Search results: 125 entries found.

Vol. Province Region City Issue Dating Magistrates Denomination Person(s) Obv. inscription Obv. design Rev. inscription Rev. design Reference Note Internal note Coin Number Museum Inventory Number Bibliography Weight Diameter Axis Quantity Obv. die Rev. die Obv. cmks Rev. cmks Note Obv. img Rev. img Plate Uri link
I 5015 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Third (?) series c. 3/2 BC Æ (12 mm) Capricorn and star ϹΕΒΑϹΤΟΥ around l 6 Alexandria GAB.99.17048.4.1 Picard et al., Les monnaies de fouilles du Centre d’Etudes Alexandrines (Alexandria, 2012), p. 135, no. 1050 and Pl. 24 (corrected) 1.4 13 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
II 2677 Egypt Egypt Alexandria LΙΒ = year 12 AD 92/3 Æ (29 mm) Domitian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙϹ ΘΕΟ(Υ) ΥΙΟϹ ΔΟΜΙΤ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ laureate head of Domitian, left L ΙΒ Pharos Number of coins in the core collections: 7 (2675-2677) 5 Alexandria 3388 9.25 26.4 1 Britta Rabe, Hans-Christoph Noeske, A Catalogue of the Roman Provincial Coins from the Alexandrian Mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria. Vol 2: The Issues from Galba to Trajan (AD 68-117), 2016. no no no [show] [edit]
III 4143A Egypt Egypt Alexandria L Δ = year 4 AD 100/1 Æ Trajan ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙΣ ΝΕΡ - ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ΣΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ laureate head of Trajan, right L Δ eagle standing (wings open), right E 668 Confirmation of date required. 27.12.17 1 Alexandria 3514 1 date not certain. no no no [show] [edit]
III 4234.1 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IA = year 11 AD 107/8 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear L ΙΑ Sarapis standing, right, holding sceptre and wreath; to right, Emperor (Trajan) standing, left, bare-headed, in military dress, holding patera over altar and sceptre These rare coins with Sarapis and Emperor are sometimes assigned to year 14 (D792: ‘L ΙΔ’: but not clear on the rubbing in DS; and DS Supp 20: ‘anno 14?’), but are tentatively given here to year 11, since DS Supp 19 has L IA written in pencil over the rubbing (DS Supp 19: ‘anno 11 scritto a matita’). Confirmation of date required; the date is no clearer on the recent sale photo.The emperor is bare-headed since he is about to be crowned by a wreath from Sarapis. 2 Alexandria 3720 21.34 34 1 catalogued as year 14, but probbaly 11 no no no [show] [edit]
III 4254 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IA = year 11 AD 107/8 Æ (23 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear L ΙΑ serpent (Agathodaemon) erect, left, crowned with skhent, enfolding caduceus and stalk of corn DS7287-7288 also have Agathodaemon, l., but illegible date. 3 added 27.12.17 3 Alexandria 3567 1 described as a tetradrachm, but probably a bronze. no no no [show] [edit]
III 4372A Egypt Egypt Alexandria L ΙΓ = year 13 AD 109/10 Æ (35 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate head of Trajan, right, with aegis L ΙΓ two canopi, on basis 1 Alexandria 3644 22.03 35 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 4557 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IΔ = year 14 AD 110/11 Æ (27 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder L ΙΔ Pharos with statue 12 Alexandria 3734 13.2 26.9 1 Britta Rabe, Hans-Christoph Noeske, A Catalogue of the Roman Provincial Coins from the Alexandrian Mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria. Vol 2: The Issues from Galba to Trajan (AD 68-117), 2016. no no no [show] [edit]
III 4557 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IΔ = year 14 AD 110/11 Æ (27 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder L ΙΔ Pharos with statue 13 Alexandria 3735 9.97 28.1 1 Britta Rabe, Hans-Christoph Noeske, A Catalogue of the Roman Provincial Coins from the Alexandrian Mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria. Vol 2: The Issues from Galba to Trajan (AD 68-117), 2016. no no no [show] [edit]
III 4617 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IE = year 15 AD 111/12 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear L ΙΕ Isis, crowned with disc, horns and plumes, seated right; on knee, Harpocrates, crowned with skhent, raising hand Date not clear. Confirmation required 3 Alexandria 3819 14.43 32 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 4642.2 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IE = year 15 AD 111/12 Æ (27 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ radiate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder L ΙΕ Pharos with statue 3 Alexandria 3842 12.33 27.4 1 Britta Rabe, Hans-Christoph Noeske, A Catalogue of the Roman Provincial Coins from the Alexandrian Mint in the Graeco-Roman Museum in Alexandria. Vol 2: The Issues from Galba to Trajan (AD 68-117), 2016. no no no [show] [edit]
III 4657A Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear L ΙϚ Ares standing facing, head left, holding spear and parazonium aded 27.17.17 1 Alexandria 3849 17.09 34 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 4658A Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear ΡωΜΗ, L ΙϚ Roma seated, left, holding Nike and spear Perhaps the same as 4658 14.11.17 1 Alexandria 3889 32.2 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 4681.4 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ uncertain laureate bust of Trajan, right L ΙϚ(?) Isis Thermouthis, anguipede, standing facing, holding torch in each hand The new specimen for year 14 raises the possibility that some of the coins attributed to year 16 may be earlier. 4 added 21.2.18 4 Alexandria 4260 32.8 1 no no yes [show] [edit]
