Abbreviation | Bibliography | More |
AA | Archäologischer Anzeiger | Show |
Abdy 2012 | R. Abdy, ‘The Severans’, in Metcalf 2012, pp. 499–513 | Show |
ABSA | Annual of the British School at Athens | Show |
Adra | K. Adra, Le monnayage de Laodicée-sur-Mer dans l’Antiquité (IIIe siècle av. J.-C.—IIIe siècle ap. J.-C.). Étude historique et monétaire (unpublished thesis, Paris, University of Sorbonne, 2010) | Show |
AE | L’Année épigraphique (Paris, 1888–) | Show |
AgM | F. Imhoof-Blumer, ‘Antike griechische Münzen’, RSN 19 (1913), pp. 5–134 | Show |
Aiello | Private collection, USA; duplicates sold by Alex Malloy XIV (1979). | Show |
AIIN | Annali dell'Istituto Italiano di Numismatica | Show |
AJA | American Journal of Archaeology | Show |
AJN | American Journal of Numismatics | Show |
Akarca | A. Akarca, Les monnaies grecques de Mylasa (Paris, 1959) | Show |
Akarca & Akarca 1954 | A. Akarca and T. Akarca, Milâs (Istanbul, 1954) | Show |
Akyay, Hecht Hoard | Y. Akyay, ‘Coins of the city of Perge in the “Hecht Hoard”’, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri yıllığı (Annual of the Archaeological Museums of Istanbul) 13–14 (1966), pp. 246–86 | Show |
Al-Mahjub 1978–9 | O. Al-Mahjub, ‘I mosaici della villa Romana di Selin’, Libya Antiqua 15–16 (1978–9), pp. 69–74 | Show |
Alston 1999 | R. Alston, ‘The revolt of the Boukoloi: geography, history and myth’, in K. Hopwood (ed.), Organised Crime in Antiquity, 1999, pp. 129–53 | Show |
Altınoluk | S. Altınoluk, Hypaipa. A Lydian City during the Roman Imperial Period (Istanbul, 2013) | Show |
Amandry | M. Amandry, Le Monnayage des Duovirs Corinthiens (Athens and Paris, BCH Supp. XV, 1988) | Show |
Amandry 1998 | M. Amandry, ‘Le monnayage de la Res Publica Coloniae Philippensium’, in U. Peter (ed.), Stephanos nomismatikos. Edith Schönert-Geiss zum 65 Geburtstag (Berlin, 1998), pp. 23-31 | Show |
Amandry 2005 | M. Amandry, ‘La diffusion des bronzes et billons alexandrins dans le monde romain', in Duyrat and Picard 2005, pp. 285–97 | Show |
Amandry 2015 | M. Amandry, ‘Le Monnayage de la Res Publica Coloniae Philippensium: Nouvelles Données’, in P. G. van Alfen, G. Bransbourg and M. Amandry, Fides. Contributions to Numismatics in Honor of Richard B. Witschonke (New York, 2015), pp. 495-507 | Show |
Amandry et al., Gangra | M. Amandry, L. Bricault, F. Delrieux, ‘Sur de nouvelles monnaies de Gangra-Germanicopolis’, NAC 47 (2018), pp. 213–234. | Show |
Amandry, BSNAF 2012 | M. Amandry, ‘Un nouvel atelier impérial de Claude Ier?’, BSNAF 2012, pp. 89–92 | Show |
Amandry, Ilium | M. Amandry, ‘De quelques monnaies frappées à Ilium au nom de Commode César’, in M. Asolati, B. Callegher, Bruno and A. Saccocci (eds), Suadente Nummo Vetere. Studi in Onore di Giovanni Gorini (Padua, 2016), 211–15 | Show |
Amandry, Sattai | M. Amandry, 'Le monnayage émis à Saittai de Lydie sous Septime Sévère' in SAGVNTVM, Papeles del Laboratorio de Arqueología 49 (2017), pp. 170–83 | Show |
Amandry, Tokat | M. Amandry, B. Rémy, and B. Özcan, ‘La circulation monétaire dans le Pont à travers les collections numismatiques du Musée de Tokat’, in M. Amandry and G. LeRider (eds), Trésors et circulation monétaire en Anatolie antique (Paris, 1994), pp. 119–30 | Show |
Amandry-Rémy | M. Amandry and B. Rémy, Pontica II. Les monnaies de l'atelier de Sebastopolis du Pont (Istanbul and Paris, 1998) | Show |
Amandry-Rémy, Comana | M. Amandry and B. Rémy, Comana du Pont sous l'Empire romain. Etude historique et corpus monétaire (Milan, 1999) | Show |
AMC | C.H.V. Sutherland and C.M. Kraay, Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire in the Ashmolean Museum: Augustus, c. 31 BC–AD 14 (Oxford, 1975) | Show |
Amiro 2022 | F. Amiro, ‘New methods for differentiating imperial Dupondii and Asses’, AJN 34 (2022), pp. 89–132 | Show |
AMNG | F. Imhoof-Blumer (ed.), Die antiken Münzen Nord-Griechenlands (Berlin, 1898–1935) | Show |
AN | Acta Numismàtica | Show |
Anatolia | S. Mitchell, Anatolia I-II (Oxford, 1993) | Show |
AncSoc | Ancient Society | Show |
Ando 2000 | C. Ando, Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, 2000 | Show |
Andreau 2005 | J. Andreau, ‘Le système monétaire partiellement « fermé » de l’Égypte romaine’, in Duyrat and Picard 2005, pp. 329–38 | Show |
ANMED | News of Archaeology from Anatolia's Mediterranean Areas | Show |
Anokhin | V.A. Anokhin, Монетное дело Боспора (Kiev, 1986) | Show |
Anokhin, Chersonesus | V.A. Anokhin, The Coinage of Chersonesus (Oxford, 1980) | Show |
Anokhin, Severnogo | V.A. Anokhin, Monety antichnykh gorodov Severo-Zapadnogo Prichernomorʹi͡a (Kiev, 1989) | Show |
Anokhin² | V.A. Anokhin, Античные монеты Северного Причерноморья (Kiev, 2011) | Show |
ANRW | Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (Berlin and New York) | Show |
ANSMN | American Numismatic Society Museum Notes (New York) | Show |
Antalya Proceedings I | K. Dörtlük, O. Tekin, and R. Boyraz Seyhan (eds), First International Congress of the Anatolian Monetary History and Numismatics. 25–28 February 2013, Antalya. Proceedings (Istanbul, 2014) | Show |
Antalya Proceedings II | O. Tekin (ed.), Second International Congress on the History of Money and Numismatics in the Mediterranean World, 5–8 January 2017, Antalya. Proceedings (Istanbul, 2018) | Show |
AnzWien | Anzeiger der (Österreichischen) Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, Philosophisch-historische Klasse | Show |
Aphrodisias | D. MacDonald, Greek and Roman Coins from Aphrodisias (Oxford, 1976) | Show |
APT | M. Grant, Aspects of the Principate of Tiberius (New York, 1950) | Show |
ArchDelt | Archaiologikon Deltion | Show |
Archontidou-Argyri/Labarre | A. Archontidou-Argyri and G. Labarre, ‘Un trésor d’ époque impériale à Mytilène’, RN 1996, pp. 119–40 | Show |
Ariel & Bijovsky, Sepphoris | D. T. Ariel, G. Bijovsky, 'The numismatic evidence and the history of Sepphoris', in E.M. Meyers, C.M. Meyers & B.J. Gordon (eds), The Architecture, Stratigraphy, and Artifacts of the Western Summit of Sepphoris, vol. 2, University Park, PA, 2018, pp. 485-587 | Show |