΔοϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ (Δ with long serifs) bare-headed bust of Commodus (youthful) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΕΠΙ Γ ΑϹΙΝ ΦΡοΥΓΙ ΑΡΧοΝ ϹΑΡΔΙΑΝΩ (Δ with long serifs) cult statue of Kore of Sardis standing, facing, wearing tall crown surmounted by crescent; to left, poppy; to right, ear of corn Hochard 1963 1 Yale 2004.6.2969, ex PRF Hochard 1963a, pl. 112, with traces of tooling 16.67 31 6 1 23487 23488 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2800 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Uncertain Koinon of the Thirteen Cities c. 140–144 Marcus Claudius Fronto Æ (37 mm) Faustina I ΘΕΑ ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ draped bust of the deified Faustina I, right ΚοΙΝΟΝ (ΠΡΟ) ΚΛ ΦΡΟΝΤΩΝΟϹ ΑϹΙΑΡΧΟΥ ΚΑΙ ΑΡΧΙΕΕΩϹ) ΓΙ ΠοΛΕΩΝ temple with six columns enclosing statue of emperor standing, left, wearing military dress, holding uncertain object (small Nike?) and long sceptre Gillespie — 4 Yale ex PRF MünzZentrum 101 (15/12/1999), 233, obverse legend heavily tooled 23.8 35 1 27441 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2815 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Maeonia Early in the reign of Antoninus Pius 138–140 Moukianos Æ (24 mm) ΖΕΥϹ ΟΛΥΜΠΙΟϹ (Ζ reversed) diademed head of Zeus Olympios with traces of drapery, left ΕΠΙ ΜΟΥΚΙΑΝοΥ ΑΡ Γ ΜΑΙοΝΩΝ helmeted Roma seated on cuirass and shield, left, holding Nike and sword Hochard 1286, BMC 10 !revleg: Wa wants ARX, but AR.G (Mü) clear on 4. 5 Yale 2004.6.2902, ex PRF 8.04 26 12 1 23382 23383 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2851 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Sala c. 139–146 Andronikos Salamon Æ (22 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙοϹ οΥΗΡοϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (youthful - lightly bearded) wearing paludamentum, right, seen from centre ΕΠΙ ΑΝΔΡο ϹΑΛΑΜΩΝο(Ϲ) ϹΑΛΗΝΩΝ Dionysus standing, right, crossing legs, holding bunch of grapes and cantharus, resting left arm on column 4 Yale 2004.6.381, ex PRF Gorny 84 (13/10/1997), 5531 5.46 21 6 1 23983 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2901 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Traianopolis The Antonines Æ (20 mm) ΔΗΜΟϹ draped bust of the Demos (youthful), right ΤΡΑΙΑΝοΠοΛΙΤΩΝ Cybele seated, left, wearing kalathos, holding patera over lion, resting arm on tympanum RPC III, 2477, Martin, Demos Traianopolis 2b$, vA Phryg. II, 1375–89, BMC 17–18, Cop 760 The parallel piece from Aphrodisias belgongs to 161-9; !dat: vA Phryg. as hada; !NEW: same or similar obvdie at Synnada 3 Yale 2004.6.616 (ex PRF) 5.31 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2905 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Temenothyrae c. 150–161 Skopelianos, son of Zeuxis Æ (23 mm) ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ draped bust of the Senate (youthful), right ϹΚΟΠΕΛΙΑΝ(ΟϹ) ΤΗΜΕΝΟΘΥΡΕΥ(ϹΙ) (Ρ might be shaped as Ϸ) Mên standing, left, wearing Phrygian cap, holding pine cone and long sceptre; behind his shoulders, crescent BMC 2–3 !simtyp with ΑΝƐΘΗΚƐ; !special R-form 6 Yale 2004.6.3082, ex PRF ex Kölner Münzkabinett 7.75 23 5 1 8726 26985 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2969 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Aezani c. 184–190 Æ (28 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus (long beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΑΙΖΑΝΕΙΤΩΝ eagle standing on line, facing, head, left, spreading wings, holding wreath in beak vA Aizanoi 65 var., Cop 102 !simtyp with AYR only 3 Yale 2001.87.14493 9.55 26.9 2 1 26452 26451 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2976 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Aezani c. 184–192 Æ (19 mm) Commodus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ laureate head of Commodus (long beard), right ΑΙΖΑΝΕΙΤΩΝ cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus (Hagiotate) standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; (between crescent (on left) and star (on right)) vA Aizanoi 68, BMC 124–5, Cop 103 !Simtyp without KAI but with traces 8 Yale 2001.87.14494 3.49 19.2 8 1 26477 26482 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 2983 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Phrygia Tiberiopolis 'Pseudo-autonomous': Second half of second century AD, probably reign of Commodus c. 150–200, probably c. 184–190 Æ (21 mm) ΔΗΜΟϹ draped bust of the Demos (youthful), right ΤΙΒΕΡΙΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΩΝ nude Apollo standing, facing, head, left, holding laurel-branch, resting arm on column vA Phryg. II, 1209–12, Cop 755, Martin, Demos 244, no. 5 !Dat: coma by vA Phry. II. 6 Yale 2001.87.11256 4.68 21.6 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3010 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Silandus c. 163–165 Sta— Attalianos Æ (35 mm) Lucius Verus ΑΥ ΚΑΙ Λ ΑΥΡ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass, left, seen from rear ΔΑΚΙΚοϹ ΕΠΙΝΙΚΙοϹ ΕΠΙ ϹΤΑ ΑΤΤΑΛΙΑΝοΥ ΑΡ ϹΙΛΑΝΔΕΩΝ temple with four columns enclosing statue of Trajan in military dress standing, left, extending right arm, holding spear Hochard 2231 corr., Price & Trell 354 !obvdie: probably the same as $w$1438/1 and $w$2189 from Synnada. 2 Yale 2009.110.57 CNG Mail Bid Sale 69 (08/06/2005), 1005 = Hochard 2231b, pl. 130, misreading 'label' part of reverse legend in exergue as 'ΔΑΚΙΚΟΣ ΕΠΙΜΕΛΗΤ' and interpreting it as part of Attalianos' name and titles 27.5 37 6 1 8711 5905 no no no|111|1005|979b3e49d1589d7fb340149d45021681 [show] [edit]
