Search results: 21 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
I 51A Lusitania Hispania Salacia Æ (26 mm) head of Neptune, with trident behind, right IMP SAL between lines (or without) and two dolphins Vives 84–9 and 10, NAH 476, CNH 135, no. 13 There are two groups of rev. with the legend between or without lines (A. M. Faria, R. P. Arq. 2.1, 1999, p. 268) Axis: var. 5 FNMT 11.67 1 overstruck at Baesuri(s): see 53A/1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 51A Lusitania Hispania Salacia Æ (26 mm) head of Neptune, with trident behind, right IMP SAL between lines (or without) and two dolphins Vives 84–9 and 10, NAH 476, CNH 135, no. 13 There are two groups of rev. with the legend between or without lines (A. M. Faria, R. P. Arq. 2.1, 1999, p. 268) Axis: var. 6 FNMT 11.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 51A Lusitania Hispania Salacia Æ (26 mm) head of Neptune, with trident behind, right IMP SAL between lines (or without) and two dolphins Vives 84–9 and 10, NAH 476, CNH 135, no. 13 There are two groups of rev. with the legend between or without lines (A. M. Faria, R. P. Arq. 2.1, 1999, p. 268) Axis: var. 7 FNMT 9.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 51A Lusitania Hispania Salacia Æ (26 mm) head of Neptune, with trident behind, right IMP SAL between lines (or without) and two dolphins Vives 84–9 and 10, NAH 476, CNH 135, no. 13 There are two groups of rev. with the legend between or without lines (A. M. Faria, R. P. Arq. 2.1, 1999, p. 268) Axis: var. 8 FNMT 11.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 53A Lusitania Hispania Baesuri Æ (26 mm) M AN (or AV?) ANT ET CONL two lines above, fish BAESVRI two corn ears Vives 104–1, CNH 400, no. 1 It is amazing that the three known specimens are all overstruck. Found in Alcolea del Río. This coin reinforces the possibility of this issue having been struck during Augustus’ reign. The obv. legend is M AN ANT ET CONL as can be deduced from both this and the M 6365 specimens (= RPC S-53A/2). We agree with C. Castillo, 'Vestigia Antiquitatis: escritos de epigrafía y literatura romanas', (Pamplona, 1997), p. 5, n. 7, DCPH II, p. 50 and A. M. Faria, R. P. Arq. 9.2, 2006, p. 217 that a personal name could be identified in the first part of the legend. Áureo 5/3/2003, lot 1033, 4.63, has auctioned a lead piece with types of Baesuri. 1 FNMT 11.67 1 struck over a coin of Salacia: see above, 51A/5; M.{ANT}.[ ]/CON[?; BAESVRI no no no [show] [edit]
I 66 Baetica Hispania Italica Bronze (34 mm) Augustus PERM AVG DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER radiate head of Augustus, left, star above, thunderbolt in front IVLIA AVGVSTA MVN ITALIC Livia seated, left, holding sceptre and patera (?) Vives 168–6, Chaves 353–81, GMI 1047 For metal analyses, see Chaves, p. 80 axis: var 2 FNMT Chaves 367 28.4 34 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 67 Baetica Hispania Italica Æ (35 mm) Augustus PERM AVG DIVVS AVGVSTVS PATER radiate head of Augustus, right, star above, thunderbolt in front IVLIA AVGVSTA MVN ITALIC Livia seated, left, holding sceptre and patera (?) Vives 168–7, Chaves 382–3 axis: var 1 FNMT Chaves 382 25 35 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 98 Baetica Hispania Iulia Traducta Æ (33 mm) Augustus PERM CAES AVG bare head of Augustus, left C L CAES IVL TRAD heads of Gaius and Lucius, back to back Vives 164–1, Chaves 1–3 axis: var. 1 FNMT Chaves 3 20.32 33 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 105 Baetica Hispania Iulia Traducta Æ (21 mm) Lucius L CAES bare head of Lucius, right IVL TRA bunch of grapes Vives 164–10, Chaves 89–9 1 FNMT Chaves 88 5.98 21 6 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 123A Baetica Hispania Sexi Æ (26 mm) head of Melkart-Heracles, left F I SEXS inscription in a rectangle between two tunny fish to left; above, aleph and below, yod Vives 83–1, NAH 430, CNH 106, no. 22 12 FNMT 16.