III 4682 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear L ΙϚ kalathos on column between two winged serpents Coins of uncertain year in M (17.05g) and DS7231 may also be examples of this design for this year; but see discussion under year 14. 3 Alexandria 3848 17.69 35 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 4710B Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ bust of Trajan, right, with wreath of corn ears and aegis on shoulder L ΙϚ Demeter standing facing, head right, holding torch and poppy; to right, Euthenia seated left, holding corn ears and small sceptre 1 is described as a diobol on the website (25mm, 6.45g.), but it looks like a drachm, and Tom Buggey has subsequently confirmed that it is a drachm. added 15.11.17 2 Alexandria 3854 24.42 34 1 wreath not clear no no no [show] [edit]
III 4710B Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IϚ = year 16 AD 112/13 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ bust of Trajan, right, with wreath of corn ears and aegis on shoulder L ΙϚ Demeter standing facing, head right, holding torch and poppy; to right, Euthenia seated left, holding corn ears and small sceptre 1 is described as a diobol on the website (25mm, 6.45g.), but it looks like a drachm, and Tom Buggey has subsequently confirmed that it is a drachm. added 15.11.17 3 Alexandria 3855 14.71 33 1 wreath not clear no no no [show] [edit]
III 4798 Egypt Egypt Alexandria L IZ = year 17 AD 113/14 Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ half-length nude bust of Trajan, wreath with ears of corn right, with drapery on left shoulder L ΙΖ Emperor (Trajan) standing in quadriga, right, laureate-headed, wearing toga, crowned with wreath by small figure and holding eagle-tipped sceptre and branch; behind, column surmounted by figure, raising hand and holding club (?) The bust variety is not very clear on any specimen. The column seems to depict a figure that seems to be holding a club, suggesting a statue of Heracles, as B. Woytek has pointed out (Woytek, forthcoming), rather than Trajan’s column. A Dem 1085 is described as ‘L’empereur dans un quadrige, couronné par la Victoire; au fond, une colonne surmontée de la statue de l’empereur’. The design is easily confused with the ‘Helios in quadriga’ coins, especially when they are worn. There are 3 coins in A with the Helios design; Christiansen, RCA 1, p. 190 curiously refers to them as ‘replacing Feuardent II no. 1085’. The first reference (and identification of the design as Trajan’s column) that we have come across is the description of the coin in the Borgia collection in Velletri, catalogued by G. Zoëga, Numi Imperatorii, Prostantes In Museo Borgiano Velitris (Rome, 1787), where the figure is described as (pp. 87-8; plate 5) ‘simulacrum imperatoris paludatum, d. hastam tenens, s. globum’; while in a footnote he identified it as Trajan’s column. The coin is now in the Vatican (Aegyptus 226) ex Borgia; it is very worn and the details unclear, but it is struck from different dies. The details look a little different on the Künker coin, but it has been somewhat tooled so the details cannot be regarded as very reliable. (D758 with Emperor in quadriga r. was attributed to this year by Dattari, but the coin illustrated in the rubbing in DS shows a coin with Emperor in elephant quadriga without a legible date, and its obverse suggests it may be earlier. So it is not clear if Dattari really did originally have a coin with a horse quadriga dated to LIZ.) The small figure does not have any wings, so cannot be Victory: B. Woytek suggests the slave who accompanied the triumphator: see now B. Woytek, 'Hominem te memento!“ Der mahnende Sklave im römischen Triumph und seine Ikonographie', Tyche 30 (2015), pp. 193-209. The design (without the column) is repeated in year 20: 4937. Woytek article added 5.4.16; 4 added 27.12.17 4 Alexandria 3931 20.5 34 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 4978 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Uncertain year (only unpublished designs included) Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, left, nude and with aegis on left shoulder [ ] Poseidon standing, left, holding dolphin and trident 2 added 27.12.17 2 Alexandria 4282 18.52 33 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6276 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Coptite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (20 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΚΟΠΤ, L ΙΑ Sobek-Geb/Kronos standing, left, bearded, veiled, wearing sun disk, holding harpa in left hand, and dorcas gazelle, left, in right hand 25 Alexandria 4.71 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6286 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Hermopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right ΕΡΜΟ, L ΙΑ bearded bust of Thot/Hermes, wearing taenia and hem-hem crown, right; before (or behind), ibis standing, right 33 Alexandria 4.88 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6286 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Hermopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate draped and cuirassed bust of Hadrian, right ΕΡΜΟ, L ΙΑ bearded bust of Thot/Hermes, wearing taenia and hem-hem crown, right; before (or behind), ibis standing, right 34 Alexandria 5.13 1 ibis behind no no no [show] [edit]