IV.2 3014 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Silandus c. 163–165 Sta— Attalianos Æ (24 mm) ΔΗΜοϹ ϹΙΛΑΝΔΕΩΝ laureate head of the Demos (youthful), right ΕΠΙ ϹΤΑ ΑΤΤΑΛΙΑΝοΥ Dionysus (youthful) standing, left, holding cantharus over panther and thyrsus Hochard 2276, BMC 6–7, LS 143, no. 5, Martin, Demos 120, no. 1 !revleg: NoY looks like N.Y or {NT'Y}; !revleg: Wa wrongly with CTRA instead of CTA 13 Yale 2004.6.2974 Gorny 84 (13/10/1997), 5533 = Hochard 2276h, pl. 134 12.17 25 7 1 23188 23190 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3051 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Tabala Faustina II Issue 3: Hairstyle Fittschen 5 c. 152–176, perhaps 161–169 Æ (18 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΤΑΒΑΛΕΩΝ cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports Hochard 2307b-h and l, BMC 5 !Fittschen5; !simtyps with Fittschen 1 & 4 7 Yale 2004.6.395, ex PRF MünzZentrum 110 (02/05/2002), 217 4.98 20 6 1 23277 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3093 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Saitta Marcus and Verus, co-emperors c. 161–165, perhaps c. 161–163 Titianus, son of Bromios Æ (19 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΕΠΙ ΤΙΤΙΑΝΟΥ ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ nude Apollo standing, facing, head, left, crossing legs, holding laurel-branch, resting arm on column over which hangs drapery Hochard 1679, BMC 36–7 !Fittschen1o2; !simtyp without magname 9 Yale 2004.6.380, ex PRF 2.79 17 6 1 23133 23135 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3104 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Saitta Commodus as co-emperor of Marcus or sole ruler c. 179–180 Octavius Artemidoros Æ (24 mm) ΖΕΥϹ ΠΑΤΡΙΟϹ (Ζ reversed) diademed head of Zeus Patrios with traces of drapery, right ΕΠΙ ΑΡΤΕΜΙΔΩΡΟΥ ΑΡΧ Α ϹΑΙΤΤΗΝΩΝ nude Apollo standing, right, holding plectrum and lyre Hochard 1781, BMC 6–7 Obvleg.: O or o is matter of interpretation 6 Yale 2004.6.2933, ex PRF Hochard 1781b, pl. 96 6.29 24 6 1 23153 23154 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3136 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Iulia Gordus 'Pseudo-autonomous': The Antonines c. 138–192 Æ (19 mm) ΙΕΡΑ ϹΥΝΚΛΗΤΟϹ draped bust of the Senate (youthful), right ΙΟΥΛ(ΙΕΩΝ) ΓΟΡΔΗΝΩΝ Dionysus standing, left, holding cantharus (over panther) and long (filleted) thyrsus Hochard 557–9, BMC 6–9, Cop 155–6 27 Yale 2004.6.2874, ex PRF 5.74 20.5 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3139 Asia (conventus of Sardis) Lydia Iulia Gordus 'Pseudo-autonomous': The Antonines c. 138–192 Æ (17 mm) ΙΟΥΛΙ(Α) ΓΟΡΔΟϹ turreted and draped bust of the Tyche of Iulia Gordus, right ΙΟΥΛ ΓΟΡΔΗΝΩΝ cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports Hochard 553, BMC 10–14, Cop 157 !dat: BMC as coma 21 Yale 2004.6.2875, ex PRF 2.94 19 7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3192 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Rhodes Æ (17 mm) Antoninus Pius ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΡΟΔΙΩΝ radiate-headed and draped bust of Helios, right BMC 419, Cop 910 Mi Suppl. VI, 607, no. 330 34 Yale 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3250 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Iasus Reign of Marcus Aurelius or Commodus 178–182 Æ (26 mm) Crispina ΚΡΙϹΠΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ (Αs with curved crossbar) draped bust of Crispina, right ΙΑϹΕ[Ω]Ν (Α with curved crossbar) Asclepius standing, facing, head, left, holding serpent-staff Iasos — !Fittschen1var=Luc1; !revleg: all, letter forms uncertain, attr. Is good guess 1 Yale ex PRF 9.6 26 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.2 3332 Asia (conventus of Alabanda) Caria Antioch ad Maeandrum Marcus Aurelius as Caesar c. 147–161 Æ (15 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΒΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), right ΑΝΤΙοΧΕΩΝ Liknophoros standing, right P. Lederer, RSN 30 (1943), 60, no. 55 $CHECK/DO !spec4: might well be Verus, investigate, but in V under 'mar';Lederer will KAI[CAR], aber wohl falsch; !revtyp: Korbträger wie auf den Münzen von Cyzicus. 