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 123A Baetica Hispania Sexi Æ (26 mm) head of Melkart-Heracles, left F I SEXS inscription in a rectangle between two tunny fish to left; above, aleph and below, yod Vives 83–1, NAH 430, CNH 106, no. 22 13 FNMT 14.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 123A Baetica Hispania Sexi Æ (26 mm) head of Melkart-Heracles, left F I SEXS inscription in a rectangle between two tunny fish to left; above, aleph and below, yod Vives 83–1, NAH 430, CNH 106, no. 22 14 FNMT 16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 159 Tarraconensis Hispania Carthago Nova Conduc— ; Malleolus Æ (17 mm) COND[ ] MAL[ ] hammer II[VIR] QVIN[Q] round shield Vives 130–4, Beltrán 16, NAH 921 axis: var. 7 FNMT 3.39 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 166 Tarraconensis Hispania Carthago Nova Gaius Helvius Pollio ; Quintus Varius Hiberus Bronze (20 mm) Tiberius C HELVI POLL PR TI NERONE QVI bare head (of Tiberius?), right HIBERO PRAEF simpulum, securis, aspergillum and apex Vives 130–17, Beltrán 25 For metal analysis, see Saguntum 21, 1987–8, 424. axis: var. 31 FNMT Vives 130–17 20 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 173 Tarraconensis Hispania Carthago Nova Gaius Laetilius Apalus ; Ptolemy of Mauretania Bronze (20 mm) Augustus AVGVSTVS DIVI F bare head of Augustus, left C LAETILIVS APALVS II V Q diadem (with crescent lotus above) enclosing REX PTOL Vives 131–6, Beltrán 29 For metal analysis, see Saguntum 21, 1987–8, 424. axis: var. 19 FNMT 4.19 20 1 without crescent and lotus no no no [show] [edit]
I 188 Tarraconensis Hispania Ilici Triumviral period (?) Gaius Salvius ; Quintus Terentius Montanus Æ (20 mm) C SALVIVS IIVIR simpulum Q TERENT MONT IIVIR clasped hands Yriarte NH 1953, 4–46, Llorens 1 axis: var. 1 FNMT Yriarte NH 1953, 4–46 7.85 20 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
I 370 Tarraconensis Hispania Caesaraugusta Germanus ; Licinianus Brass (28 mm) Caligula G CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS IMP laureate head of Caligula, left LICINIANO ET GERMANO IIVIR, C C A Vives 154–8, Beltrán 52, Trillmich 1–2 axis: var. 18 FNMT Trillmich, pl. 21–3 28 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 375 Tarraconensis Hispania Caesaraugusta Montanus ; Scipio Copper (29 mm) Caligula G CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS IMP PATER PATRIAE bare head of Caligula, left C C A SCIPIONE ET MONTANO IIVIR priest ploughing with yoke of oxen, right Vives 154–3, Beltrán 56, Trillmich II–3b, NAH 1130 axis: var. 19 FNMT Beltrán, p. 39, no. 56 = Trillmich, pl. 22–3 29 1 PATRI{AE} no no no [show] [edit]
I 381 Tarraconensis Hispania Caesaraugusta Montanus ; Scipio Copper (29 mm) Agrippa M AGRIPPA L F COS III head of Agrippa, left, wearing rostral crown C C A SCRIPIONE ET MONTANO IIVIR priest ploughing with yoke of oxen, right Vives 153–6, Hill 18–3, Beltrán 58, GMI 334, Trillmich II–5, NAH 1124 axis: var. 25 FNMT Trillmich, pl. 22–5 29 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 385 Tarraconensis Hispania Caesaraugusta Montanus ; Titullus Brass (29 mm) Agrippina I AGRIPPINA M F MAT G CAESARIS AVGVSTI bust of Agrippina I, right TITVLLO ET MONTANO IIVIR, C C A Vives 153–2, Hill 18–4, Beltrán 67, Trillmich III–7, NAH 1126 axis: var. 5 FNMT Trillmich, pl. 23–5 29 1 no no no [show] [edit]
I 485 Tarraconensis Hispania Saguntum Æ (29 mm) head of Neptune, right, trident behind [ ] ΝΕΑ (or ΣΑΓ) ΠΟΛ Nike, left, holding wreath and palm; standing on prow This type was attributed to a Spanish uncertain mint, but it is now proposed to have been struck in Saguntum, since finds surrounding this city have increased in number (P. P. Ripollès, M. M. Llorens, Arse-Saguntum. Historia monetaria de la ciudad y sus territorio (Sagunto, 2002), p. 478). axis: var. 7 FNMT 15.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]