III 6288 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Hermopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΕΡΜΟ, L ΙΑ baboon seating, right, wearing sun disk 12 Alexandria 1.97 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6295 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Arsinoite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΑΡϹΙΝΟΙ, L ΙΑ head of Premarres (Amenemhet III), sometimes bearded at chin, right, wearing nemes with uraeus 1 and 8: same rev. die. 38 added and brackets round (ΝΟΙ) 5.4.17 18 Alexandria 5.59 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6295 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Arsinoite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΑΡϹΙΝΟΙ, L ΙΑ head of Premarres (Amenemhet III), sometimes bearded at chin, right, wearing nemes with uraeus 1 and 8: same rev. die. 38 added and brackets round (ΝΟΙ) 5.4.17 19 Alexandria 5.02 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6296 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Arsinoite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΑΡϹΙ, L ΙΑ head of Premarres (Amenemhet III), sometimes bearded at chin, right, wearing nemes with uraeus 28 Alexandria 4.86 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6302 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Diospolis Magna (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΔΙΟ-ΠΟΛΙ ΜΕ, L ΙΑ ram, right, wearing sun disk 3 Alexandria 2.03 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6314 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Ombite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΟΜΒΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΑ cuirassed Haroeris standing, left, holding spear in right hand, and crocodile, right, in left hand 11 Alexandria 5.01 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6324 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Hermonthite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (20 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΕΡΜωΝΘ, L ΙΑ Montou/Apollo standing, left, holding was-sceptre in right hand, and Boukhis bull, left, in left hand 11 Alexandria 4.65 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6325 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Hermonthite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΕΡΜωΝΘ, L ΙΑ Boukhis bull, right 8 Alexandria 2.38 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6325 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Hermonthite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΕΡΜωΝΘ, L ΙΑ Boukhis bull, right 9 Alexandria 1.56 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6325 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Hermonthite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΕΡΜωΝΘ, L ΙΑ Boukhis bull, right 10 Alexandria 1.69 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6329 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Thinite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (36 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΘΙΝ(Ε)ΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΒ Onuris-Shu/Ares standing, right, radiate, wearing sun disk (or feathers ?) upon ram horns, holding spear in right hand, and Hathor-Mehit/Elpis, left, in left hand 2 Alexandria Dreyer, BSAA 45, 1993, p. 77–8, pl. XII A = Geissen & Weber, ZPE 149, 2004, pl. I.4 36 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6333 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Panopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΠΑΝΟ, L ΙΑ young god (Horus?) standing, left, holding ichneumon, left, in right hand, and ithyphallic Min-Horus/Pan, right, wearing double feathers, in left hand 15 Alexandria 4.2 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6349 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Lycopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΛΥΚΟ, L ΙΑ bearded god (Wepwawet or Osiris) standing, left, wearing atef crown, holding jackal, left, in right 34 moved from 6516/7 18 Alexandria 5.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6352 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Cynopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (35 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΚΥΝΟΠΟΛ(Ε)ΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΓ Anubis standing, left, wearing sun disk upon ram horns, holding sceptre in left hand, and sitting dog right, in right hand 4 Alexandria 17.28 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6354 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Cynopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΚΥΝΟΠ, L ΙΑ dog sitting, right 10 Alexandria 2.41 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6357 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Oxyrhynchite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΟΞΥΡ, L ΙΑ Thoeris/Athena standing, left, wearing helmet, holding double axe in left hand, and Nike with crown and palm, right, in right hand 28 Alexandria 4.42 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6358 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Oxyrhynchite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΟΞΥΡ, L ΙΑ double axe "r'." removed from rev. description 15 Alexandria 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6359 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Heracleopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΠΟΛΙΤΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L ΙΒ bearded Herishef/Heracles standing, left, lion skin draped over left arm, cradling club in left arm, and holding winged griffin, left, in right hand 2 Alexandria 20.52 1 4900 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6365 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Heracleopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΗΡΑΚΛΕΟΠΟΛΕΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΓ young Harsomtous/Heracles standing, left, wearing kalathos and lotus flower, right hand to the mouth, and hawk sitting on club, in left hand; before, Egyptian altar 6 Alexandria 18.18 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6374 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Heracleopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΗΡΑΚ, L ΙΑ bearded Herishef/Heracles standing, left, lion skin draped over left arm, cradling club in left