6 Yale ex PRF 3.8 17 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3585 Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Phrygia Colossae 178–180 Publius Aelius Ktesikles Æ (31 mm) ΔΗΜΟϹ ΚΟΛΟϹϹΗΝΩΝ laureate head of the Demos (youthful), right Π ΑΙΛ ΚΤΗϹΙΚΛΗϹ ΑΝΕΘΗΚΕΝ nude and radiate-headed Helios standing, facing, head, left, wearing chlamys, holding torch and globe vA Phryg. II, 484–6, KM 261, no. 7, Martin, Demos, Colossae 5$ !magname: KM wronlgy 'KTHCC(sic)IKLHC' Engel; 4 Yale ex PRF 18.9 31 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3620 Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Phrygia Laodicea ad Lycum c. 139–144 Publius Claudius Attalos Æ (36 mm) ΔΗΜΟϹ ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ diademed head of the Demos (bearded) with traces of drapery, right Π ΚΛ ΑΤΤΑΛΟϹ ΑΝΕΘΗΚΕ(Ν ΛΑΟΔΙΚΕΩΝ) cult statue of Artemis of Ephesus standing, facing, wearing kalathos, having supports; between two stags BMC 106, Martin, Demos, Laodicea ad L. 14$ !simtyps: $w$3321 with C and e on obv. and revleg with ethnic 2 Yale ex PRF 26.3 36 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3772 Asia (conventus of Cibyra) Phrygia Hierapolis Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius c. 152–176 Æ (21 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ΙΕΡΑΠοΛΕΙΤΩΝ Zeus (Lydios) standing, left, holding eagle and long sceptre L. Weber, NC 1913, 157, XXXI, no. 6–7, BMC 138, Cop 459 !Fittschen5o7; !obvleg: starts at 12.00. 13 Yale ex PRF 5.8 20 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3804 Asia (conventus of Apamea) Lydia Apollonoshieron Marcus Aurelius as Caesar c. 144–161 Æ (23 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (lightly bearded - short beard), right ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝοΙΕΡΕΙΤΩΝ(sic) Dionysus standing, facing, head, left, holding cantharus and filleted thyrsus J. Scholz, NZ 43 (1910), 24, no. 126 !Ethnic: here with additional O as under Trajan Decius; normal is APOLLWNIeR(e)ITWN; !dies/spec3: probably same dies but no comparison 1 Yale ex PRF GRPCL Apollonoshieron 29, obverse legend as 'M AYΡΗΛIOC KAICAΡ' 7.3 22 6 1 18812 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3879 Asia (conventus of Apamea) Phrygia Apamea c. 139–144 Skymnos II, grandson of Demetrios Æ (24 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤΟ ΚΑΙ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΕΠΙ ϹΚΥΜΝΟΥ Β ΤΟΥ ΔΗΜΗΤΡΙΟΥ (Τ(Α)) Β ΑΠΑΜΕΩΝ sheaf of four ears of corn Cop 213, P. de Saxe-Cobourg, RN 1892, 82, no. 46 $CHECK/DO !revleg6: TRIOV.B, perhaps {T.B} in liga;!revleg. Starts at 11.00; !releg: Cop clearly with T.B.; 5-6 with TA B, no explanation; !dies: probably 1 obv. die but at least 3 rev. dies. 6 Yale ex PRF 8 23 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3935 Asia (conventus of Apamea) Phrygia Eucarpia c. 147–161, perhaps soon after 147 Gaius Claudius Flaccus Æ (16 mm) ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars BMC 9–10, Cop 366, J.N. Svoronos, JIAN 7 (1904), 384, no. 241 !Tip: Mi IV, 291, no. 550 17 Yale ex PRF 2.5 15 11 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.2 3935 Asia (conventus of Apamea) Phrygia Eucarpia c. 147–161, perhaps soon after 147 Gaius Claudius Flaccus Æ (16 mm) ΕΥΚΑΡΠΕΩΝ bare-headed and draped bust of Hermes, right; to left, caduceus ΕΠΙ Γ ΚΛ ΦΛΑΚΚΟΥ bucranium surmounted by crescent; above, two stars BMC 9–10, Cop 366, J.N. Svoronos, JIAN 7 (1904), 384, no. 241 !Tip: Mi IV, 291, no. 550 18 Yale ex PRF 1.8 15 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 2 Lycia-Pamphylia Pisidia Isinda Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right ΙϹΙΝΔΕΩΝ Γ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia vA Pisid. I, 782–91, BMC 13, J.N. Svoronos, JIAN 6 (1903), 227, no. 487 !era: year 3=163/4; !obvleg: BMC wrongly only 'ANTWNI' 10 Yale ex PRF 7.05 22 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 37 Lycia-Pamphylia Pisidia Pogla Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤΟΚΡΑ ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΠΩΓΛΕΩΝ shrine with two columns enclosing statue of Artemis of Perge, facing, wearing kalathos; body decorated with three friezes of figures; on each side, flying figures crowning the statue vA Pisid. I, 1254–64, BMC 1 !ref1: 's-Gravenhage is a coin cabinett, see vA Pisid. II thanks 9 Yale ex PRF 10.27 25 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 115 Lycia-Pamphylia Pisidia Selge Æ Antoninus Pius ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, left ϹΕΛΓΕωΝ (ωΝ may be retrograde) bow and club; between, pellet BMC 72 !die-axis: defined by club downwards 5 Yale ex PRF 2.1 14 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 117 Lycia-Pamphylia Pisidia Selge c. 147–161 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΚΑΙ ΒΗΡΟϹ bare head of Marcus Aurelius (short beard), right ϹΕΛΓΕΩΝ winged thunderbolt and bow BMC 75 corr., Cop 278 corr. !die-axis: thunder (l.)+ bow (r.) 5 Yale ex PRF 5.4 20 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 139 Lycia-Pamphylia Pisidia Selge Reign of Antoninus Pius or Marcus Aurelius Æ Faustina II ΦΑΥ ϹΕ draped bust of Faustina II, left ϹΕΛΓΕ cornucopia Cop 279 !Fittschen1o2 1 Yale ex PRF 1.85 15 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 264 Lycia-Pamphylia Pamphylia Attalea Æ Commodus ΑΥ[ ] [Κ]ΑΙ Λ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΜΟΔΟ[Ϲ] laureate head of Commodus, right ΑΤΤΑΛΕΩΝ draped bust of Sarapis wearing kalathos, left Baydur 268–9 !simtyps of 1) com(180) and 2) com-cae; !obvleg: P SNG wants AVTO KAICAR KOMMODO, Baydur wants [AVTOKRATWR?] KOMMODO[C?], 2 completely worn 3 Yale 2004.6.3148, ex PRF Hochard 58a, pl. 4, under 'Attaleia' 6.2 18 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 491 Lycia-Pamphylia Cilicia Colybrassus Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙΟ(sic) ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΚΟΛΥΒΡΑϹϹΕωΝ Athena standing, left, holding patera and spear !simtyps, larger as well; !obvleg: sic probably KAIC gone wrong, or KAI KO for com, but less likely 2 Yale ex PRF 20 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 621 Galatia Lycaonia Savatra Æ (18 mm) Antoninus Pius ] ΑΝΤΩΝ[Ε?]