Province Cilicia
City Tarsus 
Region Cilicia
Reign Uncertain
Obverse inscription ΑΔΡΙΑΝΗϹ ΤΑΡϹΟΥ
Obverse design Zeus seated, left, holding Nike and resting on sceptre
Reverse inscription ΤΥΧΗ ΜΗΤΡΟΠΟΛΕΩϹ
Reverse design Tyche of the City, turreted and veiled, seated, right, on seat decorated with foreleg and wing of sphinx, holding ears of corn and poppy-head; at her feet, river god Kydnos, crowned with sedge, swimming, right

Coin no. 9 of RPC III, 3299


Museum Berlin, Staatliche Museen (Germany)
Inventory no. 18310758, 1928 Bernhard-Imhoof
Diameter 28
Weight 9.01
Axis 11
External URI