arm, and holding winged griffin, left, in right hand 11 Alexandria 4.62 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6376 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Heracleopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΗΡΑΚ, L ΙΑ bearded head of Herishef/Heracles, wearing taenia, right 15 Alexandria 4.34 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6377 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Heracleopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΗΡΑ, L ΙΑ griffin sitting, right, left paw on wheel D6261 (rev. ‘ΗΡΑ clava verticale capovolta’) is misread; the coin is a hemiobol from the Prosopite nome. 9 Alexandria 1.43 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6377 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Heracleopolite (nome of Upper Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΗΡΑ, L ΙΑ griffin sitting, right, left paw on wheel D6261 (rev. ‘ΗΡΑ clava verticale capovolta’) is misread; the coin is a hemiobol from the Prosopite nome. 10 Alexandria 2.13 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6385 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΝΟΜΟϹ ΜΕΝΦΕΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΓ Isis standing, right, wearing the vulture headdress, holding long sceptre in right hand, and Apis bull standing, right, in left hand 1 Alexandria 23.81 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6386 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΝΟΜΟϹ ΜΕΜΦΕΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΓ Isis standing, right, wearing the vulture headdress, holding long sceptre in right hand, and apples (?), in left hand; behind her, Apis bull standing, right 4 Alexandria 25.82 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6390 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Isis standing, facing, head left, wearing basileion upon vulture headdress, holding in left hand figure of Ptah, standing, right, wearing sun disk and was-sceptre in hands, and raised uraeus, left, wearing pschent, in right hand 35 added 31.1.18 18 Alexandria 3.99 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6390 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Isis standing, facing, head left, wearing basileion upon vulture headdress, holding in left hand figure of Ptah, standing, right, wearing sun disk and was-sceptre in hands, and raised uraeus, left, wearing pschent, in right hand 35 added 31.1.18 19 Alexandria 5.12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6390 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Isis standing, facing, head left, wearing basileion upon vulture headdress, holding in left hand figure of Ptah, standing, right, wearing sun disk and was-sceptre in hands, and raised uraeus, left, wearing pschent, in right hand 35 added 31.1.18 20 Alexandria 5.58 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6390 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Isis standing, facing, head left, wearing basileion upon vulture headdress, holding in left hand figure of Ptah, standing, right, wearing sun disk and was-sceptre in hands, and raised uraeus, left, wearing pschent, in right hand 35 added 31.1.18 21 Alexandria 4.93 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 16 Alexandria 2.16 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 17 Alexandria 2.23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 18 Alexandria 1.79 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 19 Alexandria 1.83 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 20 Alexandria 2.53 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 21 Alexandria 1.71 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 22 Alexandria 1.53 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6391 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Memphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΜΦΙ, L ΙΑ Apis bull standing, right, wearing (sun disk and) menat necklace; Egyptian altar in front 23 Alexandria 2.55 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6393 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Letopolite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΛΗΤΟΠ, L ΙΑ ichneumon, right 11 Alexandria 1.9 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6394 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Gynaicopolite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΓΥΝΑΙΚ, L ΙΑ Hathor/Aphrodite standing, left, holding ram standing, left, in right hand, and left arm lowered 7 Alexandria 5.25 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6397 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹωΠΕΙΤΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L ΙΒ young Harsomtous standing, facing, head left, wearing sun disk upon ram horns, raising right hand to mouth, lowered left hand DS11096 (pl. 309) is probably to be attributed to the Heracleopolite nome. 3 Alexandria 20.24 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6399 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right drapery on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹω, L ΙΑ young Harsomtous/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing nemes and hem-hem crown, raising right hand to mouth, holding club (sometimes with a hawk at the top) in left hand 23 Alexandria 4.04 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6399 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right drapery on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹω, L ΙΑ young Harsomtous/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing nemes and hem-hem crown, raising right hand to mouth, holding club (sometimes with a hawk at the top) in left hand 24 Alexandria 5.36 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6399 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right