ΙΝΟ[ (Α shaped as Λ) laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ϹΑΟΥΑΤΡΕΩΝ (Αs shaped as Λs) sheaf of nine ears of corn vA Lykao. — 2 Yale ex PRF 17 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 855 Cilicia Cilicia Coropissus Æ (23 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΤ Κ Μ(?) ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius paludamentum, right Κ[ΗΤΩ]Ν ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟ ΚΟΡΟΠΙϹϹΕωΝ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia !check obv. and revleg: 1 Yale ex PRF 7 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 867 Cilicia Cilicia Ninica Claudiopolis Æ Marcus Aurelius AV[ ] M ANT[ ]IN CLA laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right COL AVG FELI[ ] NINICA CLA Genius standing, left, holding patera and cornucopia $emp: uncertain; !AddSpec (Filges 2007): Lindgren III, no. 880 1 Yale ex PRF, broken, 10.00g 31 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 877 Cilicia Cilicia Ninica Claudiopolis Æ Commodus IN(sic) CE AVG M AVR COMO ANToNINVS laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right COL IO(sic) AVG FEL NINI CLAV nude Jupiter/Zeus seated, left, holding thunderbolt and long sceptre F. Leypold, MÖNG 22 (1982), 111, no. 9 $CHECK !obvleg: perhaps IM.CE$, check;!obvleg: similar type but different die is $w$6192; !revleg: sould be COLONIA IVLIA ….; !revtyp: Leypold wants thunder but might be Nike; !AddSpec (Filges 2007): Hirsch 138, 1267 & Emporium 37, 585 3 Yale ex PRF, broken, 9.3g 29 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 879 Cilicia Cilicia Ninica Claudiopolis Æ Commodus IM CE AVG M AVR COM ANT[ laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right COL IVL AVG FE[ ] CLAV (Vs shaped as U) she-wolf standing on line, right, head, left, feeding twins 1 Yale ex PRF, broken, 4.6g 23 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 886 Cilicia Cilicia Philadelphia Æ Commodus ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ [Κο]ΜοΔοϹ ϹΕΒ laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΦΙΛΑΔ[ ] ΚΙΗΤΙΔΟϹ temple with two columns enclosing statue of eagle standing, right BMC 2 Probably from the same pair of dies: 1a3 !obvleg: breaking up of obv. Legend is secured by '.' between letters. !revleg: KIHTIDOC refers to city 3 Yale ex PRF 9 23 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 887 Cilicia Cilicia Philadelphia Æ Commodus ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜΜΟΔ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Commodus with traces of drapery, right ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΚΗ(sic) Zeus seated, left, holding patera and long sceptre $CHECK/DO !obvleg1) : band of laurel wreath ends in Y, therefore looks like A T.; 2) AV[H], might be [R] or even large dot; difficult to say;!simtyp with obv bust and Zeus without sceptre; !revleg: should be THC KI(!)HTIDOC, meaning(?) 4 Yale ex PRF 16.3 27 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 938 Cilicia Cilicia Syedra Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ[Τ]Ο ΚΑΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, left ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ female deity (Aphrodite, Artemis or Demeter?) standing, facing, head, right, holding branch and pomegranate 1 Yale ex PRF 2.9 20 5 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 960 Cilicia Cilicia Syedra Marcus and Verus, co-emperors 161–169 Æ Lucius Verus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΛΟΥ ΑΥΡ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ Ϲ laureate-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ϹΥΕΔΡΕΩΝ in centre, Ares standing, facing; to left, Dike standing, facing, head., right; to right, nude Hermes standing, left, holding caduceus !revtyp: judgement of Paris through Dike 3 Yale ex PRF, obverse double struck 18.8 31 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 972 Cilicia Cilicia Syedra 161–176 Æ Faustina II [ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ?] ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right ϹΥΕΔΡΕ[ female deity (Aphrodite, Artemis or Demeter?) standing, facing, head, right, holding pomegranate and branch !Fittschen5; !attr: fay on grounds of hairstyle, PRF wanted luc but hers is different 1 Yale ex PRF 3.1 17 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 1009 Cilicia Cilicia Titiopolis Marcus and Verus, co-emperors 161–169 Æ Lucius Verus ΑΥΤΟ Κ Λ ΑΥ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ laureate head of Lucius Verus, right ΤΙΤΙΟΠΟΛΕΙ[ΤωΝ?] [? turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right Levante, Titiopolis 2 Yale ex PRF 4.49 22 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1029 Cilicia Cilicia Seleucia ad Calycadnum c. 147–161 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (short beard) wearing paludamentum, right ϹΕΛΕΥΚΕωΝ [Π?] ΚΑΛΥ bull walking, right; above, crescent surmounted by star Cop 211 !revleg: Cop wants CeLeYKeW'N TW' KALV but 1) Cop not very not very clear, 2) TW' would not fit (cf spec 4), so P as in Levante better 3 Yale ex PRF 7.1 20 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 1032 Cilicia Cilicia Seleucia ad Calycadnum c. 147–161 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (lightly bearded - short beard) wearing paludamentum, left ϹΕΛΕΥΚΕωΝ ΚΑΛΥ Nike advancing, left, holding wreath and palm-branch 3 Yale ex PRF 4.4 19 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 1191 Cilicia Cilicia Aegeae Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ Τ ΑΙΛΙΟϹ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ [ bare head of Antoninus Pius, right ΕΠΙ[ ] (underneath seat) Ε(?)ΠΡ ΑΔΡΙΑΝωΝ ΑΙΓΕΑΙωΝ (line over date) Nymph seated on rock, left, holding long reed, resting arm on water-urn; to left, goat kneeling GRMK 201, no. 1 !date: year 185 = 138/9 AD; !revelg: E (GRMK+vA] not entirely certain, perhaps D; !obvleg: vA+GRMK want 1) ANTW'NINOC' only and to restore [EVC'], but not likely 2 Yale ex PRF 11.1 28 11 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1238 Cilicia Cilicia Mopsus Marcus and Verus, co-emperors c. 163–169, perhaps later Æ Lucilla ΛΟΥΚΙΛΛΑ ϹΕΒ draped bust of Lucilla, right ΑΔΡΙ ΜΟΨΕΑ [ ]ΛϹ Dikaiosyne standing, left, holding scales and cornucopia vA Mopsos 47 !era: year 233=165/6; !Fittschen2; !simtyps with diff. date and without date; !CHECK all specs of this type, might be simtyps; !revleg: G or E or H?; Szaifert wrote to me saying that E (as vA) is correct. 1 Yale 7.84 23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1263 Cilicia Cilicia Anazarbus Marcus and Verus, co-emperors 161–169 Æ Lucius Verus ΑΥΤ Κ Λ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ bare-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΚΑ(Ι) ΤΩΝ ΠΡΟϹ ΤΩ ΑΝΑΖΑΡ ΕΤ ΒΠΡ diademed and draped bust of Zeus, right Ziegler, Anazarbos 180 !era: year 182=163/4; !deno: Assaria (Ziegler) 1 Yale ex PRF Ziegler, Anazarbos 180.1, pl. 7 (rev.) 6.16 23 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 1319 Cilicia Cilicia Hierapolis-Castabala Æ Commodus ΑΥΤ Κ Μ ΑΥ ΑΝ ΚΟΜΟΔΟϹ ΕΥΤΥΧΗϹ laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from front ΙΕΡΟΠΟΛΕΙΤωΝ ΤωΝ ΠΡΟϹ Τω ΠΥΡΑΜω turreted and veiled Tyche standing, right; handing over laurel wreath to emperor (Commodus) standing, left, wearing military dress, holding spear; strapped around emperor, sword in sheath Robert 31 corr., F. Imhoof-Blumer, ZfN 10 (1883), 276, no. 35 corr !obvleg: both I-B and Robert want KAI, ANT and KOMMODOC: check details 8 Yale ex PRF 28.4 39 6 1 GIC 260 (Nike standing l. (on obverse or reverse)); GIC 427 (prize crown between Ι - Ɛ) no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1357 Cappadocia Pontus Amasea Year 165 AD 162/3 Æ (35 mm) Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ Μ ΑΥΡ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΑΔΡ ΑΜΑϹ ΝΕΩΚ Κ ΜΗΤ Κ ΠΡΩ ΠΟΝ ΕΤ ΡΞΕ to left, Ares standing, facing, head, right, wearing military dress, holding spear, resting hand on shield; to right, nude Aphrodite standing, left, covering her breasts with right hand and pudenda with left hand Rec 18a, GM 560, no. 4, Dalaison 82-85 !era: year 165; !simtyps; !revleg: Rec wants PONT, but 1a4a6 with PON 7 Yale ex PRF Dalaison 84b 22.58 35 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1358 Cappadocia Pontus Amasea Year 165 AD 162/3 Æ (35 mm) Lucius Verus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ Λ ΑΥΡ οΥΗΡοϹ ϹΕΒ laureate-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΑΔΡ ΑΜΑϹ ΝΕΩΚ Κ ΜΗΤ Κ ΠΡΩ ΠοΝ(Τ) ΕΤ ΡΞΕ emperors (Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus) standing, facing each other, clasping hands, each wearing toga and holding scroll Rec 27(2) corr., Dalaison 130–136, 147–148 !era: year 165; !obvleg1: Rec wants OYHRW(sic) CeB, but probably wrong 6 Yale ex PRF Dalaison 146a 21.71 35 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1359 Cappadocia Pontus Amasea Year 165 AD 162/3 Æ (35 mm) Lucius Verus ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ Λ ΑΥΡ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass, right ΑΔΡ ΑΜΑϹ ΝΕΩΚ Κ ΜΗΤ Κ ΠΡΩ ΠΟΝΤ ΕΤ ΡΞΕ emperors (Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus) standing, facing each other, clasping hands, each wearing toga and holding scroll Rec 29, BMC 5, Dalaison 137–143, 149–151 !era: year 165; !dies: same pair of dies: 1-2; diff pair: 6-7; !obvleg: Rec wants AYR(H) but H-var prob does not exist; !revleg2: BMC wants PO{NT}, but unlikely; !spec1: Rec says ex Wa but wrong 7 Yale ex PRF Dalaison 149e 23.67 34 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1370 Cappadocia Pontus Amasea Æ Commodus Μ ΑΥΡ ΚΟΜοΔο ΑΝΤΩΝΙ ϹΕ laureate-headed bust of Commodus wearing cuirass, right ΑΔΡ ΑΜΑϹΙ ΜΗΤΡ ΝΕΩΚ ΠΡ Τ ΠΟ ΕΤ ΡϘ Tyche standing, left, wearing kalathos, holding rudder and cornucopia Rec —, Dalaison 179 !era: year 190; !simtyps from same year 2 Yale ex PRF 21.4 34 6 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1410 Cappadocia Pontus Koinon of Pontus Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus 98 = 161/2 Æ Marcus Aurelius ΑΥΤΟΚ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right ΚΟΙΝΟΝ ΠΟΝΤΟΥ ΕΤ ϘΗ temple with four columns Rec 1, BMC ('Neocaesarea') 1, Çizmeli 497–8 !era: year 98=161/2; !simtyp with 2 statues inside temple; !revleg: Cizmeli without eT 7 Yale ex PRF 10.5 23 2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1517 Cappadocia Cappadocia Caesarea Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ ΑΝΤΩΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒΑϹ[ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right [ΚΑΙϹΑ]ΡΕΩΝ Τ Π ΑΡΓΑΙ [Ε]Τ [Α] (or Δ or Ι) Mount Argaeus with trees; on summit, Helios standing, left, holding globe and long sceptre $CHECK/DO !date: difficult: A=D K=I, 21 more likley;!era: year 21=157/8; 1 Yale ex PRF 4.58 19 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 1835 Mesopotamia Mesopotamia Carrhae Marcus and Verus, co-emperors after 164 AR Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ (Αs shaped as Λs) draped bust of Faustina II wearing stephane, right ΥΠΕΡ ΝΙΚΗϹ ΤΩΝ ΚΥΡΙΩΝ infant imperial twins (Commodus and T. Aurelius Fulvus Antoninus) seated on pulvinar, facing each other P. Lederer, RSN 30 (1943), 80, no. 94 !Fittschen7+stephane; !silver; !simtyp in imperial coinage: 1) HN2, p. 814, 2) Szaivert MIR, 18,90, 3) RIC 712 !revtyp: pulvinar = 'Götterpolster' 2 Yale ex PRF 3 18 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 1906 Cyprus Cyprus Koinon of Cyprus c. 147–161 Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡΙ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥ laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΥΙΟϹ ϹΕΒΑ(Ϲ) bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right BMC 42–3 25 Yale ex PRF 27.3 35 5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 1917 Syria Commagene Samosata Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝοc ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹΕ laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing paludamentum, right Φ ϹΑΜ ΙΕ ΑϹ ΑΥΤ ΜΗ ΚΟ([Μ?]) turreted Tyche seated on rock, left, holding poppy and two ears of corn, resting arm on rock, resting foot on swimming river-god (Euphrates) Cop 19 !obvtyp: prob no cuir; !simtyp with bare(?) head; !revleg2: perhaps with KOM 6 Yale ex PRF 4 18 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 2148 Syria Syria Antioch 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius Æ ΑΝΤΙΟΧΕωΝ ΤΗϹ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ laureate-headed and draped bust of Apollo, right ΕΤΟΥϹ ΔϘΡ (and above, numeral letter Α?, Β?, or Ι) lyre !era: year 194=145/6; !simtyps: 1) Apollo, l., 2) from year 195; !deno: Dichalkon (McAlee); !ref: McAlee (Civic) — 3 Yale ex PRF 1.8 14 12 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 2230 Syria Syria Antioch Marcus and Verus, co-emperors c. 163–169, perhaps later Æ Lucilla ΛοΥΚΙΛ(Λ)Α(Ν) ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ(Ν) draped bust of Lucilla, right ΑΝΤΙοΧΕΩΝ ΜΗΤΡο(Πο) Δ (Ε) turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right; below, ram running, right, head, left !Fittschen1; !simtyp with legsvars; !deno: none given by McAlee; !obvleg: MacAllee+Lindgren without AN; !dat: 'McAllee dates 169-82, probably 177/8' !ref: McAlee (Lucilla) 2 3 Yale ex PRF 4 17 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.3 2344 Syria Syria Laodicea ad Mare Marcus and Verus, co-emperors 161–169 Æ Lucius Verus ΑΥΤοΚΡΑΤΩΡ ΚΑΙ[c?] [Λ?] ΟΥΗΡΟϹ laureate head of Lucius Verus, right ΙΟΥΛΙΕΩΝ ΤΩΝ ΚΕ(sic) ΛΑ(Ο)ΔΙΚΕΩΝ(sic) Β (in r. field) turreted Tyche standing, facing, head, right, holding rudder and small figure (Athlete?) Cop 356 !simtyps; !revleg4+6 with with LADIKeWN(sic); !attr: in NY+L under mar, in P under com; in B and V under 'ver' spelling mistake Ke (instead KAI) under mar, so this mar or ver more likely than com 10 Yale 7.8 26 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 2411 Syria Phoenicia Tripolis Year ΘΝΥ = 459 AD 147/8 Æ Antoninus Pius ΑΥ[Τ] ΚΑΙ ΤΙ [ ] [ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝ]ΟϹ ϹΕΒ Ε laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right ΘΝΥ ΤΡΙΠΟΛΕΙΤωΝ caps of Dioscuri (pilei), each surmounted by star Rouvier — 2 Yale ex PRF 3.1 15 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.3 2449 Syria Phoenicia Tyre 'Pseudo-autonomous': Reign of Antoninus Pius Æ turreted, veiled and draped bust of Tyche, right; to left, palm-branch, to right, murex-shell ΤΥΡ ΙΕΡΑϹ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕωϹ ΘΟϹ 𐤋𐤑𐤓 galley, left Rouvier 2199, BMC 326–7, Cop 345 $CHECK/DO !obvleg1+6+8-10+12+14 with {TR}-liga, check other specs, as 7 perhaps without this ligature, investigate; liga is i a bit a matter of interpretation;!era: year 279=153/4; !obvtyp: chex all specs for Murex; !addspec: Mi V, 426, no. 605; !legs: check letter-forms 19 Yale ex PRF 6.3 19 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 489 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ɛ = 5 AD 141/2 Æ (33 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ [ΕΥϹΕΒ (?) laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear L Ε Hermanubis standing, facing, head, left, wearing kalathos, holding palm-leaf and