drapery on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹω, L ΙΑ young Harsomtous/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing nemes and hem-hem crown, raising right hand to mouth, holding club (sometimes with a hawk at the top) in left hand 25 Alexandria 4.45 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6399 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right drapery on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹω, L ΙΑ young Harsomtous/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing nemes and hem-hem crown, raising right hand to mouth, holding club (sometimes with a hawk at the top) in left hand 26 Alexandria 4.27 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6399 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right drapery on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹω, L ΙΑ young Harsomtous/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing nemes and hem-hem crown, raising right hand to mouth, holding club (sometimes with a hawk at the top) in left hand 27 Alexandria 5.53 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6400 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹω (or -Ο), L ΙΑ club with a hawk, standing, right, at the top 12 Alexandria 1.8 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6400 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Prosopite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΠΡΟϹω (or -Ο), L ΙΑ club with a hawk, standing, right, at the top 13 Alexandria 1.48 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6401 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Onuphite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΟΝΟΥΦΙ, L ΙΑ Neith (?) standing, facing, head left, wearing the crown of Lower Egypt, holding crocodile wearing sun disk, left, in right hand, and left arm lowered 10 Alexandria 4.72 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6412 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Saite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ΑΡΙ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ ΠΑΡ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ϹΑΕΙΤΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L Κ Neith/Athena standing, left, wearing helmet and aegis, holding spear in left hand, right hand resting on shield E. Dutilh (RBN 59, 1903, p. 19), cited a similar coin bought in the Behera by R. P. Iacinthe de Cellano, director of the Collège de Terre-Sainte in Aleppo (Syria). 5 Alexandria 23.73 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6414 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Saite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΑΙΤΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L Ζ Neith/Athena standing, left, wearing helmet and aegis, holding spear in left hand, ears of corn in right hand; shield resting on the spear 2 Alexandria 17.44 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6417 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Saite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΑΙΤ, L ΙΑ Neith/Athena standing, left, wearing helmet and aegis, holding spear in left hand, owl, left, in right hand 15 Alexandria 4.64 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6417 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Saite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΑΙΤ, L ΙΑ Neith/Athena standing, left, wearing helmet and aegis, holding spear in left hand, owl, left, in right hand 16 Alexandria 5.46 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6417 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Saite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΑΙΤ, L ΙΑ Neith/Athena standing, left, wearing helmet and aegis, holding spear in left hand, owl, left, in right hand 17 Alexandria 5.23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6417 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Saite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΑΙΤ, L ΙΑ Neith/Athena standing, left, wearing helmet and aegis, holding spear in left hand, owl, left, in right hand 18 Alexandria 4.38 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6420 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Phthemphuti (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΦΘΕΜΦ, L ΙΑ Isis standing, right, head left, wearing basileion, right arm lowered, holding in left hand young Harpocrates/Heracles nude, sitting on a lotus flower, right, right hand to the mouth, club on left shoulder 12 Alexandria 5.44 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6421 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Phthemphuti (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΦΘΕΜΦ, L ΙΑ young Harpocrates/Heracles nude, sitting on a lotus flower, left, right hand to the mouth, club on left shoulder The reverse inscription of coins 4, 5, and 8-10 was originally the five letters ΦΘΕΝΕ. This legend was probably used erroneously with the type of Harpocrates on the lotus, which determined coins of the nome Phthemphuti. The engraver recut two letters 9 Alexandria 1.54 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6424 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Cabasite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΚΑΒΑϹΙ, L ΙΑ Horus/Harpocrates standing facing, head left, half naked, wearing pschent, holding long sceptre in left hand, hawk wearing pschent, left, in right hand O1237e is a coin of Diopolites Inferior. L ΙΕ corrected to L ΙΑ 10 Alexandria 4.45 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6425 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Cabasite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (13 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΚΑΒΑϹΙ, L ΙΑ hawk wearing pschent, left 5 Alexandria 1.88 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6430 