caduceus; to right, jackal $obvtyp: seen from ? Check NY 3 Yale 2005.6.184 22.19 33 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 493 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ɛ = 5 AD 141/2 Æ (33 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right L Ε Hermes seated on rocks, left, holding purse and caduceus 2 Yale (Peerless) 28.21 35 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 629 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ϛ = 6 AD 142/3 Æ (33 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ] Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ΕΥΕΒ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right L Ϛ Heracles and the Nemean lion: nude Heracles (youthful) standing, right, grasping lion by the jaws and lifting it out of cave; behind, club D 2590, pl. XV (rev.), 2591, DS 8481, M 1737d 6 Yale (Peerless) 22.97 34 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 643 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ζ = 7 AD 143/4 Tetradrachm Antoninus Pius ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹΕΒ laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear L Ζ Apollo Didymeus standing, facing, holding stag and bow; to left, tripod D 2136, pl. IX (rev.), Geissen 1430 3 Yale 12.6 22 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 908 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Η = 8 AD 144/5 Æ (17 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ (?) laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right L Η sphinx reclining, right No parallel for obv inscription. Rev type known years 8, 15, 16, 17, 19. Double line below sphinx only for year 8 (hard to tell for DS 9136 (Faustina II) year 15 but no double line on Marcus Caesar for year 15). Rev die same as year 8 (I think!). 1 Yale (Peerless) 5.04 20 12 1 18741 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.4 986 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ι = 10 AD 146/7 Æ (33 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΕΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹ laureate head of Antoninus Pius, right L ΔΕΚΑΤΟΥ Heracles and the Erymanthian boar: Heracles (youthful), wearing lion skin and quiver, advancing, right, carrying boar over shoulder; to left, club; to right, Eurystheus hiding in storage jar, raising arms DS 8484–5, M 1911 Quiver can be fully visible at side or partially behind body (see CNA 13 (4. 12. 1990), coll. Wetterstrom, 196); club always present (??) but sometimes not visible to l. 7 Yale (Peerless) 23.58 34 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 1106 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year ΙΒ = 12 AD 148/9 Æ (33 mm) Antoninus Pius ΑΥΤ Κ Τ ΑΙ(Λ) ΑΔΡ ΑΝΤωΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹ(ΕΒ) laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from centre, front or rear L ΔωΔΕΚΑΤΟ(Υ) Isis Pharia standing, right, holding sail (serpent on sail) (and sistrum); before, Pharos D 2677, DS 8569–71, 8573, 8575–6, DS Suppl pl 16, 74, 75, Geissen 1603, M 2001 Some Υ forms. !revtyp: on sail: O 2008 (D describes serpent on sail, certainly on some eg NY 1974.26.3697, but not all) 167 Yale 2001.87.3973 20.83 34 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 1376 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year ΙƐ = 15 AD 151/2 Æ (33 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝ ϹΕΒ ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹΕΒ ΘΥΓ draped bust of Faustina II, right L ΙΕ Ammon, crowned with disk, standing, facing, head, left, holding patera(?) and long sceptre; at feet, ram Geissen 1962 !Fittschen 1 3 Yale (Peerless) 25.17 35 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 1615 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year ΙΖ = 17 AD 153/4 Æ (27 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΚΑΙϹΑΡ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius (short beard) wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear L ΙΖ two serpents facing each other (to left, Agathodaemon enfolding caduceus; to right, Uraeus enfolding sistrum) D 3220, DS 12299 (on pl. 170), Geissen 1929 8 Yale (Peerless) 11.88 30 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 1822 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Κ = 20 AD 156/7 Tetradrachm Antoninus Pius ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥϹΕΒ laureate head of Antoninus Pius with traces of drapery, right L Κ emperor (Antoninus Pius), laureate, wearing a toga, seated on platform, left, extending hand, holding sceptre; to left, male figure wearing tunic, cloak, and trousers, standing, right, holding sceptre, offering crown DS 8055 1 Yale (Peerless) 11.26 23 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2206 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year ΚΔ = 24 AD 160/1 Æ (33 mm) Antoninus Pius ΤΙ ΑΙ ΑΔΡ[(ΙΑ)] ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ ΕΥ laureate-headed bust of Antoninus Pius wearing paludamentum, left L ΚΔ draped busts of Sarapis wearing kalathos, right, and Isis, left, facing each other; between, Harpocrates standing, left, raising finger to lips, holding cornucopia; beneath, eagle standing, facing, head, left, spreading wings obvleg: see Geissen for year 24 + Vogt I, 111(?) 3 Yale (Peerless) 20.47 33 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2301 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Α = 1 AD 161 Æ (33 mm) Lucius Verus ΛΟΥΚΙΟϹ ΑΥΡ ΟΥΗ ϹΕΒΑ laureate-headed bust of Lucius Verus wearing cuirass and paludamentum, right, seen from rear L Α Dikaiosyne standing, facing, head, left, holding scales and cornucopia Aberrant form of obvleg – same legend occurs in year 2 but different die 3 Yale (Peerless) 20.2 33 11 1 5499 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.4 2436 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Γ = 3 AD 162/3 Æ (33 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, left ΕΥΘΗΝΙΑ L Γ Euthenia standing, facing, head, left, holding two ears of corn and cornucopia DS Suppl pl 22, 12 1 Yale (Peerless) 21.3 33 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2475 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Γ = 3 AD 162/3 Æ (33 mm) Lucius Verus Λ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ bare head of Lucius Verus with traces of drapery, right ΕΙΡΗΝΗ L Γ Eirene standing, facing, head, left, holding patera (over altar), and caduceus D 3711, pl. XII (rev.), DS Suppl pl 24, 7, Geissen 2138 !obvtyp: drapery over both shoulders? $revtyp: does Geissen or D have altar? 3 Yale (Peerless) 24.71 33 12 1 no altar no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2493 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Γ = 3 AD 162/3 Æ (33 mm) Lucius Verus Λ] ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗ[ΡΟϹ] [ laureate head of Lucius Verus with traces of drapery, right ΜΟΝΗΤΑ L Γ Moneta standing, facing, head, left, holding scales and sceptre; at feet, money bags; behind, Hermes standing on two-tiered base, left, holding purse and caduceus(?) 1 Yale (Peerless) 26.63 32 12 1 19800 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.4 2667 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Δ = 4 AD 163/4 Æ (33 mm) Lucius Verus Λ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗΡ[ΟϹ ϹΕ(Β) bare head of Lucius Verus with traces of drapery, right L Δ Tyche seated, left, wearing kalathos, resting hand on rudder, holding cornucopia The obverse die was also used in year 5. 1 Yale (Peerless) 20.33 31 12 1 5484 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.4 2678 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Δ = 4 AD 163/4 Æ (27 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗ ΑΝΤΩ[ΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ radiate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right L Δ draped bust of Nilus, right, crowned with taenia and lotus-buds, reed at shoulder 1 Yale 16.01 29 12 1 5478 20784 no no yes [show] [edit]
IV.4 2742 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ɛ = 5 AD 164/5 Æ (33 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟ(Ϲ) ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕΒ bare-headed bust of Marcus Aurelius wearing aegis, right L Ε Nike seated on cuirass, left, holding wreath and palm-branch 3 Yale (Peerless) 18.55 32 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2772 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ɛ = 5 AD 164/5 Æ (33 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ(Β) laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, left L Ε Tyche-Euthenia standing, left, holding ears of corn and cornucopia; before, forepart of sailing ship; below which, Thalassa (the Sea) reclining, holding rudder; behind, stern of ship, below which, Nilus reclining, holding reed D 3460, pl. XXIV (rev.), DS Suppl pl 22, 15 See the note on Note separate type for female figure wth head reverted holding nothing(?). revtyp: Geissen describes (not unreasonably ) as Tyche-Euthenia See Classical Numismatic Review 18, 1 (1993), 3. Vogt p. 130 'female' = The Sea 5 Yale (Peerless) 22.3 32 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2888 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ϛ = 6 AD 165/6 Æ (33 mm) Marcus Aurelius Μ ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΑΝΤΩΝΙΝΟϹ ϹΕ laureate head of Marcus Aurelius with traces of drapery, right L Ϛ Sarapis standing in quadriga, left, raising hand, holding sceptre D 3527, Geissen 2044 Some Ⲱ forms. 4 Yale (Peerless) 33.89 33 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2911 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ϛ = 6 AD 165/6 Æ (33 mm) Faustina II ΦΑΥϹΤΙΝΑ ϹΕΒΑϹΤΗ draped bust of Faustina II, right L Ϛ two Canopi facing each other; between them, Harpocrates standing, facing, head, left; below, eagle standing, facing, head, left, spreading wings D 3623, pl. XI (rev.) !Fittschen 8 3 Yale (Peerless) 23.39 33 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
IV.4 2953 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year Ϛ = 6 AD 165/6 Æ (33 mm) Lucius Verus Λ] ΑΥΡΗΛΙΟϹ ΟΥΗΡΟϹ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Lucius Verus with traces of drapery, right L Ϛ temple with two columns enclosing statue of Nilus seated on rocks, left, holding reed and cornucopia D 3801, pl. XXIX (rev.), DS 3802? (not = D 3802), M 2562 6 Yale (Peerless) 17.82 31 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]