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Xoite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (35 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΞΟΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΓ bearded Amon-Ra standing, facing, head left, wearing hem-hem upon ram horns, holding long sceptre in left hand, and ram, right, in right hand; around him, two basis with garlands, ram standing on both 3 Alexandria 25.74 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6433 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Xoite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear ΞΟΙΤΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L ΙΕ Mout standing, facing, head left, wearing crown with feathers, holding small sceptre in left hand, and ram, right, in right hand; ram, left, at her feet in left field 3 Alexandria 22.42 1 4979 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6435 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Xoite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΞΟΙΤ, L ΙΑ Khonsou-Harakhte/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing pschent, holding club in left hand, and ram, left, in right hand 20 Alexandria 4.93 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6435 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Xoite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΞΟΙΤ, L ΙΑ Khonsou-Harakhte/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing pschent, holding club in left hand, and ram, left, in right hand 21 Alexandria 4.83 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6435 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Xoite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΞΟΙΤ, L ΙΑ Khonsou-Harakhte/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing pschent, holding club in left hand, and ram, left, in right hand 22 Alexandria 4.53 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6435 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Xoite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΞΟΙΤ, L ΙΑ Khonsou-Harakhte/Heracles standing, facing, head left, wearing pschent, holding club in left hand, and ram, left, in right hand 23 Alexandria 3.86 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6438 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Phthenote (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΦΘΕΝΕΘΥ, L ΙΑ young Horus standing, facing, head left, holding one hawk, left in left hand, and another hawk, right, in right hand 10 Alexandria 5.68 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6439 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Phthenote (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΦΘΕΝΕ, L ΙΑ two hawks confronted, wearing pschent 11 added 3.11.16 8 Alexandria 2.33 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6439 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Phthenote (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΦΘΕΝΕ, L ΙΑ two hawks confronted, wearing pschent 11 added 3.11.16 9 Alexandria 2.12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6440 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Metelite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (20 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΤΗΛΙ, L ΙΑ Isis standing, facing, head left, wearing basileion, holding ears of corn in right hand, hawk, right, in left hand 6 Alexandria 5.5 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6441 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Metelite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΤΗΛΙ, L ΙΑ hawk, wearing pschent, right 12 Alexandria 1.99 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6446 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Menelaite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΜΕΝΕΛΑΕΙΤΗϹ, L ΙΕ Harpocrates with lower body of a crocodile, standing left on a base decorated with garlands, wearing pschent, right hand to mouth, left arm holding cornucopia 11 Alexandria 18.15 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6448 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Menelaite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (15 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΝΕΛΑΙ, L ΙΑ Harpocrates with lower body of a crocodile, standing, left, wearing pschent, right hand to mouth, left arm holding cornucopia 11 Alexandria 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6449 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Mareote (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (34 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΜΑΡΕωΤΗϹ, L ΙΓ Amon-Ra, standing, left, wearing sun disk, holding long sceptre in left hand, ram wearing sun disk, right, in right hand; (ram wearing sun disk, left, at his feet in left field) 4 added 27.12.16 (no ram) 1 Alexandria 17.71 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6452 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Libya (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (20 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΛΙΒΥΗ, L ΙΑ Amon-Ra, standing facing, head left, holding ram, right, in left hand, crocodile (?), left, in right hand 5 Alexandria 5.01 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6455 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Alexandreon Chora (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΑΛΕΞ Χ, L ΙΑ Horus, standing, left, wearing military dress, holding spear in right hand, hippopotamus, right, in left hand 16 Alexandria 4.96 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6455 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Alexandreon Chora (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΑΛΕΞ Χ, L ΙΑ Horus, standing, left, wearing military dress, holding spear in right hand, hippopotamus, right, in left hand 17 Alexandria 5.26 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6457 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Ammoniake (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (33 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΑΜΜΟΝΙ[ΑΚ]ΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L ΙΒ Amon/Zeus, standing, right, half naked, holding long sceptre in right hand, ram, left, in left hand 3 Alexandria 21.35 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6460 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Busirite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (20 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΒΟΥϹΙ, L ΙΑ Osiris, standing facing, head left, wearing Anedjti-crown, holding goat, left, in right hand, uraeus, right, in left hand 18 Alexandria 5.21 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6460 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Busirite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (20 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΒΟΥϹΙ, L ΙΑ Osiris, standing facing, head left, wearing Anedjti-crown, holding goat, left, in right hand, uraeus, right, in left hand 19 Alexandria 4.78 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6466 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Athribite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΘΡΙΒ, L ΙΑ Chuit-Hathor standing, left, holding hawk, wearing pschent, left, in right hand, left arm lowered 25 Alexandria 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6466 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Athribite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΘΡΙΒ, L ΙΑ Chuit-Hathor standing, left, holding hawk, wearing pschent, left, in right hand, left arm lowered 26 Alexandria 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6466 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Athribite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate and draped bust of Hadrian, right ΑΘΡΙΒ, L ΙΑ Chuit-Hathor standing, left, holding hawk, wearing pschent, left, in right hand, left arm lowered 27 Alexandria 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6470 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Leontopolite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΛΕΟΝΤ, L ΙΑ Horus-Mahes standing, facing, head right, wearing military dress, holding spear in right hand, and lion, right, in left hand 26 Alexandria Leu WA 26, 8 July 2023, lot 2968 = ETB coll. 5.82 20.3 12 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6471 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Leontopolite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΛΕΟΝΤ, L ΙΑ lion, right 12 Alexandria 1.26 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6476 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Sebennyte superior (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (37 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder [ϹΕ]ΒΕΝΝΥΤΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L ΙΔ Onuris-Shu standing, left, wearing military dress and helmet, holding spear in right hand, and parazonium in left hand; oryx, left, at his feet in left field 2 Alexandria 28.37 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6482 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Sebennyte superior (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΕΒΕ, L ΙΑ Onuris-Shu standing, left, wearing military dress and helmet, holding spear in right hand, and parazonium in left hand; oryx, left, at his feet in left field 12 Alexandria 4.85 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6482 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Sebennyte superior (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΕΒΕ, L ΙΑ Onuris-Shu standing, left, wearing military dress and helmet, holding spear in right hand, and parazonium in left hand; oryx, left, at his feet in left field 13 Alexandria 4.7 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6489 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Sethroite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (35 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear ϹΕΘΡωΙΤΗϹ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L ΙΒ young Horus of Mesen standing, left, wearing pschent and military dress, holding spear in right hand, and left hand lifting chlamys; lion, left, at his feet in left field 4 Alexandria 23.78 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6493 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Sethroite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ϹΕΘΡω, L ΙΑ hieracocephalic Horus of Mesen, standing, left, wearing pschent and military dress, holding spear surmounted by hawk, left, in right hand, left hand lifting chlamys 5 Alexandria 5.34 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6499 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Mendesios (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΝΔ, L ΙΑ Ba-neb-djedet/Mendes standing, left, wearing atef crown, and sun disk between two uraei upon ram horns, holding ram, left, in right hand, left hand lifting chlamys 19 Alexandria 5.25 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6500 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Mendesios (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΜΕΝΔ, L ΙΑ draped bust of bearded Ba-neb-djedet/Mendes, right, wearing atef crown, and sun disk between two uraei upon ram horns 10 Alexandria 5.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6510 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Bubastite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΒΟΥΒΑϹ, L ΙΑ Bastet/Bubastis standing, left, holding cat, right, in right hand, left hand lowered The Trajanic coin D6217 (rev. illus.), attributed by Dattari to the Bubastite nome, is not a 'nome coin'. It may now be found in DS as D7065 (pl. 42), in the general series of Alexandria (=4975/1). It does not appear, rightly, on pl. 296 with the nome coins. On this same plate 296, a Trajanic drachm, “n. d.”, is attributed to the Bubastite. Only two letters at the end of the legend are legible (]HC), which indicate probably a 'nome coin'. But the type, as noticed by Geissen & Weber (ZPE 160, 2007, p. 290 n. 96 and fig. 22 p. 299), is rather different from the one used on Hadrian’s obols for the Bubastite nome. The attribution of the coin remains unclear. 15 Alexandria 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6510 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Bubastite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΒΟΥΒΑϹ, L ΙΑ Bastet/Bubastis standing, left, holding cat, right, in right hand, left hand lowered The Trajanic coin D6217 (rev. illus.), attributed by Dattari to the Bubastite nome, is not a 'nome coin'. It may now be found in DS as D7065 (pl. 42), in the general series of Alexandria (=4975/1). It does not appear, rightly, on pl. 296 with the nome coins. On this same plate 296, a Trajanic drachm, “n. d.”, is attributed to the Bubastite. Only two letters at the end of the legend are legible (]HC), which indicate probably a 'nome coin'. But the type, as noticed by Geissen & Weber (ZPE 160, 2007, p. 290 n. 96 and fig. 22 p. 299), is rather different from the one used on Hadrian’s obols for the Bubastite nome. The attribution of the coin remains unclear. 16 Alexandria 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6511 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Bubastite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΒΟΥΒΑϹ, L ΙΑ cat, right 8 Alexandria 1.65 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6511 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Bubastite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (14 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΒΟΥΒΑϹ, L ΙΑ cat, right 9 Alexandria 2.1 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6514 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Tanite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΤΑΝΙ, L ΙΑ Horus of Mesen, standing, facing, head left, wearing pschent and military dress, holding spear in left hand, hawk, wearing pschent, left, in right hand 17 Alexandria 4.64 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6514 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Tanite (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΤΑΝΙ, L ΙΑ Horus of Mesen, standing, facing, head left, wearing pschent and military dress, holding spear in left hand, hawk, wearing pschent, left, in right hand 18 Alexandria 4.52 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6519 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Arabia (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (35 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, draped and cuirassed, seen from rear ΑΡΑΒΙΑ, L ΙΓ Isis(-Hathor)-Chensit, standing, facing, head right, wearing crown with two feathers and an uraeus, peplos knotted under breast, holding hawk wearing pschent, right, in left hand, right hand lowered 2 Alexandria 21.56 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6520 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Arabia (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΑΡΑΒΙΑ, L ΙΑ Isis(-Hathor)-Chensit, standing, facing, head right, wearing crown with two feathers and an uraeus, peplos knotted under breast, sceptre oukh (?) in left hand, right hand lowered 13 Alexandria 4.93 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6529 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Pelusion (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (35 mm) Trajan ΑΥΤ ΤΡΑΙΑΝ ϹΕΒ ΓΕΡΜ ΔΑΚΙΚ laureate bust of Trajan, right, nude and with aegis on left shoulder ΠΗΛΟΥϹΙΟΥ ΝΟΜΟϹ, L ΙΒ young Horus of Mount Kasion/Zeus Kasios, standing, left, wearing hem-hem crown, half naked, holding sceptre in left hand, pomegranate in right hand; before him, orant child (Pelousios ?), right 5 Alexandria 18.43 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6532 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Pelusion (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΠΗΛΟΥ, L ΙΑ head of young Horus of Mount Kasion/Zeus Kasios, wearing taenia and hem-hem crown, right 28 Alexandria 3.62 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6532 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Pelusion (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΠΗΛΟΥ, L ΙΑ head of young Horus of Mount Kasion/Zeus Kasios, wearing taenia and hem-hem crown, right 29 Alexandria 4.23 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6532 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Pelusion (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (19 mm) Hadrian ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΤΡΑΙ ΑΔΡΙΑ ϹΕΒ laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΠΗΛΟΥ, L ΙΑ head of young Horus of Mount Kasion/Zeus Kasios, wearing taenia and hem-hem crown, right 30 Alexandria 5.06 1 no no no [show] [edit]
III 6533 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Pelusion (nome of Lower Egypt) Æ (13 mm) Hadrian laureate head of Hadrian, right, drapery on left shoulder ΠΗΛΟΥ, L ΙΑ pomegranate 22 Alexandria 1.49 1 no no no [show] [edit]
V.3 6066 Egypt Egypt Alexandria Year 11 AD 202/3 Tetradrachm Plautilla ΦΟΥΛΟΥΙΑ ΠΛΑΥΤΙΛΛΑ ϹΕΒ draped bust of Plautilla, right L - ΙΑ Nike advancing right holding wreath and palm Emmett 2786A 1 Alexandria E. Dutilh, Historique des Collections Numimatiques du Musée Gréco-Romain d'Alexandrie, JIAN 3, 31 No. 2352: 'Plautille, L ΙΑ ... La Victoire, a droite, tenant une couronne et une palme' (not illustrated). 1 no no no [show] [edit]